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I. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Do you think people will live longer in the future?

  2. Do you believe that one day genetic engineers will be able to correct “gene” mistakes?

  3. Do you like fast food? Is it tasty?

  4. Why is fast food bad for us?

  5. What illnesses does obesity lead to?

  6. Are Europeans getting fatter?

  7. The USA is the world’s leader in obesity, isn’t it?

  8. Do you take regular exercise?

  9. How often do you go for a walk?

  10. Do you spend much time in front of your TV-set?

  11. Why is smoking dangerous?

  12. In some countries tobacco and alcohol advertising has been banned (to ban запрещать). Do you think it’s a good idea?

  13. Is passive smoking dangerous?

  14. Would you like to live a long life?

II. Прочитайте следующие предложения и найдите в тексте, какое утверждение правда, а какое нет:

  1. Scientists say that in the future people will live to 90 or 100 instead of 70 and 75 like today.

  2. Doctors say that chips and pizzas are healthy.

  3. Cola spoils our teeth and coffee shortens our lives.

  4. If we eat too much, we’ll become obese, and obesity leads to heart disease, diabetes and other serious illnesses.

  5. Europe is the world’s leader in obesity and America is quickly catching up.

  6. Lack of exercise is not serious problem.

  7. Research shows that young people who don’t take enough exercise often suffer from heart attacks.

  8. Smoking and drinking can shorten our lives.

  9. For most people smoking and drinking mean disease and even death.

III. Найдите подходящие значение:

Healthy lifestyle гулять, ходить пешком

Human genome тем не менее

To be in a hurry человеческий геном

Home- cooked домашняя еда

To shorten рак легких

Lack of exercise спешить, торопиться

To walk здоровый образ жизни

However страдать

To suffer нехватка физических упражнений

Lung cancer сокращать, укорачивать

IV. Переведите следующие предложения с русского на английский язык:

1. Общеизвестно, что в будущем люди будут жить дольше при помощи улучшенных медикаментов. 2. Мне нравиться быстрое питание, потому что это вкусно. Однако, оно способствует ожирению. 3. Курение вызывает рак легких. 4. Каждое утро я делаю зарядку и хожу на прогулку. 5. Исследования показали, что большинство молодых людей, проводят много времени за компьютером и телевизор.

V. Прочитайте и переведите диалог:

Healthy lifestyle

Teacher: Good morning, my dear students. I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Students: Fine, thanks. And you?

Teacher: I’m fine too. Thank you.

Our topic today is “Healthy lifestyle”. As I see, you look very well: sunburn, strong, healthy. What should we do to keep fit, to be healthy for a long time.

Ann (a student): We should go in for sports.

Teacher: Ok, good. What else?

Dima (a student): Eat healthy meals.

Teacher: What kind of meals? Is it fast food, Dima?

Dima: No, it is not. Actually, fast food, like pizza, hamburger, hot dog, is very tasty, but not healthy.

Teacher: Why, Dima?

Dima: Because, it’s fattening and cause illnesses such as: disease, diabetes and what not.

Teacher: How clever of you, Dima! You are right.

What else shall we do to be healthy?

Olga (a student): Sleep a lot and spend a lot of time outdoors. Today many people prefer to use car and public transport then walk. And it’s very bad.

Teacher: I couldn’t agree more with you, Olga.

And of cause, remember, if you want to live long, you should to be in a good mood, laugh a lot and be on friendly terms with people.