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Учебное пособие (2 курс).docx
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Модальный глагол must

1. Временные формы




You must do this work.

Ты должен сделать эту работу.

I have to do this work.

Я вынуждена сделать эту работу.

I had to do this work.

Я была вынуждена сде-лать эту работу.

I’ll have to do this work. Я буду вынуждена сде-лать эту работу.


  1. После модального глагола must используется инфинитив без частицы to.

  2. To have to – эквивалент модального глагола must.

2. Употребление



1. Выражает необходимость, обязательность совершения действия:

He must do this work in time.

Он должен сделать эту работу в срок.

Отсутствие необходимости в совершении действия выражается с помощью need not:

Must I go there?

Yes, you must.

No, you needn’t.

2. Выражает команду, настоятельную просьбу или запрет:

You must leave the room at once.

Ты должен сейчас же выйти из комнаты.

3. Выражает предположение или вероятность:

He must be waiting for us.

Он, должно быть (наверняка), ждет нас.

Модальные глаголы should и ought to



1. Выражает моральный долг:

He ought to behave well.

He should behave well.

Он должен вести себя хорошо.

2. Выражает совет (чаще используется should):

You should be careful.

Вам следует быть осторожным.

3. Выражает упрек:

You should have done this work.

Тебе следовало бы сделать эту работу.




Используется для выражения договора или соглашения (часть плана):

We were to meet after the lecture.

Мы должны были встретиться после лекции.

You are to present this paper at the end of the term.

Вы должны представить доклад в конце семестра.


1. a) Refer the following sentences to the past.

Pattern: He can install this equipment.

He could install this equipment.

He was able to install this equipment.

1. She can translate this English article. 2. He can’t finish this work in time. 3. Can they compile programs? 4. Nobody can do it better.

b) Refer the following sentences to the future.

Pattern: He can install this equipment.

He will be able to install this equipment.

1. He can take part in the competition. 2. They can make a good report. 3. I can’t buy this book. 4. Can you understand it?

2. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Numbers can be multiplied in any order. 2. Fractions cannot be added if they have no common denominator. 3. Will you be able to solve this problem? 4. They could have taken their examination yesterday. 5. Computers are able to store information in binary patterns. 6. We shall be able to examine this apparatus tomorrow. 7. You could have asked him to help you in your calculations. 8. Can it be true? 9. Can he know programming well? 10. He can’t have read this book very quickly. 11. Can she still be speaking to the dean? 12. Can he have succeeded in solving all the problems? 13. Lines of text can be rearranged on the screen or sent to the printer. 14. Can you install this device?

3. a) Refer the following sentences to the past.

Pattern: He may be present at the meeting.

He might be present at the meeting.

He was allowed to be present at the meeting.

1. He may use my computer. 2. You may go for a walk. 3. We may put off the meeting till tomorrow. 4. You may come in.

b) Refer the following sentences to the future.

Pattern: He may be present at the meeting.

He will be allowed to be present at the meeting.

1. He may speak to her. 2. I may join them. 3. I may rewrite my test. 4. He may delay the meeting with his advisor.