A-B 108
.docbeweddian [] wv/t2 to betroth, marry; give security
beweddung [] f (-e/-a) betrothal
bewefan [] sv/t5 3rd pres bewifð past bewæf/bewǽfon ptp bewefen to cover over
bewegan [] sv/t5 3rd pres bewigð past bewæg/bewǽgon ptp bewegen to cover
bewéled [] adj poisoned, polluted [wól]
bewelian [] wv/t2 to knead, mix together
bewendan [] wv/t1b to turn, turn round; to turn one’s attention, convert
bewenian2 [] wv/t2 to entertain, take care of, attend upon
beweorpan [] sv/t3 3rd pres bewierpð past bewearp/bewurpon ptp beworpen to cast, cast down, plunge, throw; beat; surround
beweorðian [] wv/t2 to adorn
bewépan [] sv/t7 3rd pres bewépð past bewéop/on ptp bewópen to weep over, mourn, bewail; past participle bewópen tearful, weeping
bewépendlic [] adj lamentable
bewerenes [] f (-se/-sa) prohibition
bewerian [] wv/t1a to guard, protect, defend; check, prevent, forbid
bewerigend [] m (-es/-) protector, keeper
bewerung [] f (-e/-a) defense, fortification
bewestan [] prep w.d. to the west of; adv
bewícian [] wv/t2 to encamp
bewieldigan [] wv/t2 to cope with
bewindan [] sv/t3 3rd pres bewindeð past bewand/bewundon ptp bewunden to wind round, clasp, entwine, envelop, encircle, surround; brandish (a sword); turn, wind, revolve; héafe ~ bewail
bewindla [] m (-n/-n) hedge, border
bewitan [] irreg v/t 3rd pres bewát past bewiste ptp bewiten to keep, care for, watch over, superintend, administer, lead, guide
bewitian [] wv/t2 to observe, attend to, care for, administer; perform
bewlátian [] wv/t2 to look at, behold
bewlítan [] sv/t1 3rd pres bewlíteð past bewlát/bewliton ptp bewliten to look round
bewrecan2 [] sv/t5 3rd pres bewricð past bewræc/bewrǽcon ptp bewrecen to drive; drive away, banish; drive round, beat round
bewrencan [] wv/t1b to deceive
bewréon [] sv/t1 3rd pres bewríehð past bewráh/bewrigon ptp bewrigen, sv/t2 3rd pres bewríehð past bewréah/bewrugon ptp bewrogen to cover, hide, cover over, enwrap, protect, clothe
bewreðian [] wv/t2 to sustain, support
bewrigennes [] f (-se/-sa) a covering
bewrítan [] sv/t1 3rd pres bewríteð past bewrát/bewriton ptp bewriten to record?; score round
bewríðan2 [] sv/t1 3rd pres bewríðeð past bewráð/bewriðon ptp bewriðen to bind, wind about, surround
bewrixlan [] wv/t1b to change; exchange, sell
bewrixlian [] wv/t2 to change; exchange, sell
bewuna [] indecl adj accustomed, wont
bewyllan [] wv/t1a to boil away [also ~ie~]
bewylwian [] wv/t2 to roll down, roll together
bewyrcan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres bewyrcð past beworhte ptp beworht to work, construct, surround with, enclose, cover; work in, insert, adorn
beyrfeweardian [] wv/t2 to disinherit
biblioþece [] f (-an/-an) library; bible [L bibliotheca]
biblioþeocu [] m (-wes/-was) library; bible [L bibliotheca]
bibliþéca [] m (-n/-n) library; bible [L bibliotheca]
bicce [] f (-an/-an) bitch
bice [] f (-an/-an) bitch
bícniend1 [] m (-es/-) index, indicator, discloser; forefinger
bícnigend1 [] m (-es/-) index, indicator, discloser; forefinger
bícnendlic [] adj allegorical; gram indicative
bícnol [] adj indicating, indicative
bícnung1 [] f (-e/-a) beckoning, nodding; token, symbol, figure; figurative speech
bícwide [] m (-es/-as) byword, proverb, fable, tale
bíd [] n (-es/-) lingering, hesitation, delay, halt
bid [] n (-es/-u) lingering, hesitation, delay, halt; ~ wrecen brought to bay
bídan1 [] sv/i1 3rd pres bídeð past bád/bidon ptp is gebiden to stay, continue, live, remain, delay; sv/t1 + gen wait for, await, expect; endure, experience, find; attain, obtain; own; unǽtnessa ge~ to die
biddan [] sv/t5 3rd pres biddeð past bæd/bǽdon ptp gebeden to ask, entreat, pray, beseech; order, command, require; ~ and béodan/hálsian to beg and pray
biddend [] m (-es/-) petitioner
biddere [] m (-es/-as) petitioner
bídfæst2 [] adj firm, forced to stand out
bídsteall2 [] m (-es/-as) halt, stand
bídung [] f (-e/-a) abiding place, abode
bíecnan [] wv/t1b to make a sign, beckon, wink, nod; signify; summon; [béacen]
bíecnian [] wv/t2 to make a sign, beckon, wink, nod; signify; summon; [béacen]
bíegan [] wv/t1b to bend, turn, turn back, incline; depress, abase, humiliate; subject; persuade, convert; [búgan]
bíegnan [] wv/t1b to bend, turn, turn back, incline; depress, abase, humiliate; subject; persuade, convert [búgan]
bieldan1 [] wv/t1b to encourage, excite, impel, exhort, confirm [beald]
bieldu [] f (-e/-a) boldness, courage, arrogance, confidence
bíeme [] f (-an/-an) trumpet; tablet, billet
bierhtu [] f (-e/-a) brightness, effulgence, brilliance [beorht]
biernan [] sv/t3, sv/i3 3rd pres biernð past barn/burnon ptp geburnen to burn, be on fire, give light
bíetl [] m (-es/-as) beetle, mallet, hammer
bíféran [] wv/t1b to feed
bifian [] wv/i2 to tremble, be moved, shake, quake
bifigendlic [] adj terrible
bifung [] f (-e/-a) trembling, shaking
bífylce [] n (-es/-u) neighboring people [folc]
bígels [] m (-es/-as) arch, vault; curvature
bígeng [] f (-e/-a) practice, exercise, observance, worship; cultivation
bígenga [] m (-n/-n) inhabitant; cultivator; worshipper; benefactor
bígenge [] n (-es/-u) practice, worship
bígengere [] m (-es/-as) worker; worshipper
bígengestre [] f (-an/-an) handmaiden, attendant, worshipper
bígung [] f (-e/-a) bending
bígnes [] f (-se/-sa) power of bending, bending, winding [bíegan]
bigstandan [] sv/t6 3rd pres bigstendeð past bigstód/on ptp bigstanden to stand by, help
bígyrdel [] m (-es/-as) girdle, belt, purse; treasury
bile [] m (-es/-as) bill, beak, trunk (of an elephant); prow
bíleofa [] m (-n/-n) support, sustenance, food, nourishment; money, pay [libban]
bíleofen [] f (-ne/-na) support, sustenance, food, nourishment; money, pay [libban]
biléofian [] wv/t2 to support, feed upon
bilewit [] adj innocent, pure, simple, sincere, honest; calm, gentle, merciful, gracious; plausible; adv ~líce
bilewitnes [] f (-se/-sa) mildness, simplicity, innocence, purity
bill [] n (-es/-) bill, chopper, battle-axe, falchion, sword
billere [] m (-es/-as) bibulta (plant)
billhete [] m (-es/-as) murderous hate, strife
bilswæð [] n (-es/-swaðu) sword track, wound
bínama [] m (-n/-n) pronoun
bindan1 [] sv/t3 3rd pres bindeð past band/bundon ptp gebunden to tie, bind, fetter, fasten, restrain; adorn
binde [] f (-an/-an) head-band?
bindele [] f (-an/-an) binding; bandage
bindelle [] f (-an/-an) binding; bandage
bindere [] m (-es/-as) binder
bindung [] f (-e/-a) binding
binn [] f (-e/-a) bin, basket, crib, manger [Keltic?]
binnan [] 1. prep w.d.a. within, in, inside of, into; 2. adv inside, within, less than, during, whilst
biren [] f (-ne/-na) she-bear
birgung [] f (-e/-a) taste
birgnes [] f (-se/-sa) taste
birihte [] prep w.d. near, beside
bisæc [] n? (-es/-sacu), m? (-es/-sacas) wallet [LL bisaccium]
bísæc [] adj contested, disputed
bísǽc [] f (-e/-a) visit
bisceop [] m (-es/-as) bishop; high-priest, chief priest (Jewish), heathen priest
bisceopcynn [] n (-es/-) episcopal (high-priestly) stock
bisceopdóm [] m (-es/-as) episcopate, bishopric; excommunication
bisceopéðel [] m (-éðles/-éðlas), n (-éðles/-) episcopal see
bisceopfolgoð [] m (-es/-as) episcopate
bisceopgegyrelan [] m pl Episcopal robes
bisceophád [] m (-a/-a) bishophood, office of bishop, ordination as bishop, episcopate, bishopric
bisceophádþénung [] f (-e/-a) episcopal service
bisceophálgung [] f (-e/-a) consecration of a bishop
bisceophádung [] f (-e/-a) episcopal ordination
bisceophám [] m (-es/-as) bishop’s estate
bisceophéafodlín [] n (-es/-) head ornament worn by bishops
bisceophíred [] m (-es/-as) clergy subject to a bishop
bisceopian [] wv/t2 to confirm
bisceopland [] n (-es/-) episcopal or diocesan land
bisceoplic [] adj bishoply, episcopal
bisceopríce [] n (-es/-u) bishopric, diocese, province of a bishop; episcopal demesne or property
bisceoprocc [] m (-es/-as) bishop’s rocket, dalmatic
bisceopród [] f (-e/-a) bishop’s cross
bisceopscír [] f (-e/-a) diocese; episcopate
bisceopscýr [] f (-e/-a) diocese; episcopate
bisceopseld [] n (-es/-) bishop’s seat or see, bishopric
bisceopseonoð [] m (-es/-as) synod of bishops
bisceopsetl [] n (-es/-) bishop’s seat or see, bishopric
bisceopseðl [] n (-es/-) bishop’s seat or see, bishopric
bisceopstæf [] m (-es/-stafas) bishop’s staff
bisceopstól [] m (-es/-as) episcopal see, bishopric; bishop’s palace
bisceopsunu [] m (-a/-a) godson at a ‘bishoping’ or conformation
bisceopþénung [] f (-e/-a) office of a bishop
bisceopung [] f (-e/-a) office of a bishop
bisceopweorod [] n (-es/-) bishop’s company
bisceopwíte [] n (-es/-u) fine payable to a bishop?, forced entertaining of a bishop?
bisceopwyrt [] f (-e/-e) bishop’s-wort, betony, vervain, marshmallow
bisceopwyrtil [] ? (-?/-?) vervain; betony
bisen [] f (-e/-a), n (-es/-u) example, pattern, model; similitude, parable, parallel; rule, command, precept
bisene [] f (-an/-an), n (-es/-u) example, pattern, model; similitude, parable, parallel; rule, command, precept
bisene [] adj blind
bisenian1 [] wv/t2 to give, set an example, instruct by example; follow an example or pattern; express figuratively
bisenung [] f (-e/-a) example, pattern
bises [] m (-es/-as) the extra day intercalated in leap year [L bissextus]
bisgian1 [] wv/t2 to occupy, employ; trouble, afflict
bisgu [] f (-e/-a) occupation, labor; affliction, trouble
bisigu [] f (-e/-a) occupation, labor; affliction, trouble
bisgung [] f (-e/-a) business, occupation, care
bisig [] adj busy, occupied, diligent
bisignes [] f (-se/-sa) business
bismer [] n (-es/-), m (bismres/bismras), f (-e/-a) disgrace, scandal, shame, mockery, insult, reproach, scorn; filthiness, defilement; tó ~e ignominiously, shamefully; blasphemy; infamous deed; gerénian tó ~e to humiliate, degrade; táwian1 tó ~e to outrage, profane
bismerful [] adj infamous, shameful, ignominious
bismergléow [] n (-es/-) shameful lust
bismerian1 [] wv/t2 3rd pres bismerað past bismerode ptp gebismerod to mock, revile, illtreat, blaspheme
bismeriend [] m (-es/-) mocker
bismerléas [] adj blameless
bismerléoð [] n (-es/-) scurrilous song
bismerlic [] adj shameful ignominious, contemptuous; ridiculous, frivolous; adv ~líce
bismernes [] f (-se/-sa) pollution; insult; contemptibleness
bismerspǽc [] f (-e/-a) blasphemy
bismersprǽc [] f (-e/-a) blasphemy
bismerung1 [] f (-e/-a) mockery, scorn; blasphemy; infamy, disrepute
bismerword [] n (-es/-) reproach, insult
bíspell [] n (-es/-) example, proverb; parable, fable, allegory, story
bíspellbóc [] f (-bóce/-béc) the book of Proverbs; [gen ~béc/~bóce; dat ~béc; acc ~bóc; nom/acc pl ~béc; gen pl ~bóca; dat pl ~bócum]
bissextus [] m (-te/-tas) the intercalary day of leap year; leap year [L]
bíswæc [] m (-es/-as) tripping up, treachery
bita [] m (-n/-n) 1. bit, morsel, piece; 2. biter, wild beast
bítan1 [] sv/t1 3rd pres bíteð past bát/biton ptp gebiten to bite, tear; cut, wound; ge~ dash down
bite [] m (-es/-as) bite, sting; sword-cut; cancer
bitela [] m (-n/-n) beetle
biter [] adj bitter, sharp, cutting; stinging; exasperated, angry, embittered; painful, disastrous, virulent, cruel; adv ~líce
biterian1 [] wv/t2 3rd pres biterað past biterode ptp is gebiterod to be or become bitter; wv/t2 make bitter
biterlic [] adj sad, bitter
biternes [] f (-se/-sa) bitterness, grief
biterwyrde [] adj bitter in speech
biterwyrtdrenc [] m (-es/-as) drink of bitter herbs
bitmǽlum [] adv piecemeal, bit by bit
bitol [] n (-es/-) bridle
bitre [] adv bitterly, sharply, painfully, severely; very
bitrum [] adv bitterly
bíwist [] f (-e/-e) sustenance, food, provision, necessaries
bíword [] n (-es/-) proverb, household word; adverb
bíwyrde [] n (-es/-u) byword, proverb
bizant [] m (-es/-as) a coin
blác [] 1. adj bright, shining, glittering, flashing; pale, pallid, wan; 2. past 3rd sing of blícan
bláchléor1 [] adj with pale cheeks
blácian [] wv/t2 to turn pale
blácung [] f (-e/-a) a turning pale, pallor
bladesian [] wv/i2 to flame, blaze, be hot; emit an odor
bladesnung [] f (-e/-a) odor
bladesung [] f (-e/-a) shining, lightning
blanca2 [] m (-n/-n) (white?) horse
bland12 [] n (-es/-) blending, mixture, confusion
blandan1 [] sv/t7 3rd pres blendeð past blénd/on ptp geblanden to blend, mix, mingle; trouble, disturb, corrupt
blandenfeax2 [] adj grizzly-haired, grey-haired, old [blandan]
blát2 [] adj livid, pale, wan, ghastly; low, hoarse (sound)? or pale?; adv ~e lividly, pallidly
blátian [] wv/i2 to be livid, pale
bláwan1 [] sv/i7, sv/t7 3rd pres blǽwð past bléow/on ptp gebláwen to blow, breathe; be blown, sound; inflate; ge~ kindle, inflame; ge~ spit
bláwend [] m (-es/-) inspirer
bláwende [] adj blowing hard (wind)
bláwere [] m (-es/-as) blower
bláwung [] f (-e/-a) blowing, blast; inflation
blæc [] 1. adj black, dark; 2. n (-es/blacu) ink
blǽcan [] wv/t1b to bleach, whiten; ge~ disfigure [blác]
blæcce [] f (-an/-an) black matter
blǽce [] n? (-es/-u) irritation of the skin, leprosy; psoriasis
blǽcern [] n (-es/-) lamp, candle, light, lantern
blǽcernleoht [] n (-es/-) lantern-light
blæcfexede [] adj black-haired [feax]
blæcgymm [] m (-es/-as) jet
blæchorn [] n (-es/-) ink-horn
blǽcpytt [] m (-es/-as) bleaching-pit?
blǽcða [] m (-n/-n) leprosy
blǽcþrustfel [] n (-es/-u?) leprosy
blǽcu [] f (-e/-a) pallor
blæd [] n (-es/bladu) blade; leaf
blǽd [] 1. m (-es/-as) blowing, blast; inspiration; breath, spirit; life, mind; glory, dignity, splendor; prosperity, riches, success [bláwan]; 2. see bléd 1
blǽdágende [] adj renowned
blǽdbylig [] m (-es/-as) bellows
blǽddæg2 [] m (-es/-dagas) day of prosperity
blædderwǽrc [] m (-es/-as) pain in the bladder
blǽdfæst12 [] adj glorious, prosperous
blǽdgiefa2 [] m (-n/-n) giver of prosperity
blǽdhorn [] m (-es/-as) trumpet
blǽdnes [] f (-se/-sa) blossom, fruit [bléd]
blǽdre [] f (-an/-an) blister, pimple; bladder [bláwan]
blǽdwela [] m (-n/-n) abundant riches
blǽge [] f (-an/-an) gudgeon, bleak
blægettan [] wv/t1b to cry
blǽhǽwen [] adj light blue
blæse [] f (-an/-an) firebrand, torch, lamp
blæsere [] m (-es/-as) incendiary
blǽshorn [] m (-es/-as) trumpet
blæst [] m (-es/-as) blowing, blast (of wind), breeze; flame
blæstan [] wv/t1b to blow, belch forth
blæstbelg [] m (-es/-as) bellows
blæstm [] m? (-es/-as) flame, blaze
blǽtan [] wv/t1b to bleat
bléat [] adj miserable?; adv ~e
bléað [] adj gentle, shy, cowardly, timid; slothful, inactive, effeminate
bléd [] 1. f (-e/-a) shoot, branch, flower, blossom, leaf, foliage, fruit; harvest, crops; [blówan]; 2. see blǽd 1
blédan [] wv/t1b to bleed, let blood
blédhwæt [] adj growing quickly?, profusely?
bledu [] f (-e/-a) dish, bowl, goblet
blegen [] f (-e/-a) blain, boil, blister, ulcer
blegne [] f (-an/-an) blain, boil, blister, ulcer
blencan [] wv/t1b to deceive, cheat
blendan [] 1. wv/t1b to blind, deprive of sight; deceive; 2. to mix
blendnes [] f (-se/-sa) blindness
bléo1 [] n (-s/-) color; appearance, form; dat sing bléo; gen pl bléo, bléona; dat/inst pl bléom, bléoum, bléowum
bléobord [] n (-es/-) colored board, chess-board
bléobrygd [] n? (-es/-) combination of colors, scintillation [bregdan]
bléocræft [] m (-es/-as) art of embroidery
bléofæstnes [] f (-se/-sa) delight
bléofág [] adj variegated
bléomete [] m (-es/-mettas) dainty food
bléoréad [] adj purple
bléostǽnung [] f (-e/-a) tessellated pavement
blere [] adj bald
blerig [] adj bald
blétsian1 [] wv/t2 to consecrate, ordain; bless, give thanks, adore, extol; sign with the cross; pronounce or make happy; [blód]
blétsingbóc [] f (-béc/-béc) blessing-book, benedictional; [gen ~béc/~bóce; dat ~béc; acc ~bóc; nom/acc pl ~béc; gen pl ~bóca; dat pl ~bócum]
blétsingsealm [] m (-es/-as) the Benedicite
blétsung [] f (-e/-a) consecration; blessing, benediction; favor (of God)
blícan [] sv/i1 3rd pres blíceð past blác/blicon ptp is geblicen to glitter, shine, gleam, sparkle, dazzle; appear
bliccettan [] wv/t1b to glitter, quiver
bliccettung [] f (-e/-a) glittering, shining
blice [] m (-es/-as) exposure
blícian [] wv/t2 to shine
blind [] adj blind; dark, obscure, opaque; internal, not showing outwardly; unintelligent; not stinging; adv ~líce blindly, rashly
blindboren [] adj born blind
blindenetele [] ? (-?/-?) archangelica (plant)
blindnes [] f (-se/-sa) blindness
blinn [] n? (-es/-) cessation
blinnan1 [] sv/t3 3rd pres blinð past blann/blunnon ptp geblunnen to cease, leave off, rest from; lose, forfeit; be vacant (bishopric); [be linnan]
blinnes [] f (-se/-sa) cessation, intermission
blisgere [] m (-es/-as) incendiary [blysige]
bliss [] f (-e/-a) bliss, merriment, happiness; kindness, friendship, grace, favor; cause of happiness [blíðe]
blissian1 [] wv/i2 to be glad, rejoice, exult; wv/t2 to make happy, gladden, endow; applaud
blissig [] adj joyful
blissigendlic [] adj exulting
blissung [] f (-e/-a) exultation
blíðe1 [] 1. adj blithe, joyous, cheerful, pleasant; gracious, well-disposed, friendly, kind; agreeable, willing; quiet, peaceful, gentle; 2. adv
blíðelic [] adj gentle, pleasant, glad, well-wishing; adv ~líce
blíðemód [] adj glad, cheerful; well-wishing, friendly
blíðheort [] adj happy, joyful; kind, merciful
blíðnes [] f (-se/-sa) joy, gladness, pleasure
blód [] n (-es/-) blood; vein; déad ~ congealed blood
blóddolg [] n (-es/-) bleeding wound
blóddolh [] n (-es/-) bleeding wound
blóddrync [] m (-es/-as) bloodshed
blódegesa [] m (-n/-n) bloody horror
blóden [] adj bloody
blódfág2 [] adj blood-stained, bloody
blódgemang [] n (-es/-) a blood-mixture
blódgemenged [] adj blood-stained
blódgéotend [] m (-es/-) shedder of blood
blódgéotende [] adj bloody
blódgian1 [] wv/t2 to be bloodthirsty; make bloody
blódgyte [] m (-es/-as) bloodshed
blódhrǽcung [] f (-e/-a) spitting of blood
blódhréow [] adj sanguinary, cruel
blódig [] adj bloody
blódigtóð [] adj bloody-toothed
blódiorn [] ? (-?/-?) bloody flux
blódlǽs [] f (-we/-wa) blood-letting
blódlǽswu [] f (-e/-a) blood-letting, bleeding
blódlǽstíd [] f (-e/-e) time for blood-letting
blódlǽte [] f (-an/-an) blood-letting, bleeding
blódlǽtere [] m (-es/-as) blood-letter
blódléas [] adj bloodless
blódorc [] m (-es/-as) sacrificial vessel
blódréad [] adj blood-red
blódryne [] m (-es/-as) issue of blood, bloody flux; bursting of a blood-vessel
blódscéawung [] f (-e/-a) supply of blood?
blódseax [] n (-es/-) lancet
blódseten [] f (-ne/-na) something to stop bleeding
blódsihte [] f (-an/-an) flowing of blood
blódspíwung [] f (-e/-a) spitting of blood
blódþigen [] f (-ne/-na) tasting of blood
blódwíte [] n (-es/-u) blood-offering; penalty for bloodshed?; right to exact such a penalty
blódwracu [] f (-e/-a) revenge for bloodshed
blódyrnende [] adj having an issue of blood
blóma [] m (-n/-n) lump of metal, mass
blóstm [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) blossom, flower, fruit
blóstma [] m (-n/-n) blossom, flower, fruit
blóstmbǽre [] adj flower-bearing
blóstmbǽrende [] adj flower-bearing
blóstmfréols [] m (-es/-as) floral festival
blóstmian [] wv/t2 to blossom, bloom
blóstmig [] adj flowery
blót1 [] n (-es/-) sacrifice
blótan [] sv/t7 3rd pres bléteð past bléot/on ptp geblóten to sacrifice, kill for sacrifice
blótere [] m (-es/-as) sacrificer
blótmónað [] m (-es/-as) month of sacrifice; November
blótorc [] m (-es/-as) sacrificial vessel
blótspíung [] f (-e/-a) spitting of blood
blótung [] f (-e/-a) sacrifice
blówan1 [] 1. sv/t7 3rd pres bléwð past bléow/on ptp geblówen to blow, flower, flourish, blossom; 2. see bláwan
blówendlic [] adj blooming
blundrian [] wv/t2 to shake up, stir up; mix, mingle, blend
blysa [] m (-n/-n) firebrand, torch
blyscan [] wv/t1b to make or color reddish; to be reddish; transf., to have a reddish glow [rutilare]
bóc [] 1. f cns. (bóce/béc), n (-es/-) beech-tree; beech-nut; book, writing, Bible; deed, charter, conveyance; Crístes ~ gospel; [gen ~béc/~bóce; dat ~béc; acc ~bóc; nom/acc pl ~béc; gen pl ~bóca; dat pl ~bócum]; 2. past 3rd sing of bacan
bócæceras [] m pl freehold lands
bócblæc [] n (-es/-blacu) ink
bóccest [] f (-e/-a) book-chest
bóccist [] f (-e/-a) book-chest
bócciste [] f (-an/-an) book-chest
bóccræft [] m (-es/-as) learning, science
bóccræftig [] adj book-learned
bóccynn [] n (-es/-) a kind of book
bócere [] m (-es/-as) scholar, scribe, writer
bócfell [] n (-es/-) parchment, vellum
bócfódder [] n (-fóddres/-) bookcase
bócgesamnung [] f (-e/-a) library
bócgestréon [] n (-es/-) library
bóchaga [] m (-n/-n) beech-hedge
bócholt [] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) a beechwood
bóchord [] n (-es/-) library
bóchús [] n (-es/-) library
bócian1 [] wv/t2 to grant by charter; supply with books
bócland [] n (-es/-) land held by written title
bóclár [] f (-e/-a) book-lore, learning
bóclæden [] n (-es/-) literary Latin, learned language
bóclic [] adj of or belonging to a book; scientific; biblical, scriptural; ~ stæf ars liberalis
bócrǽdere [] m (-es/-as) reader of books
bócrǽdung [] f (-e/-a) reading of books
bócréad [] adj red color used in illuminating manuscripts, vermilion
bócréde [] f (-an/-an) reading of books
bócriht [] n (-es/-) right given by will or charter
bócstæf [] m (-es/-stafas) letter, character [Ger buchstabe]
bócstigel [] f (-e/-a) beech-wood, stile
bóctǽcung [] f (-e/-a) teaching or narrative, written in books
bóctalu [] f (-e/-a) teaching or narrative, written in books
bóctréow [] n (-es/-) beech-tree
bócung [] f (-e/-a) conveyance by charter or deed
bócweorc [] n (-es/-) study of books
bócwudu [] m (-a/-a) beech-wood
bod1 [] n (-es/-u) command, message, precept; preaching
boda [] m (-n/-n) messenger, herald, apostle, angel; prophet
bodere [] m (-es/-as) teacher
bodian1 [] wv/t2 to tell, proclaim, announce; preach; foretell; boast
bodiend [] m (-es/-) proclaimer, teacher, preacher
bodig [] n (-es/-) body, trunk, frame, bodily presence; main part
bodigendlic [] adj to be celebrated
bodlác [] n (-es/-) decree, ordinance
bodscipe12 [] m (-es/-as) command, message
bodung [] f (-e/-a) message, recital, preaching; interpretation; assertiveness
bodungdæg [] m (-es/-dagas) Annunciation Day
bóg [] m (-es/-as) arm, shoulder; bough, twig, branch; offspring [búgan]
boga [] m (-n/-n) bow (weapon); arch, arched place, vault; rainbow; folded parchment [Ger bogen]
bógan [] wv/t1b to boast
bogefódder [] n (-fóddres/-) quiver, case for the bow
bogen [] 1. ? (-?/-?) name of a plant; 2. past participle of búgan
bogenett [] n (-es/-) wicker basket with a narrow neck for catching fish
bogetung [] f (-e/-a) curve
bógian [] 1. wv/i2 1 to dwell; wv/t2 to inhabit; 2. see bógan
bogiht [] adj full of bends
bógincel [] n (-incles/-inclu) small bough
bógung [] f (-e/-a) boastfulness, arrogance, display
bohscyld [] m (-es/-as) curved shield?
bóhtimber [] n (-timbres/-) building-wood
bol? [] m (-es/-as) bole, trunk
ból [] ? (-?/-?) necklace
bolca [] m (-n/-n) gangway of a ship
bold [] n (-es/-) house, dwelling-[lace, mansion, hall, castle; temple
boldágend2 [] m (-es/-) homestead-owner
boldgestréon2 [] n (-es/-) household goods
boldgetæl [] n (-es/-talu) collection of houses; (political) district, county, province
boldgetimbru [] n pl houses
boldweard [] m (-es/-as) housekeeper, steward
boldwela2 [] m (-n/-n) wealth; splendid dwelling, paradise, heaven; village
bolgenmód2 [] adj enraged
bolla [] m (-n/-n) bowl, cup, pot, beaker, measure
bolle [] f (-an/-an) bowl, cup, pot, beaker, measure
bolster [] m (bolstres/bolstras), n (bolstres/-) bolster, cushion
bolt [] m (-es/-as) bolt; crossbow for throwing bolts or arrows
bolttimber [] n (-timbres/-) building timber, beams
bón [] 1. f (-e/-a) ornament; 2. see bógan
bónda [] m (-n/-n) householder; freeman, plebeian; husband
bóndeland [] n (-es/-) land held by a bónda [ON bóndi]
bor [] ? (-?/-?) borer, gimlet; lancet, scalpel, graving tool [borian]
bora [] m (-n/-n) ruler [rǽdbora?]
brocian [] wv/t2 to bark
bord [] n (-es/-) board, plank; table; side of a ship; ship; shield; innan/útan ~es at home/abroad
borda [] m (-n/-n) embroidery, ornament
bordcláð [] m (-es/-as) table-cloth
bordgelác [] n (-es/-) weapon, dart
bordhæbbende [] adj shield-bearing
bordhaga [] m (-n/-n) cover of shields
bordhréoða2 [] m (-n/-n) shield-ornament; phalanx
bordrand [] m (-es/-as) shield
bordrima [] m (-n/-n) rim, edge
bordríðig [] ? (-?/-?) a stream running in a channel made of planks?
bordstæð [] n (-es/-staðu) the rigging of a ship; sea-shore
bordþaca [] m (-n/-n) shield-covering, a tortoise, i. e. a covering, shed, shelter [testudo]; board for roofing
bordweall [] m (-es/-as) wall of shields, phalanx; buckler, shield; side of ship
bordwudu [] m (-a/-a) shield
borettan [] wv/t1b to brandish
borg [] m (-es/-as) pledge, security, bail, debt, obligation; bondsman; debtor
borgbryce [] m (-es/-as) breach of surety
borgfæst [] adj fast bound
borgfæstan1 [] wv/t1b to bind by pledge or surety
borggelda [] m (-n/-n) borrower; lender
borghand [] f (-a/-a), m (-es/-as) security, surety (person)
borgian [] wv/t2 to borrow; lend; be surety for
borgiend [] m (-es/-) lender, usurer
borgléas [] adj without a pledge, without security
borgsorg [] f (-e/-a) trouble on account of lending or security
borgsteall [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) a steep path up a hill?
borgwedd [] n (-es/-) pledge
borhfæst [] adj fast bound
borhfæstan1 [] wv/t1b to bind by pledge or surety
borhhand [] f (-a/-a), m (-es/-as) security, surety (person)
borhléas [] adj without a pledge, without security
borian [] wv/t2 to bore, perforate
borlíce [] adv very, extremely, fitly, excellently
bósig [] m? (-es/-as), n? (-es/-) stall, crib
bósm [] m (-es/-as) bosom, breast, womb; surface; ship’s hold
bósum [] m (-es/-as) bosom, breast, womb; surface; ship’s hold
bósmig [] adj sinuous
bót [] f (-e/-a) help, relief, advantage, remedy; compensation for an injury or wrong; (peace) offering, recompense, amends, atonement, reformation, penance, repentance; tó ~e to boot, besides, moreover
bótettan [] wv/t1b to improve, repair
bótian [] wv/i2 to get better
bótléas [] adj unpardonable, not to be atoned for by bót
botm [] m (-es/-as) bottom, ground, foundation; abyss
bótwyrðe [] adj pardonable, that can be atoned for by bót [see bótléas]
boðen [] m (-es/-as), n? (-es/-) rosemary; darnel; thyme
box [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-u) box-tree; box, case [L]
boxtréow [] n (-es/-) box-tree
braccas [] m pl breeches [L]
brachwíl [] f (-e/-a) moment
brád [] 1. adj broad, flat, open, extended, spacious, wide; ample, copious; (cmp brǽdra/brádra, spl brǽdest/brádost); 2. n (-es/-) breadth; ~ hand f (-a/-a) palm
brádæx [] f (-e/-a) broad axe
brádbrim2 [] n (-es/-u, -breomu) wide sea
bráde2 [] adv far and wide, broadly, widely
brádeléac [] n (-es/-) leek
brádhand [] f (-a/-a) palm of the hand
brádian [] wv/t2 to extend, reach; to become broad
brádlástæx [] f (-e/-a) broad axe
brádlinga [] adv flatly, with the hand open
brádnes [] f (-se/-sa) breadth, greatness, extent, surface; liberality
brádsweord [] n (-es/-) broadsword
brand [] m (-es/-as) fire, flame; brand, torch; sword, weapon; ~ Healfdenes Hrothgar
brandhát2 [] adj burning hot, ardent
brandhord [] n? (-es/-) treasure exciting ardent desires; care, anxiety
brandíren [] n (-es/-) fire-dog, trivet, grate
brandísen [] n (-es/-) fire-dog, trivet, grate
brandóm [] m (-es/-as) metallic oxide, rust [rubigo]
brandrád [] f (-e/-a) fire-dog, trivet
brandrida [] m (-n/-n) fire-grate
brandstefn [] adj high-prowed? [listed as ~stæfn]
brant2 [] adj deep, steep, high
brastlian [] wv/t2 to roar, rustle, crackle
brastlung [] f (-e/-a) crackling, rustling, crashing
bratt [] m (-es/-as) cloak
bræc [] 1. ? (-?/-?) a strip of untilled land?; 2. see past 3rd sing of brecan; 3. see bréc nom/acc pl of bróc 1
brǽc [] 1. 1 n (-es/-) catarrh, cough; 2. f (-e/-a) breaking, destruction; 3. see bréc nom/acc pl of bróc 1
bræcce [] ? (-?/-?) breeches [L]
brǽccoðu [] f (-e/-a) falling sickness, epilepsy
brǽcdrenc [] m (-es/-as) cough medicine
bræclian [] adj to crackle, make a noise
brǽcséoc1 [] adj epileptic, lunatic
brǽd [] 1. f (-e/-a) breadth, width; 2. f (-e/-a) flesh [OHG brat]; 3. m (-es/-as) trick, fraud, deceit, craft; 4. past 3rd sing of bregdan; 5. present 3rd sing and pp of brǽdan
brǽdan1 [] wv/t1b 1. to make broad, extend, spread, stretch out; be extended, rise, grow; [brád]; 2. to roast, toast, bake, broil, cook
brǽde [] m (-es/-as) roast meat
brǽdepanne [] f (-an/-an) frying-pan
brǽding [] 1. f (-e/-a) extension; bedding, bed?; 2. f (-e/-a) roast meat
brǽdu [] f (-e/-a) breadth, width, extent
brægdboga [] m (-n/-n) deceitful bow
brægden [] 1. adj 1 deceitful, crafty; adv ~líce [bregdan]; 2. ? (-?/-?) fraud
brægdwís [] adj crafty [wís]