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для студентов учебник английский язык.doc
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  1. Michelle L. Casto Keep learning? Keep earning!// Next Step Magazine. 26 августа 2003. Retrieved from


  1. Lancaster University Undergraduate Prospectus Entry 2005/2008

  2. Ann Cameron. Time management.// Retrieved from http://www.d.umn.edu/kmc/student/loon/acad/strat/time_manage.html

  3. Helen Joyce Interview: Maths student.//Plus magazine. Retrieved from http://plus.maths.org/issue28/interview/index.html

  4. Larry Gedney Unexpected scientific discoveries are often the most important// Alaska Science Forum. 4 ноября 1985. Retrieved from http://www.gi.alaska.edu/ScienceForum/ASF7/741.html

  5. Environmental Hazards of the Computer Revolution//Scotland on Sunday. Essential Articles 3, Carel Press, Carlisle 1993

  6. How E-Waste Recycling Works.// Iowa DNR Waste Management. Retrieved from http://www.iowadnr.com/waste/recycling/works.html

  7. R. Duran Recycling old computers?// Business Xpansion Journal 2000

  8. Janet Murray Contemporary Literacy: Essential Skills for the 21st Century// MultiMedia & Internet Schools. Март-апрель 2003. Vol. 10 №. 2. Retrieved from http://www.infotoday. com/MMSchools /mar03/murray.shtml

  9. Jennifer Light Invented Edens: Techno-Cities of the Twentieth Century// Technology and Culture. Апрель 2009. Vol. 50. № 2.

  10. Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Marcel Weber, and Eric Oberheim Science for the Twenty-First Century: A New Commitment// World Conference on Science UNESCO – ICSU. 1 июля 1999. Retrieved from http://www.eolss.net/21st_a.aspx

  11. Celester Biever Robot Army Will Think For Itself// NewScientist. Май 2005. № 2500. Retrieved from http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg18625007.200-the-robot-army-that-thinks-for-itself.html

  12. Michael D. Lemonick And Will They Go Inside Us?// TIME CNN. 8 ноября 1999. Retrieved from http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,992519,00.html

  13. Grand Rosenberg The New Breed// 1995 Retrieved from http://en.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/The_New_Breed_%28episode%29

  14. Part-time Jobs vs. Holiday Jobs// Retrieved from e4s:co uk http://www.E4s.Co.Uk/docs/part-time-jobs.Htm

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  1. ABBYY Lingvo 9.0 Электронный словарь. ABBY Software 2003

  2. Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms © Cambridge University Press 1998

  3. K.V.Krasnov English Russian Dictionary of “False Friends”// Retrieved from http://www.falsefriends.ru/smalllist.htm

  4. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 7th edition, Oxford University Press, 2005

  5. Longman Language Activator, New edition, Pearson Education Limited, 2002

Internet recourses

  1. Dr. William Martin Education Quotes & Links http://drwilliampmartin.tripod.com/bigedlist.htm

  2. Utah State University http://www.usu.edu/

  3. Middle Tennessee University James E. Walker Library http://library.mtsu.edu/help/terms.php

  4. A Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/databank/

  5. Academy of Achievement: Science and Exploration http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/halls/sci

  6. Careers in Life Science. APS Education Online http://www.the-aps.org/education/k-12misc/careers.htm

  7. Learning Styles. LPride.net. http://www.ldpride.net/learningstyles.MI.htm

  8. Mathematics Archives http://archives.math.utk.edu/ topics/history.html

  9. MSN Encarta: Science Articles Enthyclopedia http://encarta.msn.com/ artcenter_0/Encyclopedia_Articles.html#tcsel

  10. Multiple Intelligence Inventory// Learning Disabilities Resource Community http://www.ldrc.ca/projects/miinventory/ miinventory.php

  11. My century Homepage http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/ people/features/mycentury/transcript/wk37d2.shtml

  12. New Scientist magazine http//www.newscientist.com

  13. New Town High School: Science. http://www.newtown.tased.edu.au/resources/disciplines/science.htm

  14. Science Channel: The Big 100 http://science.discovery.com/convergence/ 100discoveries/big100/big100.html

  15. The Franklin Institute Resources for Science Learning. http://www.fi.edu/tfi/hotlists/physical.html

  16. University of Birmingham http://www.universityofbirmingham.uk

  17. Virtualglobe.org http://www.virtualglobe.org/en/info/env/

  18. Widener University Homepage http://www2.widener.edu/ Wolfgram-Memorial-Library/webevaluation

  19. The HERO: Higher Education and Research Opportunities in the UK http://www.hero.ac.uk/

  20. Careers OnLine http://www.careersonline.com.au/easyway/find/class1.html