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2 курс / к.р.3 (вар 2)

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III семестр

Контрольне завдання № 3

Для того, щоб правильно виконати контрольне завдання, необхідно засвоїти такі розділи курсу англійської мови:

  1. Умовні речення трьох типів. Інверсія в умовних реченнях.

  2. Складні форми дієприкметника (Participle). Дієприкметникові звороти.

  3. Незалежний дієприкметниковий зворот (Nominative Absolute Participle Clause).

  4. Складні форми інфінітива (Passive Infinitive, Perfect Infinitive). Інфінітивні звороти, рівнозначні підрядним реченням: „Complex Subject”, „Complex Object”, „For + noun(pronoun) + infinitive”.

Варіант II

I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the type of the conditional clause:

1. If high-power ultrasonic energy is applied through a transducer to liquids, a phenomenon of cavitation will occur.

2. These data would have shown a linear relationship if the residual current had been taken into account.

3. Turbulence will die out gradually if the surface is approached.

4. The emergency transmitter would be brought into use if a failure occurred in the unit.

II. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets in the following conditional sentences. Translate them.

1. The fuel material will be cooled if it __________ (to pass) down through the steam generator.

2. If the load is increased, the life of the bearing _________ (to be decreased) and vice versa.

3. More would be known of the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto provided the more powerful telescopes ________ (to exist).

4. If the machine had proved completely reliable in service, it _________ (to be put) into service.

III. Translate the sentences paying attention to the inversion in the conditional sentences:

1. Were the gases indifferent to each other, they would be used in the gauge.

2. Had the instrument been calibrated imperfectly, we would have obtained erroneous results.

3. Could scientists reach still higher temperatures necessary for fusing together small nuclei, the problem of controlled fusion would be solved.

4. Had we pre-heated the sheets of thermoplastics, it would have reduced the machine occupation time.

IV. Translate the sentences paying attention to the functions of the Participles.

1. Solution time is essentially independent of the problem being solved.

2. Having been treated with certain reagents, benzene underwent substitution.

3. Having identified a given compound, the chemists repeated the analysis.

4. Having implemented into effect the new plan, the scientist finally achieved astonishing result.

V. Translate the sentences with the Nominative Absolute Participle Clause.

1. A slight excess of one reactant added, the indicator changed color.

2. The electron easily jumping from one orbit to another, it may be caused to pass to a larger orbit.

3. Electromechanical devices can be relied on, with the use of such devices being under investigation.

4. A sodium atom loses one electron and a chlorine atom gains one electron, with a more stable electronic configuration formed by both elements.

VI. Translate the sentences with infinitive clauses:

Complex Subject , For + noun (pronoun)+ Infinitive, Complex Object.

1.It is required some months more for the group to complete the experimental work on the use of a new fuel in aviation.

2.If the forces have no tendency to increase or decrease the displacement, the body is considered to be in equilibrium.

3.The acceleration of an automobile is said to be positive when force is supplied by the motor to speed up the car.

4.For a system of forces to be in equilibrium, each force must be the equilibrant of the system.

5.We know the velocity of a particle to be continuously changing if this particle has nonuniform motion.

VII. Read and translate the text. Do the exercises given below.

Kinds of Computers

Computers are frequently divided into two groups according to the jobs they perform. These groups are general-purpose computers and special-purpose computers. A general-purpose computer can handle many kinds of jobs and is not restricted to any particular user. On the other hand, a special-purpose computer is designed to do one specific job for a particular user.

Computers differ in the way they work as well as in what they can do. On this basis, they can be classified into three general types: (1) digital computers, (2) analog computers, and (3) hybrid computers. Digital computers are by far the most common type.

Digital computers solve problems and do other tasks by counting, comparing and rearranging digits in the arithmetic/logic unit. All the data, whether in the form of numbers, letters, or symbols, are represented by digits.

Digital computers use the digits of the binary numeration system. Unlike the familiar decimal number system, which uses 10 digits, the binary system uses only two digits: 0 and 1. These binary digits, called bits, can be easily represented by the thousands of tiny electronic circuits of a digital computer. The circuits operate much like an ordinary electric switch. When the switch is off, it corresponds to the binary digit 0. When the switch is on, it corresponds to the digit 1.

Analog computers work directly with a physical quantity, such as weight, voltage, or speed, rather than with digits that represent the quantity. The computers solve the problems by measuring the quantity in terms of another quantity. In a problem involving water pressure and water flow, for example, electrical voltage might serve as an analogue (likeness) for the water pressure, and electric current for the water flow. Many familiar devices, including speedometers, thermometers, and thermostats, operate on the same basic principle as analog computers. For example, a thermometer measures temperature in terms of the length of a thin line of liquid in a tube. An analog computer presents output data in a continuous form, often as a position on a scale. In some cases, the data are displayed as electrical signals on an instrument called an oscilloscope.

Hybrid computers combine the features of analog and digital computers. They are as fast as analog computers in solving problems involving differential equations and as accurate as digital computers.

a) State the part of speech of the following words and translate them paying attention to the suffixes.

User, continuous, electrical, easily, numeration, basic, pressure, electronic, frequently, feature.

b) Translate the following words and word-combinations from the text from Ukrainian into English.

Певний користувач, кількість, відповідати, поєднувати характеристики, підрозділяти на, найбільш поширений, десяткова система чисел, електрична напруга, обмежуватися, працювати напрямки.

c) State whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Many familiar devices operate on the same basic principle as digital computers.

2. Computers can be classified on the basis of the way they work as well as what they can do.

3. To represent binary digits a digital computer contains thousands of tiny electronic circuits.

4. In an analog computer output data is represented in a continuous form.

5. The decimal numeration system is used in a digital computer.

d) Answer the questions to the text.

1. How many groups are computers divided into? What are they?

2. What basis can computers be classified on?

3. How many digits does a digital computer use? What are they?

4. What basic principle do many familiar devices operate on?

5. What features of analog and digital computers do hybrid computers combine?

e) Translate the text in writing.

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