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III. Переведите следующие предложении:

1. Я учусь в самарском колледже транспорта и коммуникаций. 2. Наш колледж основан в 1964 году. 3. На первом этаже находятся компьютерный класс, спортивный зал и столовая. 4. Я хожу в колледж 5 раз в неделю. 5. Мне нравиться обсуждать различные темы на английском языке. 6. Во время перерыва я хожу в столовую на обед. 7. Уроки начинаются в 8.30 утра. 8. У нас много домашнего задания и на выполнение ее у меня занимает несколько часов. 9. Обычно я прихожу в колледж на 10 минут раньше. 10. Я принимаю участие в драматическом кружке.

IV. Найдите соответствия:

1) to be on good terms with a) несколько часов

2) Samara College of Transport b) любимый предмет

and Communication c) обществознание

3) during the break d) ладить с

4) take part in e) инсценировать диалоги

5) favourite subject f) Самарский Техникум

6) Social Studies Транспорта и Коммуникаций

7) to get along with g) принимать участие

8) to sit up h) быть в хороших отношениях с

9) to dramatize dialogues i) засиживаться

10) several hours l) во время перемены

V. Прочитайте и переведите диалог:

My college

Helen: Hello, my dear friend. How are you? What do you do?

Lara: Hi, Helen. Oh, I’m Ok. Thank you. How is your life? Where do you study?

Helen: Thanks. I’m fine. I study at Samara College of Transport and Communication. Is it interesting for you to find out more about it?

Lara: Yes. I've just left school. Please tell me about your college. When was it established?

Helen: It was established in 1964. My college is one of the oldest specialized colleges in Samara. It's famous for its high-quality education and strict discipline. What do you want to know else?

Lara: Oh, it’s very interesting. And is your college very well-equipped?

Helen: Yes, it is. On the ground floor there's a gym, a canteen, a library and two workshops. On the first floor there's a large assembly hall, a home economics room, a computer class and a language laboratory. On the second floor there are physics, chemistry and biology labs.

Lara: It’s cool. What is your favourite subject and why?

Helen: My favourite subject is English, because I like to learn new words, to dramatize texts and dialogues.

Lara: So do I. And what you don’t like at college?

Helen: I am not very good at Chemistry. I always fail to learn formulas and terms. Maybe our Chemistry teacher is too serious, too academic. But I can say you that our social and cultural life is well-organized.

Lara: Really? What have you got there?

Helen: We have an orchestra, a choir, an arts club, an International Friendship Club. Lara, sorry. I’m too busy. I must go. I was glad to see you. Good bye.

Lara: Thank you for the information. Bye. See you later.