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I. Master the pronunciation of the words below. Learn and translate them.

Anterior, circuit, relapse, cascade, nicotine, amphetamine, taco, dopamine, neuron, euphoria, accumben, amygdala, molecule, vesicle, opioids, glutamate, nausea, emphysema, salivate, metabolism, palpitation.

II. Define the following words and word combinations below. Reproduce the situations in which they occur.

To target neuronal circuits, untoward, prefrontal cortex, to party with sb, to drive sth home, cheesecake, to ace a test, the sublenticular, to mop up, to ignite, to reel in, to kick in, to avoid abject, junkie, volitional, to reach for the needle/bottle, binging on cocaine, to appease.

III. Scan the article for the English equivalents of:

расположить под определенным углом; порхать; вызывать у кого-либо прилив сильного желания; точно установить; повышение и понижение; приятные жизненные моменты; нюхать наркотик; лежать в основе чего-либо; сделать моментальные снимки; приток энергии; «кайф», полученный от кокаина; алкогольное опьянение; возбуждать нейроны; уничтожать; утихнуть, успокоиться; увеличить дозу; «ломка»; воздержание; подсказка может содержаться в…; завернутый рукав; послужить основой для чего-либо; новые ощущения; прыжки с «тарзанки»; сознательно искать новых ощущений.

IV. Explain what the following abbreviations stand for.


V. State the difference between the words below. Give examples to illustrate their usage.

To turn on – to turn up – to turn down; euphoria – dysphoria;

to effect – to affect – to influence; to nauseate – to throw up.

to shoot – to shoot up;

VI. Explain how you understand:

the 10-minute video rolled

cue-induced craving

to send a recovering addict racing for a hit

to throw a neurological switch

sobering findings

changes (caused by addictive drugs) can persist

drugs hijack the brain’s motivational system

a feel-good sensation

to make a beeline for the pleasure circuit

to slosh around neurons

firing of neurons

to open the neurotransmitter floodgates

unremitting distress and despair

to yield some of the secrets

lab-animal studies

a bell that meant “chow time”

enduring changes/memories

Pavlov’s dog

a crippled pleasure circuit

to experience the Next New Thing

to suffer intense reactions

to serve as a built-in defense against alcoholism.

VII. Say what you know about:

Volkow, Rockefeller University, Pavlov’s dogs, Times Square.

VIII. Find in the article the evidence to support the following statements.

  1. Seeing the drug scenes triggers visible changes in the brain.

  2. An addicted brain is different.

  3. Changes caused by addictive drugs persist long after you stop using.

  4. Drugs of abuse alter the brain’s pleasure circuits.

  5. Each drugs turns up a feel-good sensation in a different way.

  6. Addiction is about avoiding abject, unremitting distress and despair.

  7. Addiction is a brain disease.

  8. Relapse is harder to explain than addiction and withdrawal.

  9. Drugs can act as DNA switches, turning genes on and off.

  10. “There is a heritable component to addiction.”

  11. Abstinence isn’t as easy as it sounds.

  12. People who compulsively seek novelty also tend to abuse drugs more than people who are content with the same-old same-old.

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