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Set Work

I. Master the pronunciation of the words below. Learn and translate them.

Bionic, envision, exhilarating, cybernetics, augment, woefully, implant, via elsewhere, antics, amputee, epilepsy, robotic.

II. Explain the meaning of the words and word combinations below. Say how they were used in the text.

Studded with sth, to go to some lengths to do sth, to merge, protocyborg, to download data, to upgrade people, a pointless sideshow, to have a knack for sth, robotic cat, sb’s media appearances, credentials, speculative, dolt.

III. State the difference between the words below. Give examples to illustrate their usage.

Strange – bizarre – weird – odd;

to influence – to affect – to afflict;

to check – to check up.

IV. Find in the article the English for:

удовлетворить свое любопытство, вживить крошечный силиконовый чип в нерв, у него могла отняться рука, удар молнии, невероятные эксперименты, подсоединиться к компьютеру, сжимать кулак, высмеивать, якобы, следить за чьим-л. передвижением, насмехаться над чем-л., подать документы в университет, закончить вуз с отличием, конечности-протезы, инвалиды, в перспективе, по команде, увеличить среднюю продолжительность жизни, с явным наслаждением, увеличить в 10 раз.

V. Explain what is meant by the following sentences.

  1. “It was exhilarating,” says Warwick, a British cybernetics professor. “I wouldn’t have missed it for the earth.”

  2. Warwick says, the nervous system of a human being could trade messages with a computer.

  3. In im­portant ways, he says, the brain trails far be­hind the computer.

  4. In time, he says, an implant or an injection might deliv­er a simple microdevice that turns the aver­age Joe into an imposing cyborg, with super­human powers.

  5. He's even rigged up a computer-mediated mind meld of sorts.

  6. In his native Britain, Warwick, 48, is something of a cyber bad boy

  7. He admits to a thirst for the kind of publicity that helps scare up funding from corporate backers.

  8. Warwick’s work could have some prac­tical applications.

  9. The world of 2050 dominated by a master race of cyborgs, their brains all linked to a global network, sharing access to a common superintelligence.

  10. Just hold the mind control, please.

VI. Do you agree that:

  1. The way humans currently communicate is so poor as to be embarrassing.

  2. The world of 2050 dominated by a master race of cyborgs.

  3. Brain implants may allow human minds to commune with each other directly.

  4. Some day implants might allow the body’s functions like heart rate, blood pressure and tem­perature to be monitored in real time, helping to push up average life expectancy.

  5. Humankind has a lot to gain by a closer association with machines.

VII. Sum up the key points of the article.

VIII. Points for discussion.

  1. What do you think of Kevin Warwick’s research work?

  2. Is it a good idea to install a microchip in a person’s arm so as the network might be aware of even the thought of crime crossing another cyborg’s mind?

  3. Do you share Warwick’s opinion that human speech is an incredibly slow way of communicating? Do we need the substitute which Warwick has in mind?


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