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I. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Are you fond of travelling?

2. Why do people travel?

3. Why do people take a camera with them? What do they usually photograph?

4. What do we see and learn while travelling?

5. Do you agree that travelling broadens our minds?

6. How do different people spend their holidays?

7. What means of travel do you know? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

8. What places have you visited?

9. Have you ever taken a holiday cruise along the Black Sea coast or down the Volga?

10. Some people prefer to travel on their own and hate travelling in a group. What about you?

11. What countries would you like to visit?

12. If someone invited you to spend a week on a desert island, would you agree?

13. Do you believe that one day people will be able to travel in space?

14. Would you like to go to Mars or some other planet?

II. Определите верно ли утверждение. Если нет, то исправьте его:

  1. Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays going for a walk.

  2. People travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities.

  3. It's not always interesting to discover new things, because it’s boring.

  4. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains with nothing to do.

  5. People travel by train, by plane, by boat and by car.

  6. Most travelers and holiday-makers don’t take a camera with them.

  7. The best way to study geography is to travel.

  8. If we are fond of travelling, we don’t see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home.

  9. Those who live in the country don’t like to go to a big city.

III. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Всегда интересно встречать новых людей, пробовать различную пищу. 2. Миллионы людей в свои каникулы путешествуют. 3. Люди, живущие в деревне, любят выезжать в город, чтобы посмотреть достопримечательности. 4. Большинство отдыхающих фотографируют все, что их заинтересовало. 5. Если мы увлечены путешествием, то можем увидеть то, чего никогда не видели у себя. 6. Люди путешествуют, чтобы увидеть другие города, континенты. 7. Люди путешествуют на поезде, самолете, машине и на корабле.

IV. Прочитайте и переведите диалог:

Alex: Hello. What can I do for you?

Andrew: I want to travel to Rome for the summer holidays, and I just want an idea of prices and things.

Alex: Just a minute. What exactly do you want to know?

Andrew: Well, first of all, how much does a flight cost?

Alex: Our cheapest, flight is with Italy, stopping over in Paris. That's 506 pounds.

Andrew: Return?

Alex: Yes, that's return. It's a good price, isn't it?

Andrew: Very good. What about the other airlines?

Alex: With the other airlines, it depends on the time of year. When do you want to travel?

Andrew: I want to fly out at the end of June and come back about the middle of September.

Alex: That's quite an expensive time of year, but if you wait a moment, I'll give you some other prices, just to give you an idea.

Andrew: Thanks.