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    1. 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words and word-combinations.

    2. a)

1. Investing means committing capital with the expectation of making …

a) business;

b) profit;

c) accounts;

d) stocks.

2. The financial manager traces … from investors to the firm and back to investors again

a) real estate;

b) shares;

c) the flow of cash;

d) bonds.

3. Financial manager must know how … investments in countries with different currencies, interest rates, inflation rates and tax systems.

a) to sell;

b) to borrow;

c) to purchase;

d) to evaluate.

4. …, who prepares the financial statements, manages the firm’s internal accounting and looks after its tax obligations.

a) a treasure;

b) a controller;

c) a stockholder;

d) a manager.

5. … is one that cannot be shifted from the person upon whom it is levied to somebody else, for example the property tax.

a) a direct tax;

b) an indirect tax;

c) the sale tax;

d) benefit.

6. In commercial practice … is restricted to the amount of money payable for goods, services and securities.

a) price;

b) value;

c) decrease;

d) increase.

    1. b)

1. Total … is the increase in value of an investment over time, usually a year.

a) decrease;

b) return;

c) yield;

d) liquidity.

2. If the firm does well, the real assets generate cash inflows which more than repay the initial …

a) investment;

b) financial assets;

c) bonds;

d) share.

3. The fundamental financial objective of the firm is … the value of the cash invested by the stockholders.

a) to give;

b) to reduce;

c) to maximize;

d) to obtain.

4. The … is responsible for looking after the firm’s cash, raising new capital and maintaining relationships with banks, stockholders, etc.

a) controller;

b) investor;

c) director;

d) treasurer.

5. … is levied not on the individual, but on goods which the individual purchases.

a) a direct tax;

b) an indirect tax;

c) the income tax;

d) a compulsory charge.

6. … is the price for temporary use of somebody else’s money.

a) value;

b) increase;

c) interest rate;

d) output.

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