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I. Learn and practise the pronunciation of the words below. Translate them into Russian.

Eclipse germinate mundane confederate surreptitiously

rendezvous estimate cyber cohort precocious

societal mafia haven virus loosely

predecessor unhindered equine masquerade mafiosy.

II. Define the computer-related word combinations used in the article. Reproduce the context in which they were used.

a) Cybercrime/criminals/gangs, cybercop, cyberstunt, cybersurfer, cyber division, cybercrime (=Internet crime), problems with cybercrime security;

b) a hacker team (=hacking group), to hack into (=to break into), a growing hacker haven, a hacker hub;

c) computer-related crimes, a computer whiz, a computer geek, to infect a vulnerable computer, to control the infected computer, to fool around on the computer;

d) Web-site violations, to throw digital cops off one’s trail, an onslaught on Net users, to glean information from the Net, to plug software holes, to send out a virus, to download information, to crash a server, keystrokes, to use firewalls.

III. Find in the article the English for:

затмить; ловкий бизнесмен; заниматься разведкой; быть хорошо обученным; под контролем; в тисках; уязвимые места; делать что-л. на благо общества; проблема назревала годами; проблема быстро углубляется; расти с ужасающей скоростью; трудно назвать точную цифру; преступность резко растет; за этим стоит русская мафия; ходит много слухов, что…; собрать, найти информацию; чей-то сообщник; заключить сделку, прикрываясь чьим-л. именем; в 3 раза; занижать цены; быть родом из; прибегать к отчаянным мерам; отмывать деньги; украдкой; вытеснять, смещать; плохие законы; воспользоваться чем-л.; иметь склонность, иметь тенденцию; ухватиться за представившуюся возможность; уклончивый; огромная безработица; козлиная бородка; главная проблема; криминальная группировка; бдительность.

IV. Say what is meant by the words and word combinations below. How were they used in the article?

To extort (a promise, a confession, money, information), high-minded, x-hour, run-of-the-mill scams, sb’s cohort, the spike in sth…, to wire cash, a spate of, lax laws, to nab sb, undercover cops, to make headway against sb/sth, intact, to level penalties, spoofing, thirtysomething, hardened pros, sophisticated, to bust.

V. State the difference between the words below. Give examples to illustrate their usage.

Social – societal;

brothers – brethren;

to be composed of – to consist of – to include – to comprise;

affectation – affection;

to rise – to soar;

to escape – to avoid;

software – hardware.

VI. Clarify the idea behind the following lines.

  1. Like his hacker predecessors, he has his own subversive code, this one tinged with the slogans of anti globalization.

  2. He talks of … the need to break the stranglehold of “monster corporations like Microsoft.”

  3. Sure, many retain some of the rebellious affectations of their predecessors by wrapping themselves in anti-establishment, anti-globo speak.

  4. It’s no longer just Westerns being hit.

  5. The Internet is reaching more of the world’s have-nots, tempting them to turn it against rich Western corporations.

  6. “There is a cat-and-mouse game going on,” says George Bakos.

  7. There’s increasing evidence that organized crime is moving in on Internet crime.

  8. Brazil has also long been a breeding ground for organized-criminal gangs.

  9. The foot soldiers of these cybercrime gangs appear to be either young, precocious kids or frustrated men in their 20s or 30s.

  10. … and to see their computer skills as a ticket to opportunity.

  11. Gorshkov got off with a 15-month sentence – but the conviction came at a price.

  12. “There are so many industry-best practices not being implemented by home users,” says Dartmouth’s Bakos.

  13. Almost from the beginning, the Internet has embraced the good and the bad, the inspiring and the mundane.

  14. How long it will take for law-makers and police to catch up with them is anybody’s guess. But when they do, the Internet is apt to be a much different place than what it started out to be.

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