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X. Змістовий модуль „Вирішення питань професійного та академічного характеру”

Практичне заняття № 1

Тема: Стан та перспективи розвитку галузі.( 2 год)

  1. Читання, переклад та переказ тексту. Виконання після текстових вправ.

Read the texts and compare the information in section 1 and section 2.


On the one hand...,

Science fiction films and books are full of robots that look, and even think, exactly like humans. Some people believe it will not be long before such machines become a reality. However, most advanced electronic machines still look like people. These machines cannot yet think in the same way as a person; some say they never will. But they are able to make decisions and solve problems. An airliners automatic pilot, for example, can control the plane, even during take-off and landing.

Computers issue detailed instructions in order to control the way robots act. The simplest robots just follow a set of instructions and repeat the same movements again and again! Many factories rely on such robots to carry out the sort tasks that a human worker would certainly find very boring and they can do many jobs more rapidly and with great accuracy. Very advanced robots have sensors with which they can collect information about their surroundings. These robots can move from place to place, using very small television cameras to find the way. Many scientists are convinced that robots will soon be intelligent enough to explore other planets more effectively than humans.

Science fiction —научная фантастика; take off—взлет; landing—посадка; accuracy — точность; sensor — чувствительный элемент, датчик; humans — люди

On the other hand...

Robots are already able to do all sorts of repetitive tasks currently performed by human beings. But the effective control remains with the human brain. No computer has yet been invented which can cope with the details of human language, And the idea of an artificial intelligence with a sense of humour and a conscience still seems a faraway dream. If, however, people believe in the faith of scientists working in the field of artificial intelligence, they will have to suspect that dreams just can become reality.

cope with— справиться; artificial intelligence — искусственный разум; conscience —совесть; sense of humour —чувство юмора

  1. What is computer hacking?

  2. Why do the hackers do what they do?

  3. Are the companies taking the problem seriously?

Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням: текст “ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN UKRAINE ”.

The protection of nature has become one of the most actual problems of the 20 century. The Earth provides people with mineral resources, rivers, forests, fields — everything that makes the foundation of industrial and agricultural production. The development of industry had a bad influence on the nature of the whole world. People often do the things which pollute lands and waters greatly. It is very dangerous because it hurts the health of the people and provokes different diseases. High rates of occupational diseases are documented mostly among the coal miners. Many heavy-metal and chemical-exposure-related incidents and ill­nesses have been reported in industrialized areas, mainly in Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Lugansk.

The intensive development of industry results in air pollution. High concentrations of pollutants in ambient air, including dust oxides of nitrogen are documented in considerably higher concentrations than in previous years. Metallurgical plants in a number of cities account for most of their total air pollutants. The appearance of supersonic jet airliners has presented many problems too. These airliners use up tons of oxygen and throw out over 150,000 tons of water vapour into stratosphere every day.

The living resources of the sea are also coming to an end. We have failed to protect our seas and lakes which are dying because of reducing their raw materials. It is very important to ensure pure air, oceans and seas by improving technological processes, the quality of raw materials and fuel, to do everything possible to protect people and nature from radioactive and air pollution. The only way to overcome a catastrophe is to put the air, oceans, great seas and lakes under greater international control, perhaps under that of the United Nations.

The accident at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in April 1986 caused radioactive contamination of a vast area around the plant. We have to undertake drastic measures to neutralize the perilous effect of radiation on the environment. That's why environmental protection is a great concern of the Ukrainian Govern­ment. The Ministry of Environmental Protection was founded in Ukraine. Their tasks are to control the state of environment and sources of pollution, to protect the water resources of Ukraine, to extend the network of nature reserves and to maintain co-operation with international ecology organizations. Campaign for environmental protection is supported by public organizations and individuals. The Ukrainian Green Party is very active today. Zeleny Svit is the Ukrainian ecological newspaper. It calls on protection of the natural wealth and on using it in a more careful and economical manner for the benefit of the present and future generations.

Translate from Ukrainian into English:

1. Захистом навколишнього середовища піклується Український Уряд. 2. Необхідно захищати моря та озера, які помирають від забруднення. 3. Кампанії, які займаються захистом навколишнього середовища, підтримуються суспільними організаціями та деякими окремими людьми. 4. Українська екологічна газета «Зелений Світ» наголошує на необхідності захисту природного багатства нашої країни. 5. Єдиний засіб попередження катастрофи – це тримати повітря, океани та землю під постійним контролем. 6. В Україні було засноване Міністерство із Захисту Навколишнього Середовища. 7. Розвиток промисловості має поганий влив на природу всього світу.

Робота над граматичним матеріалом. Revision.

36. Назвіть випадки вживання Present Perfect.

37. З якими числівниками в реченні найчастіше вживається Present Perfect. Наведіть приклад.

38. Чи вживається Present Perfect у реченнях з обставинами часу, що означають період часу, який почався в минулому і тривав до моменту мовлення. Назвіть ці обставини.

39. Яким чином утворюється форма Past Perfect. Чи вживається вона для вираження минулої дії, що вже закінчилася до певного моменту в минулому. Яким чином це позначається у реченні?

40. Наведіть 5 пар прикладів речень у формі Future Perfect та Future Simple. Поясніть.

Choose the correct form of the verb:

1. I (did, had done) shopping by 3 o'clock. 2. He (had received, received) the telegram by that time. 3. My brother (tried on, had tried on) the raincoat before he (bought, had bought) it 4. We (bought, had bought) vegetables before our mother (had come, came) home. 5. She said that she (bought, had bought) new high-heeled shoes. 6. We (had discovered, discovered) that we (spent, had spent) all the money.

41. Чи виражають часи групи Perfect Continuous, як і часи групи Continuous дію в її розвитку як процес. Яким чином вони пов’язані з часами групи Perfect?

42. Як утворюються часи групи Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous?

Translate into English

  1. Що ти робиш? – Чекаю автобуса. Скільки часу ти чекаєш його? – Я чекаю його вже десять хвилин. 2. Ми вивчаємо англійську мову. Ми вивчаємо її вже чотири роки. 3. З якого часу його батько працює інженером заводу? 4. Дощ іде зранку.5. Ніна загубила ручку, вона вже чверть години шукає її. 6. Вчора листоноша приніс мені лист. Я чекав цього листа три тижні. 7. Коли Ольга закінчила університет, її сестра вже п’ять років викладала біологію в школі.

43. Чому модальні дієслова називають недостатніми? Чим вони відрізняються від інших дієслів?

44. Які форми і еквіваленти має дієслово can, must, may? Створіть таблицю.

45. Скільки форм мають дієслова should, ought чим вони різняться.

46. Складіть 10 речень, вживаючи фахову лексику, з використанням всіх модальних дієслів.


1. Гужва Т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. посіб. Для студентів фак. Інозем. Філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.

2. Бессонова І. В. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Навчальний посібник для дистанційного навчання. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2005. – 263с.

Практичне заняття № 2

Тема: Сучасна людина і комп’ютер.

Read the texts and discuss them.


In an age when computer use is getting much attention from parents, educators and legislators, television remains the dominant medium for most kids. Children spend an average of 2 hours 46 minutes watching television each day, with 17 percent of children spending more than five hours in front of the TV.Time spent on the computer lags far behind TV use, with the average for all children at 21 minutes a day outside school, including an average of eight minutes a day on the Internet...

Computers are a major technological breakthrough of the twentieth century. Their benefits are numerous yet much can be said against them. The main disadvantage of computers is that staring at a screen for long periods of time can be damaging to the eyes, and sitting on a chair for hours at a time is certainly not healthy. Secondly, computers distract people from conversation. Also, people can become anti-social and stay at home to use their computer. Finally, the strongest argument against the use of computers is that the more jobs which are done by computers, the less are done by people. .

However, the advantages of computers are numerous, such as educational benefits, especially to children. School subjects become more interesting when presented on a computer screen. Moreover, computers can be fun with a seemingly endless variety of games which can be played on them. In addition, computers are valuable to any business, making life easier and saving time because you can store and get back a lot of information at die touch of button. Furthermore, personal gains can be seen as the use of computers increases powers of concentration.

To sum up, there are strong arguments both for and against the use of computers. Yet, despite the health problems, risk to jobs and lack of personal communication, it seems that as long as the use of computers is regulated, the benefits computers provide to education and business are very important.

Legislator—законодатель; plug in— включить вилку в розетку; medium — средство (массовой информации); media (мн.ч.) — средства массовой ин­формации; survey— обзор, изучение; lag—отставать; breakthrough—дости­жение, прорыв; benefitsзд. преимущества, положительные стороны; distract from — отвлекать от; variety of games — разнообразие игр

1. Why are to-day's children and teenagers called a plug-in generation? 2. What are the average figures for the time spent in front of the TV? What programmes are broadcast? Do you think children prefer cartoons or science fiction films to feature films and documentaries? 3. How does TV compete the computer? 4. What are the benefits of the computer? 5. What are the disadvantages of the computer (for health, socializing, job getting?) 6. What is the conclusion of the text? To what extent do you agree (disagree)with it?

Робота над граматичним матеріалом. Revision.

  1. Дайте загальну характеристику неособовим формам дієслова.

Оберіть потрібну форму герундія або інфінітива:

1 The teacher decided (accepting / to accept) the paper.

2 His father doesn’t approve of his (going / to go) to Europe.

3 We found it very difficult (reaching / to reach) a decision.

4 Donna is interested in (to open / opening) a bar.

5 George has no intention of (to leave / leaving) the city now.

6 We are eager (to return / returning) to school in the fall.

7 She refused (to accept / accepting) the gift.

8 Mary pretended (to be / being) sick yesterday.

9 Carlos hopes (to finish / finishing) his thesis this year.

10 They agreed (to leave / leaving) early.

11 Herry shouldn’t risk (to drive / driving) so fast.

12 He demands (to know / knowing) what is going on.

13 She is looking forward (to return / to returning) to her country

48. Поясніть правило узгодження часів. Виконайте модуль самостійної роботи за темою.

Convert into indirect speech.

1. "I want to sit in the armchair," said the boy. 2. The secretary said to me: "The delegation ar­rived in Kyiv yesterday." 3. "Open the window, please," she said to me. 4. He said: "I shall light a fire and make myself breakfast." 5. "Don't run to the door when you hear the bell," said the woman to her little daughter. 6. She asked me: "How long are you going to stay here?" 7. Mary asked me: "Will you spend your vacation in Moscow?" 8. "Lock the door when you leave the house," said my elder sister to me. 9. "Have you received a telegram from your wife?" she asked Robert. 10. Mabel said: "Nothing will change my decision and I shall leave for Cape Town tonight." 11. "Please don't smoke in the room," said the old woman to her nephew. 12. "I am shivering with cold," said the girl.

Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням: текст “Acid Rains”.

Every year more plants and animals disappear never to be seen again. Strangely, it is the most intelligent but most thoughtless animal that is causing most of the problems - man. Nature is very carefully balanced and if this balance is disturbed, animals can disappear very fast. Every day, thousands of species of animals get closer to extinction.

In many lakes the fish are dying. Fishermen are worried because every year there are fewer fish, and some lakes have no fish at all. Scientists are beginning to get worried too. What is killing the fish?

The problem is acid rain. Acid rain is a kind of air pollution. It is caused by factories that burn coal or oil or gas. These factories send smoke high into the air. The wind often carries the smoke far from the factories. Some of the harmful substances in the smoke come down with the rain hundreds of miles away.

The rain in many places isn't natural and clean any more. It's full of acid chemicals. Acid water hurts when it gets into your eyes. It also kills the plants and animals that usually live in lake water. That is why the fish are dying in lakes.

But scientists are finding other effects of acid rain. In some large areas trees are dying. Not just one tree here and there, but whole forests. At first scientists couldn't understand why. There were no bugs or diseases in these trees. The weather was not dry. But now they think that the rain was the cause. Some kinds of trees cannot live in the soil that is very acidic. Now scientists begin to study the effects of acid rain on larger animals. If even deer are hurt by the rain, what about people? It's a very important question for us all.

4. Виконання перевірочного тесту

1. Complete the sentences with the only correct ending.

1). This passage is about

A. fishing. C. air pollution.

B. acid rain. D. destructive human activity.

2). Every year thousands of species of animals

A. are hunted for their meat and skins. C. starve to death.

B. migrate to other places. D. die out.

3). Acid rain is caused by

A. natural gas. C. acidic lake water.

B. the ozone layer destruction. D. waste of industrial enterprises;

4). Factory smoke

A. stays over the factories. C. can travel hundreds of miles.

B. usually clean now. D: turns into air.

5). Scientists think acid rain

A. is killing people. C. helps kill bugs.

B. killing trees. D. lessens pollution.

2. Choose the correct answer.

Which of the following is true?

A. Dead fish in the lakes is the only problem.

B. If we don't make an attempt to stop acid rains we may never see some animals again.

C. Scientists are sure that acid rains are not harmful for mankind.

3. What was not mentioned in the text?

A. Fish are unable to live in the water containing acidic chemicals.

B. Coal, gas or oil form dangerous combinations after being burnt.

C. Scientists are sure that if some larger animals can be affected by acid rains, people may be in great danger.

D. Acid rain is capable of destructing some rocks and stones

ЛІТЕРАТУРА: 1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповненею – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

Практичне заняття № 3

Тема: Реклама і суспільство.

Advertising has always played in immense role in our society. Without advertising, the average consumer would not be able to be told what to buy. They would have nothing in their home, because no one told them to buy anything. It has become fact that advertising affects our daily lives everyday. "In 1915, a person could go entire weeks without observing an ad. The average adult today sees some three thousand every day" (Twitchell 203). This study is based on the Circuit City advertisement for their newly priced high definition plasma televisions. There are six televisions on the advertisement along with every television playing the new released Star Wars Episode III. Every advertisement should be analyzed with great detail, which is what this study includes. Included is a complete analysis of the prices of the television, the incorporation of the newly released Star Wars film, and the “weasel words” that promote the purchase of the new home entertainment system.

The consumers need to be entertained by television, newspaper, and internet has launched a new type of advertising. Advertisers are beginning to use famous entertainers in their advertisements so that people pay attention to them. Almost every advertisement that is seen today has somebody that the consumer will recognize. Whether it be a movie star, a comedian, athlete, or a reality television star, the advertiser will make sure that a percentage of the viewing audience knows that person. Not only do they attract our attention with the use of somebody famous, they also attract our trust. By seeing this person on television all the time and especially if you like this person, you feel comfortable with the product almost immediately without even knowing what it is or does.

Try to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the advertisement

The purpose of an ad is to influence you to purchase the product. If you select one brand of product over another brand of product, say a loaf of bread which you need, that's one thing. But, if you go out and purchase a product you don't need because an ad convinced you that you "had to have it", that's excessive consumption, which is wasteful.

Also, ads sometimes position a product as a status symbol - the cool thing to have - and if someone can't afford that product and buys a lesser expensive version (say, sneakers) they might be ridiculed by their peers.

Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням:

Chernobyl Catastrophe

On the 26 of April 1986 a catastrophe broke out 12 kilometers off the Belarusian border. It was the major break-down of the power unit at the Chernobyl nuclear power station. It is the most severe catastrophe throughout the entire world history of the atomic energy use by its scale, complexity and long-term consequences. As the result of the explosion of the failed reactor a huge amount of radioactive substances was released into the atmosphere. Later on they left the large fall-out "spots" on the ground surface. 23% of the territory of Belarus, 4.8% of the territory of the Ukraine and 0.5% of the territory of Russia were contaminated. The radiation situation was determined by radionuclide with the period of half-decay from 8 days till 24390 years.

After the Chernobyl accident Belarus has become the zone of the ecological disaster. The situation got worse because radioactive contamination coincided with the formerly existing zones of high chemical pollution. 260.000 hectares of agricultural lands are forbidden to use for farming purposes. Thousands of hectares of forests are contaminated with radioactive elements. The Chernobyl catastrophe has affected the destinies of millions of people. The radioactive contamination of the ecosystems has created the conditions for making it impossible to conduct the agricultural production and manage forestry in the normal way for many decades. In order to decrease the influence of radiation on the people considerable work was done during the post-accident period. Measures were taken to evacuate the people from the most dangerous districts, to provide for their medical check-up and treatment. Various measures were almost carried out - radioactive decontamination, agricultural treatment of soil, provision of clean food. However, these measures are not enough yet. And international co-operation in this field serves the interests of the entire mankind.

Робота над граматичним матеріалом. Revision.

  1. Що таке пасивний стан дієслова?

  2. Як утворюються часові форми пасивного стану в англійській мові?

  3. Часові форми якої групи не вживаються у пасивному стані?

Перепишіть речення у пасивному стані:

Model: They grow wheat here. – Wheat is grown here.

  1. The girls water the flowers every day.

  2. We don’t discuss such questions at our meetings.

  3. My sister teaches me English.

  4. They will not finish the work tomorrow.

  5. Mary has lost her keys.

  6. Our music teacher was conducting the orchestra.

  7. The travelers made camp not far from the village.

  8. His assistant will meet the delegation.

  9. The workers are repairing the road.

  10. Somebody built this castle in the 16th century.


1. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

Практичне заняття № 4

Тема: Роль вивчення іноземних мов у формуванні особистості майбутнього фахівця.

The answer should be easy. English is a universal language (global language in case we are not the only creature who can speak.) The world has changed. We can no longer live alone in our country anymore. If you want to learn the world you need to learn English....

With IT, we can open ourselves to the world and the only way we can connect to the world is to the universal language. If you are a business man you would have to learn English to expand your business to oversea. If you are students you would have to learn English for your own bright future or, at least, pass the exam.

If you are an employee you would have to learn English for the benefit of your career.

Even if you are just a street walker you still want to learn English to understand what's going on in the world....

No matter whom you are. Learn English is very important. You can't avoid it and do not avoid it before you getting too far behind.

Індивідуальне читання за фахом текст “The Disappearing Rain Forest”

At the end of this lesson another hectare of the world's forests will be destroyed forever. Why is this happening? There are two reasons - land and wood. In many countries the trees have been cut down because the land was needed for animals or crops. In other parts of the world the trees are cut down because their wood is wanted. This wood is used by the local people for firewood. Or it is exported to Japan, Europe and North America. 'There it is used for buildings or it is made into furniture.

Unfortunately, in most places the trees won't be replaced. The soil in the forests is very thin, but it is protected by the trees. When the trees are cut down, the soil is washed away by the rain or blown away by the wind. Soon nothing can be grown on it. The forest becomes a desert. Then more land will be needed and more trees will be cut down.

When the forest is destroyed, it isn't only the trees that are lost, the homes of millions of animals and plants are destroyed, too. At the moment there are between five and ten million species of animals and plants on the Earth. By the year 2000, one million of these will be extinct - that's one species every hour. All kinds of species are in danger - fish, reptiles, birds, mammals, insects and shellfish - as well as thousands of plants.

Who is to blame for this disaster? The answer is simple: all of us. There are just too many people in the world. The world's population is now over one billion people. Of course, it's very easy to blame the local people. We don't chop down trees. They do. But the products are bought by people like you and me – the hi-fi with its teak loudspeakers, or the nice mahogany chairs. Why are the forests being destroyed? Just look around. You're probably sitting on it or listening to it.

Answer the questions:

1. Why are the forests being destroyed? 2. Who is to blame? 3. What other problem does the destruction of the forest cause? 4. Why won’t new forests be planted? 5. What is this text about and what do you know about the problem?

Модуль самостійної роботи:

1. Повторення граматичного матеріалу.

2. Словник-мінімум для користувача комп’ютера.

3. Анотування газетної статті за фахом.

Індивідуальна робота за семестр:

  1. Індивідуальне читання за фахом.

2. Словник-мінімум (за професійним спрямуванням).

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