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I. Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the text.

1. Truss bridges are supported by frameworks called girders.

2. The parts of the trusses are arranged in the form of rectangles.

3. A main span may attend more than 300 metres.

4. Most truss bridges have two sets of trusses.

5. The roadway of a through truss bridge runs on the top of the trusses.

6. Each truss extends between two abutments in a simple span truss bridge.

7. Truss bridges require less construction material than the girder type.

8. Early arch bridges consisted of stone blocks in the form of an arch.

9. The road of arch bridges can lie both on the top of the arch and below the curve on the arch.

10. The roadway is supported by the abutments.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a truss?

2. Where are truss bridges built?

3. How are the parts of the trusses arranged?

4. What may the length of a main span be?

5. What does each truss consist of?

6. What is the difference between a deck truss bridge and a through truss bridge?

7. Why do engineers prefer to build truss bridges?

8. Why are arch bridges called so?

9. What were early arch bridges made of?

10. How must arch bridges be designed?

11. Where can the roadway of arch bridges lie?

12. How is the roadway supported?

13. What is done to prevent the ends from spreading out?

14. What weight do the abutments support?


III Match the meanings of these terms with their definition:

truss bridge, arch bridge framework, girder bridge

1. A support or skeleton; stiff part that gives shape to a thing

2. A bridge supported wholly or chiefly by trusses.

3. A bridge made of large iron or steel beams for bearing load.

4. A bridge made of curved structures as a support.

IV. Match the word with its translation. Find the corresponding pairs of words:

1. truss a) надсводная стойка

2. deck truss bridge b) мост со сплошными или сквозными фермами

3. through truss bridge c) мост с разрезными пролетами

4. simple span truss bridge d) закругление

5. continuous truss bridge e) арка

6. girder bridge f) проезжая часть

7. arch g) мост с решетчатыми фермами с ездой поверху

8. span h) мост со сквозными фермами

9. roadway i) береговой устой

10. spandrel columns j) скрепленный арочный мост

11. tied arch bridge k) пролет

12. curve l) балочный мост

13. abutment m) ферма

V. Read the passage and answer the question:

What functions have had bridges?

In addition to providing a passage for traffic, bridges have often had other functions, including service as fortifications and as business districts. The Old London Bridge, for example, which stood from the 13th to the 19th century, was a crowded thoroughfare, full of shops and houses. The original functions of bridges have also been modified for new uses.

VI. Fill in the missing words from the list:

beams, light, weight, stability, trusses, steel, frameworks, triangular, inexpensive, outward, concrete, gap, abutments

1. Truss bridges utilize strong, rigid … that support these bridges over a span. …are created by fastening … together in a … configuration. The truss framework distributes the … of the bridge so that each beam shares a portion of load. Truss bridges can carry heavy loads and are relatively …. They are also … to build.

2. Arch bridges are characterized by their … In an arch, the force of the load is carried … from the top to the ends of the arch, where … keep the arch ends from spreading apart … and … arches are particularly well suited for bridging ravines or chasms with steep, solid walls.

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