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V. Answer the following questions:

1. Where do the students have free access to? 2. How many people get their training at the University? 3. What departments may the students enroll in? 4. What faculties are there at the day-time department? 5. Where may the graduates of the University work? 6. Where are young people admitted when they want to combine studies with work? 7. What is the aim of the preparatory faculty?

Text C

Kyiv National Economic University offers a wide choice of programmes and courses for the students: Bachelor’s programmes in economics and management1, Master’s programmes2, postgraduate and doctorate programmes3. They are aimed to develop individual and professional abilities of the students and represent different level of academic achievement.

Bachelor’s degree programmes in economics and management are profession-oriented and require four years of study. The first two years (the freshman4 year and sophomore5 year) are aimed at providing general education and preparing for more special studies. The last two years (the junior6 and senior7 years) are devoted almost entirely to the majors. The undergraduates8 major in those subjects9 which are essential for their future activity.

The academic year10 is usually nine months duration and is divided into two terms11. The students have an examination session at the end of each term. At the end of their studies they have to submit a graduation paper12 and take the state examinations13. The Bachelor’s degree is usually known as the first degree and may be a terminal qualification. But it is often considered as a background for further specialization, a step toward higher degree.

The Master’s degree programmes require one or two years of study beyond baccalaureate. The Master’s degree candidate follows a rather specific course of study, usually in a single field.

The postgraduate programmes provide a deeper study of philosophy, foreign languages and subjects related to the chosen major and lead to the candidate degree.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What programmes does Kyiv National Economic University offer to the students? 2. The programmes are aimed to develop individual and professional abilities of the students, aren’t they? 3. What do the Bachelor’s degree programmes represent? 4. What do the students have at the end of each term? 5. The Bachelor’s degree is the first academic degree, isn’t it? 6. How long does the course for Master’s degree last? 7. What do the postgraduate programmes provide?

V. Translate into English:

1. Київський нацiональний економiчний унiверситет пропонує широкий вибiр навчальних програм та курсiв. 2. Вони спрямованi на розвиток індивiдуальних і професiйних якостей студентiв. 3. Бака­лаврськi програми з економiки та менеджменту мають професiйне спрямування. 4. Вони нацiленi на одержання базової вищої економiчної освiти. 5. Старшокурсники спецiалiзуються з тих предметiв, що є сут­тєвими в їхній майбутнiй роботi. 6. Навчальний рiк триває дев’ять мiсяцiв i дiлиться на два семестри. 7. Студенти мають іспитову сесiю в кiнцi кожного семестру. 8. У кiнцi навчання вони повиннi захистити дипломну роботу та здати державнi іспити. 9. Магiстерськi програми розраховано на один або два роки навчання. 10. Програми аспiрант­ської освiти забезпечують поглиблене вивчення фiлософiї, iноземних мов та iнших спецiальних дисциплiн.

U N I T 5

Text A

Studying economics for the first time, it is necessary to know what economics is all about1. Unfortunately, it is not possible to define the subject by a single word. Economics was defined as the study of mankind in the everyday business life. This means that economics deals with production, distribution, exchange and consumption. It answers such questions as: How do we produce all the things we need? How are prices determined? Economics is also concerned with2 unemployment, inflation, international trade, the interaction of business and labour, and the effects of government spending3 and taxes.

Economics does not stop with the description of economic activity because description alone leaves unanswered many important why and how questions.

Economics is a social science like history, geography, politics, psychology and sociology. It is the study of human efforts to satisfy what seems like unlimited and competing wants4 through the careful use of relatively scarce resources. Economists study what is or tends to be and how it came to be. They do not in any way pretend to tell what ought to be. People must make up their own minds5 about that.

Economics is therefore concerned with activities relating to wealth, i.e. production, consumption, exchange and distribution.

For our own purpose, we shall define economics as the study of man in his attempts to gain a living6 by utilizing his limited resources.