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beaduþréat [] m (-es/-as) war-band, army

beaduwǽpen2 [] n (-es/-) weapon of war

beaduwang2 [] m (-es/-as) battlefield

beaduweorc2 [] n (-es/-) warlike operation

beaduwrǽd [] m (-es/-as) fighting troop

beaftan [] wv/t1b to strike (the hands) together?, lament?

béag [] 1. m (-es/-as) ring (as ornament or as money), coil, bracelet, collar, crown, garland; treasured things; a treasured thing (sword); 2. pret 1, 3 sing of búgan

béaggiefa2 [] m (-n/-n) ring-giver, lord, king, generous chief

béaggiefu [] f (-e/-a) ring-giving

béaghord [] n (-es/-) ring-hoard

béaghroden2 [] adj diademed, adorned with rings or armlets

béagian1 [] wv/t2 to crown

béagsel2 [] m (-es/-as) hall in which rings are distributed

béagsele2 [] m (-es/-as) hall in which rings are distributed

béagþegu [] f (-e/-a) receiving of rings

béagwíse [] n (-es/-u) round shape

béagwriða [] m (-n/-n) armlet

béahsian [] wv/t2 to ask advice

bealcan [] wv/t1b to belch, utter, bring up, sputter out, give forth, emit; come forth

bealcettan [] wv/t1b to belch, utter, bring up, sputter out, give forth, emit; come forth

beald [] adj bold, brave, confident, strong; presumptuous, impudent

bealde [] adv boldly, courageously, confidently; without hesitation, immediately

bealdian [] wv/i2 to be bold

bealdlíce [] adv boldly

bealdnes [] f (-se/-sa) boldness

bealdor [] m (bealdres/bealdras) lord, master, hero

bealdwyrde [] adj bold of speech

beallucas [] m pl testiculi

bealu [] 1. 2 n (-wes/-) bale, harm, injury, destruction, ruin, evil, mischief; wickedness, malice; a noxious thing; 2. adj baleful, deadly, dangerous, wicked, evil

bealubend [] m (-es/-as) pernicious bond

bealubenn [] f (-e/-a) mortal wound

bealublonden [] adj pernicious

bealuclumm [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) oppressive bond

bealucræft [] m (-es/-as) magic art

bealucwealm [] m (-es/-as) violent death

bealudǽd2 [] f (-e/-e) evil deed, sin

bealuful [] adj baleful, dire, wicked, cruel

bealufús [] adj prone to sin

bealuhycgende [] adj meditating mischief

bealuhýdig [] adj meditating mischief

bealuinwit [] n (-es/-u) deceit, treachery

bealuléas2 [] adj harmless, innocent

bealuníð2 [] m (-es/-as) malice, wickedness

bealuráp [] m (-es/-as) oppressive fetter

bealusearu [] n (-wes/-) wicked machination

bealusíð2 [] m (-es/-as) hurt, adversity; death

bealusorg [] f (-e/-a) dire sorrow

bealuspell [] n (-es/-) baleful message

bealuþonc [] m (-es/-as) evil thought

béam [] m (-es/-as) tree; beam, rafter, piece of wood; cross, gallows; 2 ship; column, pillar; sunbeam; metal girder; on héanne ~ gestígan to climb the high oak (to beat down acorns)

béamsceadu2 [] f (-e/-a) shade of a tree

béamtelg [] m (-es/-as) ink or dye from wood

béamweg [] m (-es/-as) road made with logs

béamwer [] m (-es/-as) wooden weir?

béan [] f (-e/-a) bean, pea, legume

béanbelgas [] m pl bean pods, husks, or cods

béancoddas [] m pl bean pods, husks, or cods

béancynn [] n (-es/-) a kind of bean

béanen [] adj of beans

béanléag [] f (-e/-a) land where beans grow

béanmelu [] n (-wes/-) bean-meal

béansǽd [] n (-es/-) bean-seed

béanscalu [] f (-e/-a) bean-pod

béanscealu [] f (-e/-a) bean-pod

béanset [] n (-es/-u) bean-plot

bearce [] f (-an/-an) barking

beard [] m (-es/-as) beard

beardléas [] adj beardless, youthful

bearg [] 1. m (-es/-as) barrow pig, hog; 2. past 3rd sing of beorgan

bearhtm [] 1. m (-es/-as) brightness, flash; twinkling (of an eye), instant; adv ~e instantly; 2. see breahtm

bearhtmhwæt [] adj swift as the twinkling of an eye, momentary

bearhtmhwíl [] f (-e/-e) moment, twinkling of an eye, point of time

bearm [] 1. m (-es/-as) lap, bosom, breast; middle, inside; 2 possession; 2. emotion, excitement?; 3. see beorma

bearmcláð [] n (-es/-) apron

bearmhrægl [] n (-es/-) apron

bearmtéag [] f (-e/-a) yeast-box

bearn [] 1. n (-es/-) child, son, descendant, offspring, issue; léoda ~ children of men; mid ~e pregnant; 2. see barn, past 3rd sing of biernan; 3. past 3rd sing of beiernan; 4. see bereærn

bearncennicge [] f (-an/-an) mother

bearnéaca [] adj pregnant

bearnéacen [] adj pregnant

bearnéacnigende [] adj pregnant

bearnéacnod [] adj pregnant

bearngebyrda [] f pl child-bearing

bearngestréon [] n (-es/-) procreation of children

bearnléas [] adj childless

bearnléast [] f (-e/-a) childlessness

bearnlufe [] f (-an/-an) affection (for a child), adoption

bearnmyrðra [] m (-n/-n) murderer or murderess of a child

bearnmyrðre [] m (-n/-n) murderer or murderess of a child

bearntéam [] m (-es/-as) offspring, posterity; procreation of children

bearu1 [] m (-wes/-was) grove, wood; [berwe]

bearunæs [] m (-es/-nasas) woody shore

bearwe [] f (-an/-an) basket, wheelbarrow

béatan1 [] sv/t7 3rd pres bíeteð past béot/on, beoft/on ptp gebéaten to beat, pound, strike, thrust, dash; hurt, injure; tramp, tread

béatere [] m (-es/-as) beater, boxer

béaw [] m (-es/-as) gad-fly

beæftan [] 1. adv after, hereafter, afterwards, behind; 2. prep w.d. after, behind

beǽwnian [] wv/t2 to join in marriage, marry [ǽw]

bebaðian [] wv/t2, wv/i2 to bathe, wash

bebéodan [] sv/t2 3rd pres bebíedeð past bebéad/bebudon ptp beboden to offer, commit, entrust; bid, enjoin, instruct, command, require; announce, proclaim

bebéodend [] m (-es/-) commander, master

bebéodendlic [] adj imperative

bebeorgan [] sv/t3 3rd pres bebiergð past bebearg/beburgon ptp beborgen to be on one’s guard, defend, protect

beberan [] sv/t4 3rd pres bebirð past bebær/bebǽron ptp beboren to carry to, supply with

bebindan [] sv/t3 3rd pres bebindeð past beband/bebundon ptp bebunden to bind about, bind fast

bebítan [] sv/t1 3rd pres bebíteð past bebát/bebiton ptp bebiten to bite

bebláwan [] sv/t7 3rd pres beblǽwð past bebléow/on ptp bebláwen to blow upon

bebod [] n (-es/-u, -beodu) command, injunction, order, decree; þá ~u the (ten) commandments)

beboddæg [] m (-es/-dagas) appointed day

bebodrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) command, authority

bebrǽden [] wv/t1b to spread, cover

bebrecan [] sv/t4 3rd pres bebricð past bebræc/brǽcon ptp bebrocen to break to pieces

bebregdan [] sv/t3 3rd pres bebrigdeð past bebrægd/bebrugdon ptp bebrogden to pretend

bebrúcan [] sv/t2 3rd pres bebrýcð past bebréac/bebrucon ptp bebrocen to practice; consume (food)

bebúgan [] sv/t2 3rd pres bebýgð past bebéag/bebugon ptp bebogen to flow round, surround, enclose; turn from, shun, avoid; reach, extend

bebycgan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres bebygð past bebóhte ptp bebóht to sell

bebycgung [] f (-e/-a) selling

bebyrdan [] wv/t1b to fringe, border

bebyrgan [] wv/t1b 1. to raise a mound to, bury, inter; 2. see bebeorgan

bebyrian [] wv/t1a 3rd pres bebyreð past bebyrede ptp bebyred 1. to raise a mound to, bury, inter; 2. see bebeorgan

bebyrgednes [] f (-se/-sa) burial, burying (1)

bebyrigednes [] f (-se/-sa) burial, burying (2)

bebyrignes [] f (-se/-sa) burial, burying (3)

bebyrgung [] f (-e/-a) burial

becæfian [] wv/t2 to ornament

becarcian [] wv/t2 to be anxious (about)

becca [] m (-n/-n) pick, mattock

beccen [] m (-es/-as) buyer [= bycgend]

béce [] f (-an/-an) beech (tree)

becéapian [] wv/t2 to sell; buy [listed as sv/t1]

becéasan [] sv/t7 3rd pres becíesð past becéos/on ptp becéasen to attack, fight, combat

bécen [] 1. adj beechen, made of beechwood; 2. see béacen

beceorfan [] sv/t3 3rd pres becierfð past becearf/becurfon ptp becorfen to cut, cut off, separate; héafde ~ to behead

beceorian [] wv/t2 to murmur at, complain of

becéowan [] sv/t2 3rd pres becíewð past becéaw/becuwon ptp becowen to gnaw in pieces

becépan [] 1. wv/t1b to take notice of; 2. see becýpan

becídan [] wv/t1b to complain of

becierran [] wv/t1b to turn, turn around, pass by, avoid; wind, twist; pervert; give up, betray; to change

beclǽman [] wv/t1b to plaster over, poultice

beclǽnsian [] wv/t2 to cleanse

beclemman [] wv/t1a to bind, enclose

beclencan [] wv/t1b to hold fast

beclingan [] sv/t3 3rd pres beclingeð past beclang/beclungon ptp beclungen to enclose, bind

beclypian [] wv/t2 to accuse, challenge, sue at law

beclyppan [] wv/t1a to clasp, embrace; encompass, hold

beclypping [] f (-e/-a) embrace

beclýsan [] wv/t1b to close, shut up, enclose, confine, imprison; [clúse]

beclýsung [] f (-e/-a) enclosure, cell; period, syllogism

becnáwan [] sv/t7 3rd pres becnǽwð past becnéow/on ptp becnáwen to know

becnedan [] sv/t5 3rd pres becnideð past becnæd/becnǽdon ptp becneden to knead up

becnyttan [] wv/t1a to knit, tie, bind

becola? [] m (-n/-n) specter

becole? [] f (-an/-an) specter

becréopan [] sv/t2 3rd pres becríepð past becréap/becrupon ptp becropen to creep into, crawl; be hidden

becuman [] sv/i4 3rd pres becymð past becóm/on ptp is becumen to come, approach, arrive, enter, meet with, fall in with; happen, befall; impers befit

becwelan [] sv/i4 3rd pres becwilð past becwæl/becwǽlon ptp is becwolen to die

becweðan [] sv/t5 3rd pres becwiðeð past becwæð/becwǽdon ptp becweden to say; to speak to, address, exhort; admonish, blame; bequeath, leave by will

becweðere [] m (-es/-as) interpreter, translator

becwyddod [] adj bespoken, deposited

becwylman? [] wv/t1b to torment

becyme [] m (-es/-as) event, result

becýpan [] wv/t1b to sell

bed1 [] 1. n (-es/beodu) prayer, supplication; religious ordinance, service; 2. see bedd; 3. see bæd past 3rd sing of biddan

bedǽlan [] wv/t1b to deprive, strip, bereave of, rob; release, free from

bedbǽr [] f (-e/-a) portable bed

bedbolster [] m (-bolstres/-bolstras) bolster, pillow

bedbúr [] n (-es/-) bed-chamber

bedcleofa1 [] m (-n/-n) bed-chamber; lair

bedcofa [] m (-n/-n) bed-chamber

bedcofe [] f (-an/-an) bed-chamber

bedd [] n (-es/-) bed, couch, resting-place; garden-bed, plot

beddagas1 [] m pl Rogation days

beddcláð [] m (-es/-as) bed-covering; pl bed-clothes

beddgemána [] m (-n/-n) cohabitation

beddian [] wv/t2 to make a bed; provide one with a bed

beddung [] f (-e/-a) bedding, bed-covering; bed

beddrest2 [] f (-e/-a) bed

beddstów [] f (-e/-a) bed

bedéaglian [] wv/t2 to conceal

bedecian [] wv/t2 to beg

bedelfan [] sv/t3 3rd pres bedilfð past bedealf/bedulfon ptp bedolfen to dig around; bury

bedelfung [] f (-e/-a) digging round

bedfelt [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) bed-covering

bedgerid [] n (-es/-u, -reodu) food in an ant’s nest

bedhús1 [] n (-es/-) chapel, oratory

bedícian [] wv/t2 to surround with a dyke, embank, fortify

bedíglian [] wv/t2 to conceal, hide, obscure, keep secret; be concealed, lie hidden

bedíglung [] f (-e/-a) secret place

bedípan [] sv/t1 3rd pres bedípð past bedáp/bedipon ptp bedipen to dip, immerse; anoint

bedón [] irreg v/t to shut

bedrǽden1 [] f (-ne/-na) prayer, intercession

bedréaf [] n (-es/-) bed-clothes, bedding

bedreda [] m (-n/-n) bedridden (man); adj bedridden

bedréosan [] sv/t2 3rd pres bedríesð past bedréas/bedruron ptp bedroren to overcome, deceive?; deprive of, bereave, despoil

bedrífan [] sv/t1 3rd pres bedrífð past bedráf/bedrifon ptp bedrifen to drive, beat, strike, assail; follow up, pursue; surround, cover

bedrincan [] sv/t3 3rd pres bedrincð past bedranc/bedruncon ptp bedruncen to drink up, absorb

bedríp [] n (-es/-) compulsory service rendered to a landowner at harvest time

bedróg [] adj beguiled

bedrúgian [] wv/t2 to dry up

bedrýpan [] wv/t1b to moisten

bedstréaw [] n (-es/-) straw for bedding

bedtíd [] f (-e/-e) bed-time

bedþegn [] m (-es/-as) chamber-servant, chamberlain

bedþén [] m (-es/-as) chamber-servant, chamberlain

bedu [] f (-e/-a) asking, prayer [Goth bida]

bedúfan [] sv/t2 3rd pres bedýfð past bedéaf/bedufon ptp bedofen to immerse, submerge, drown

bedul [] adj suppliant

bedwáhrift [] n (-es/-) bed-curtain

bedydrian [] wv/t2 to conceal from; deceive

bedýfan [] wv/t1b to immerse

bedyppan [] wv/t1a to dip, immerse

bedyrnan [] wv/t1b to conceal [dierne]

beéastan [] prep w.d.a. to the east of

beéastannorðan [] prep w.d.a.? to the north-east of

beebbian [] wv/t2 to leave aground by the ebb tide, strand

beefesian [] wv/t2 to cut off the hair

beegðan [] wv/t1b to harrow

befaran [] sv/t6 3rd pres befærð past befór/on ptp befaren to go, go around or among, traverse, encompass, surround; come upon, surprise, catch

befæstan [] wv/t1b to fasten, fix, ground, establish, make safe, put in safe keeping; apply, utilize; commend, entrust to

befæstnian [] wv/t2 to fix; to pledge, betroth

befættian [] wv/t2 to fatten, anoint

befæðman [] wv/t1b to encircle

befæðmian [] wv/t2 to encircle

befealdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres befieldeð past beféold/on ptp befealden to fold, roll up, envelop, clasp, surround, involve, cover; attach

befealdian [] wv/i2 to roll up

befeallan [] 1. sv/t7 3rd pres befielð past beféoll/on ptp befeallan to fall; deprive of, bereave of; fall to, be assigned to; befall; 2. see befyllan

befégan [] wv/t1b to join

befelgan [] sv/i3 3rd pres befilgð past befealg/befulgon ptp is befolgen to stick or cling to, betake oneself; sv/t3 to deliver, transmit, consign

befeohtan [] sv/t3 3rd pres befiehteð past befeaht/befuhton ptp befohten to take by fighting

beféolan [] sv/t3 3rd pres befíelð past befealh/befulgon ptp befolgen to put away, bury; deliver, grant, consign, entrust to; betake oneself to, apply oneself, devote oneself to, persist, persevere; importune; put up with, be pleased with

beféon [] wv/t1b 3rd pres beféoð past beféode ptp beféod to deprive of property

befer [] m (-es/-as) beaver

beféran [] wv/t1b to surround; come upon, overtake, pass by; go about; fall among

befician [] wv/t2 to deceive

befléan [] sv/t6 3rd pres beflíehð past beflóg/on ptp beflagen to peel, skin, flay; beflagen flǽsc entrails

befléogan [] sv/t2 3rd pres beflíegð past befléag/beflugon ptp beflogen to fly upon

befléon [] sv/t2 w.a. 3rd pres beflíehð past befléag/beflugon ptp beflogen to flee from, flee, escape, avoid

beflówan [] sv/t7 3rd pres befléwð past befléow/on ptp beflówen to flow around, over

befón [] sv/t7 3rd pres beféhð past beféng/on ptp befangen to surround, clasp, include, envelop, encase, clothe; comprehend, seize, attack (at law), lay hold of, catch, ensnare; contain, receive, conceive; explain; wordum ~ tell, relate; on ~ to have to do with, engage in

beforan [] 1. prep a. w.d. (local) before, in front of, in the presence of; (temporal) before, prior to, sooner than; b. w.a. before; 2. adv (local) before, in front; (temporal) before, formerly, in former times, earlier, sooner; at hand, openly

beforhtian [] wv/t2 to dread

befótian [] wv/t2 to cut off one’s feet

befréogan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres befréoð past befréode ptp befréod to free, liberate

befrignan [] sv/t3 3rd pres befrigneð past befrægn/befrugnon ptp befrugnen to question, ask, learn

befrínan [] sv/t3 3rd pres befrínð past befrǽn/befrúnon ptp befrúnen to question, ask, learn

befrínung [] f (-e/-a) inquiry

befullan [] adv entirely, completely, perfectly

befýlan [] wv/t1b to befoul, defile

befylgan [] wv/t1b to follow after, pursue, persevere

befyllan [] 1. wv/t1a to fell, lay low, strike down; take by killing, bereave; [feallan]; 2. to fill up [full]

begalan [] sv/t6 3rd pres begælð past begól/on ptp begalen to sing incantations over, enchant

begán [] irreg v/t to go over, traverse; get to, come by, fall into; go to, visit, care for, cultivate; inhabit, occupy; surround, beset, overrun; practice, do, engage in, perform, attend to, be diligent about; honor, serve, worship; profess; on borh ~ pledge oneself; útan ~ besiege

begang [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) way, course, circuit, extent; district, region; business, undertaking, practice, exercise, service, reverence, worship; cultivation; [= bígeng]

begangnes [] f (-se/-sa) the day of proclamation, Calends, first day of the month [calendæ], celebration (1)

begangol [] m? (-es/begangelas) cultivator; worship

begannes [] f (-se/-sa) the day of proclamation, Calends, first day of the month [calendæ], celebration (3)

begǽn [] wv/t1b to affirm

begbéam [] m (-es/-as) bramble, thorn-bush

begéat [] 1. m (-es/-as) attainment; acquisitions, property; 2. past 3rd sing of begéotan

begegnes [] f (-se/-sa) application, study (2)

bégen [] adj masc nominative both; fem nominative bá; neut nominative bú; genitive béga, bégea, bégra; dative bǽm, bám; masc/neut accusative bú; fem accusative bá; masc and fem/neut nom bá, bú

begenga [] m (-n/-n) cultivator

begengnes [] f (-se/-sa) application, study (1)

begéomerian [] wv/t2 to lament

begeonan [] prep w.d.a., adv beyond, on the other side (3)

begeondan [] prep w.d.a., adv beyond, on the other side (1)

begeonde [] prep w.d.a., adv beyond, on the other side (2)

begeongnes [] f (-se/-sa) the day of proclamation, Calends, first day of the month [calendæ], celebration (2)

begéotan [] wv/t2 to pour over or upon, anoint, infuse, flood (with), sprinkle, cover with fluid

beger [] n (-es/-) berry

begiellan [] sv/t3 3rd pres begielð past begeall/begullon ptp begollen to scream, screech

begíeman [] wv/t1b to look after, take care of; do service, attend; take heed, observe

begíemen [] f (-ne/-na) attention, observation

begíemend [] m (-es/-) guide, ruler

begíemung [] f (-e/-a) invention, device; observance; care, regard

begietan [] sv/t5 3rd pres begieteð past begeat/begéaton ptp begieten to get, find, acquire, attain, receive, take, seize; happen; beget

begietend [] m (-es/-) one who gets

begíman [] wv/t1b to look after, take care of; do service, attend; take heed, observe

begímen [] f (-e/-a) attention, observation

begímend [] m (-es/-) guide, ruler

begímung [] f (-e/-a) invention, device; observance; care, regard

begínan [] sv/t1 3rd pres begínð past begán/beginon ptp beginen to open the mouth wide, swallow

beginnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres beginð past begann/begunnon ptp begunnen to begin; attempt, undertake; attack

begleddian [] wv/t2 to befoul, pollute; stain, dye

beglídan [] sv/t1 3rd pres beglídeð past beglád/beglidon ptp begliden to leave, desert

begnagan [] sv/t6 3rd pres begnægð past begnóg/on ptp begnagen to gnaw

begneorð? [] adj attentive

begnídan [] sv/t1 3rd pres begnídeð past begnád/begnidon ptp begniden to rub thoroughly

begnornian [] wv/t2 to mourn for

begrafan [] sv/t6 3rd pres begræfð past begróf/on ptp begrafen to bury

begrétan [] wv/t1b to lament

begrindan [] sv/t3 3rd pres begrindeð past begrand/begrundon ptp begrunden to grind, polish, sharpen; deprive of, rob

begrípan [] sv/t1 3rd pres begrípð past begráp/begripon ptp begripen to grip, seize; chide

begriwen [] adj steeped in; past part

begroren [] adj overwhelmed

begrynian [] adj to ensnare, entrap

begyldan [] wv/t1b to adorn with gold

begylpan [] wv/t1b to boast, exult

begyrdan [] wv/t1b to gird, clothe; surround, fortify

behabban [] wv/t3 to include, hold, surround, comprehend, contain; detain, withhold

behádian [] wv/t2 to unfrock (a priest)

behamelian [] wv/t2 to mutilate

behammen [] adj clavatus (of shoe), patched, studded with nails

behát [] n (-es/-) promise, vow; threat

behátan [] sv/t7 (often w.d. person) 3rd pres behǽteð past behét/on, beheht/on ptp beháten to promise, vow, pledge oneself; threaten

behátland [] n (-es/-) promised land

beháwian [] wv/t2 to see clearly, take care, consider

behæfednes [] f (-se/-sa) restraint, temperance

behæpsian [] wv/t2 to fasten a door

behǽs [] f (-e/-e) vow

behættian [] wv/t2 to scalp; make bald

behéafdian [] wv/t2 to behead

behéafdung [] f (-e/-a) beheading

behéafodlic [] adj capital (punishment)

behealdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres behieldeð past behéold/on ptp behealden to hold, have, occupy, possess; guard, preserve; contain, belong; keep, observe, consider; behold, look at, gaze on, observe, see; signify; avail, effect; take care, beware, be cautious; restrain; act, behave

behealdend [] m (-es/-) beholder, spectator

behealdennes [] f (-se/-sa) observance; continence

behealdnes [] f (-se/-sa) regard, observation

behéawan [] sv/t7 3rd pres behíewð past behéow/on ptp behéawen to cut, chip, chop, beat; cut off from, deprive of

behéfe [] adj suitable, proper, necessary (1)

behéfelic [] adj suitable, proper, necessary (2)

behéflic [] adj suitable, proper, necessary (3)

behéfnes [] f (-se/-sa) convenience, utility

behéfð [] f (-e/-a) want, need

behéfðu [] f (-e/-a) want, need

behegian [] wv/t2 to hedge around

behelan [] sv/t4 3rd pres behilð past behæl/behǽlon ptp beholen to cover over, hide

behelian [] wv/t2 to cover over, conceal, bury

behelmian [] wv/t2 to cover over

behéofian [] wv/t2 to lament

beheonan [] prep w.d., adv on this side of, close by (1)

beheonon [] prep w.d., adv on this side of, close by (2)

behildan [] wv/t1v to depart

behindan [] prep w.d.a., adv behind, after

behíwian [] wv/t2 to dissimulate

behlǽnan2 [] wv/t1b to surround

behléapan [] sv/t7 3rd pres behlíepð past behléop/on ptp behléapen to leap upon, settle on, fix upon, devote oneself to

behlemman2 [] wv/t1a to dash together

behleonian [] wv/t2 to lean (something) against

behléotan [] sv/t2 3rd pres behlíeteð past behléat/behluton ptp behloten to assign by lot

behlídan [] sv/t1 3rd pres behlídeð past behlád/behlidon ptp behliden to close, cover over

behliehhan2 [] sv/t6 3rd pres behliehheð past behlóh/on ptp behlahhen to deride, exult over

behlígan [] sv/t1 3rd pres behlígeð past behlág/behligon ptp behligen to accuse

behlýðan [] wv/t1b to rob, deprive of

behóf [] n (-es/-) behoof, profit; need

behófian [] wv/t2 w.g. to have need of, require, want; impers it behooves, concerns, belongs, is needful or necessary

behóflic [] adj necessary

behogadnes [] f (-se/-sa) practice

behogian [] wv/t2 to care for

behogod [] adj careful, prudent; adv ~líce

behón [] sv/t7 3rd pres behéhð past behéng/on ptp behangen to hang around

behorsian [] wv/t2 to deprive of horses

behréosan [] sv/t2 3rd pres behríesð past behréas/behruron ptp behroren to fall; cover, shelter; past part behroren divested of

behréowsian [] wv/t2 to rue, repent of, make amends; compassionate

behréowsung [] f (-e/-a) repentance, penitence

behréowsungtíd [] f (-e/-e) time of repentance, Septuagesima

behríeman [] wv/t1b to cover with hoar-frost

behringan [] sv/t3 3rd pres behringeð past behrang/behrungon ptp behrungen to surround

behrópan [] sv/t7 3rd pres behrépð past behréop/on ptp behrópen to plague, importune

behroren [] adj divested of w.d.; past participle of behréosan

behrúmian [] wv/t2 to besmirch

behrúmig [] adj sooty

béhð [] f (-e/-a) witness, sign

behwearft [] m (-es/-as) exchange

behweorfan [] sv/t3 3rd pres behwierfð past behwearf/behwurfon ptp behworfen to turn, change, spread about; see to, arrange, prepare, treat; bury

behwirfan [] wv/t1b to turn, change, convert; exchange; prepare, instruct, exercise

behwon [] adv whence

behwylfan [] wv/t1b to cover, vault over

behycgan [] wv/t3 to consider, bear in mind; confide, trust (+on)

behýdan [] wv/t1b to conceal, shelter

behýdednes [] f (-se/-sa) concealment; secret place

behýdig [] adj careful, watchful, anxious; adv ~líce

behýdignes [] f (-se/-sa) solicitude, care, anxiety; [hygdig]

behýdnes [] f (-se/-sa) concealment; secret place

behyhtan [] wv/t1b to trust

behyldan [] wv/t1b to flay, skin

behylian [] wv/t2 to cover, veil

behýpan [] wv/t1b to surround

behýpian [] wv/t2 to heap up

behýran [] wv/t1b to let on hire

behýrung [] f (-e/-a) letting, loan

behýðelíce [] adv sumptuously

beiernan [] sv/t3 3rd pres beiernð past bearn/beurnon ptp beurnen to run up to, over, or into; incur; occur to

belácan [] sv/t7 3rd pres belǽcð past beleolc/on, beléc/on ptp belácen to enclose

beládian [] wv/t2 to excuse, clear

beládiendlic [] adj apologetic, that can be excused

beládigend [] m (-es/-) apologist

beládung [] f (-e/-a) apology, excuse

belandian [] wv/t2 to deprive of lands

belǽdan [] wv/t1b to lead astray

belǽfan [] wv/t1b to leave, spare; be left, remain, survive

belǽðan [] wv/t1b to make hateful, pervert

belǽwa [] m (-n/-n) betrayer

belǽwend [] m (-es/-) betrayer

belǽwan [] wv/t1b to betray

belǽwung [] f (-e/-a) betrayal, treachery

beléan [] sv/t6 3rd pres beliehð past belóg/on ptp belagen to censure, reprove; charge with; dissuade, forbid, prevent

belecgan [] wv/t1b to cover, invest, surround, afflict; attribute to, charge with, accuse

belene [] f (-an/-an) henbane

beléogan [] sv/t2 3rd pres belíegð past beléag/belugon ptp belogen to deceive by lying; impers be mistaken

beléoran [] wv/t1b to pass by, pass over; rare past participle beloren

beleorendlic [] adj past

beléosan2 [] sv/t2 3rd pres belíesð past beléas/beluron ptp beloren to be deprived of, lose

belflíes [] n (-es/-u) bell-wether’s fleece

belg [] m (-es/-as) bag; purse, leathern bottle, pair of bellows, pod, husk

belgan1 [] sv/i3, sv/r3 3rd pres bilgð past bealg/bulgon ptp is gebolgen to be or become angry; offend, provoke

belgnes [] f (-se/-sa) injustice [bælig-]

belhring [] m (-es/-as) bell-ringing

belicgan [] sv/t5 3rd pres beligeð past belæg/belǽgon ptp belegen to lie around, surround; hedge in, encompass

beliden [] adj departed, dead; past participle of belíðan

belíefan [] wv/t1b to believe; past participle belíefed having belief

belíefed [] adj having belief

belífan [] sv/i1 3rd pres belífeð past beláf/belifon ptp is belifen to remain over, be left;

belifen [] adj dead

belífend [] m (-es/-) survivor

belífian [] wv/t2 to deprive of life

belíman [] sv/t1 3rd pres belímð past belám/belimon ptp belimen to glue together

belimp [] n (-es/-) event, occurrence, affair; of ~e by chance

belimpan1 [] sv/t3 3rd pres belimpð past belamp/belumpon ptp belumpen to concern, regard, belong to, conduce to; happen, befall; become; impersonal to befit

belisnian [] wv/t2 to castrate; belisnod past participle as masc noun eunuch; wæs ~ stupratur

belisnod [] masc decl as adj eunuch

belistnian [] wv/t2 to castrate; belistnod past participle as masc noun eunuch; wæs ~ stupratur

belistnod [] masc decl as adj eunuch

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