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III. Переведите следующие слова и выражения:

a) To have much in common; to tell a few words about smth; to know all about smth; once; repairman; a long time ago; to have different views on smth; education; hard-working; to keep house; practical; to become.

b) Работать в колледже; любить свою профессию; иметь свободное время; старый; кухонные часы; случаться; почти все; несколько полок; мыть посуду; ходить по магазинам; быть замужем/женатым; мечтать стать космонавтом; учить иностранные языки.

IV. Вставьте пропущенные слова и комбинации:

  1. Alex’s family is________.

  2. Alex’s mother likes her __________.

  3. Alex’s mother is good-looking woman with ___________and_________.

  4. Alex’s father works as __________.

  5. Alex’s father is ________, _______man with fair hair and grey eyes.

  6. When Alex and his father have free time, they __________________together.

  7. ____________have been married for twenty-six years. They are ____________people.

  8. Alex’s grandmother is___________. She is fond of______.

  9. Alex’s sister Helen is married and has______________.

  10. Helen works as _____________.

  11. Helen and her husband have got ______: a daughter and a son.

  12. Alex’s brother Boris is a__________.

  13. Alex likes to learn_________________.

  14. Alex’s family have got a lot of_________. They _____________to each other.

V. Прочитайте и переведите диалог: This Is My Family

John and Helen are friends. They are in John’s room now, looking at the photographs on the wall.

Helen: Oh, John, what a nice photo! Is it your family?

John: Yes, it is. These are my mother and my father.

Helen: And who is this young woman?

John: She is my sister, Ann. She is married. This man is her husband. And these are their son and their daughter.

Helen: So they are your nephew and your niece. And who is that good-looking man? Is he your brother?

John: Oh no. He is my uncle. His name is Peter.

Helen: Is he your mother’s brother?

John: No, is not. Uncle Peter is my father’s brother. And this is his wife, Mary. These are my cousins.

Helen: Are they schoolchildren?

John: No, they are not schoolchildren, they are students.

Helen: The girl is very pretty.

John: Is she? And these are my father’s parents. My grandmother and my grandfather are very kind. They are fond of their children and grandchildren.

Helen: And who is that dull fellow next to your brother-in-law?

John: Why, it’s me.

Helen: Oh, I’m sorry, John.

VI. Напишите сочинение о своей семье.

Упражнения на первичное закрепление

грамматического материала

I. Вставьте необходимую форму глагола to be:

I (…) John. Meet my family. These (…) my parents. This young woman (…) my sister. Her name (…) Ann. That good-looking man (…) my uncle. Peter and Mary’s children (…) not schoolchildren. They (…) students. These (…) my grandmother and grandfather. They (…) very kind. I (…) fond of my grandparents.

II. Вставьте пропущенные притяжательные местоимения:

Hello, I am John’s mother. John is (…) son and Ann is (…) daughter. This is Peter, (…) brother-in-low. (…) wife Mary is (…) sister-in-law. (…) children are students. They are fond of (…) children.

III. Заполните пропуски артиклями a (an), the где это необходимо:

1. Mary’s two children are at … college. … boy is at … medical school, and … girl is at … teacher-training college. 2. “What was … weather like … day before yesterday?” “It was fine. I love … fine weather.” 3. We did our homework, and then played … tennis yesterday. 4. I seldom go to … hospital. I last was in … hospital ten years ago. 5. This is … hospital. It’s … new hospital.