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C-F 146

1.17 Mб

fyrdscip [] n (-es/-u) battle-ship

fyrdsearu2 [] n (-wes/-) accoutrements

fyrdsócn [] f (-e/-a) military service

fyrdstemm [] m (-es/-as) body of soldiers who serve for a fixed term, army-corps

fyrdstrǽt [] f (-e/-a) military road

fyrdtíber [] n (-tíbres/-) military sacrifice

fyrdtruma [] m (-n/-n) martial band, army

fyrdung see fyrding

fyrdwǽn [] m (-es/-as) military carriage?

fyrdweard [] f (-e/-a) military watch

fyrdwerod [] n (-es/-) host, army

fyrdwíc [] n (-es/-) camp

fyrdwísa [] m (-n/-n) chieftain

fyrdwíse [] f (-an/-an) military style

fyrdwíte [] n (-es/-u) fine for evading military service

fyrdwyrðe [] adj distinguished in war

fýrede see twi~, þri~

fyren see firen

fýren [] adj of fire, fiery; on fire, burning, flaming

fýrencylle [] f (-an/-an) lamp

fýrenful [] adj fiery

fyrengát see firengát

fýrentácen [] n (-tácness/-) fiery sign

fyrentácnian [] wv/t2 to pollute with sin

fýrenþecele [] f (-an/-an) firebrand

fyres see fyrs

fyrest see fyrst, fyrmest spl adj

fyrewyrt see fyrwit

fýrfeaxen [] adj fiery-haired

fýrfóda [] m (-n/-n) fuel, twigs for burning

fýrgearwung [] f (-e/-a) cooking

fýrgebeorh [] n (-gebéores/-) fire-screen

fýrgebræc [] n (-es/-gebracu) crackling of fire

fyrgen see firgen

fyrgenhéafod? [] n (-héafdes/-u) mountain headland

fýrgnást [] m (-es/-as) spark of fire [ON gneisti]

fyrh [] 1. f (-e/-a) fir; 2. see furh

fýrhát [] adj hot as fire, burning, ardent

fýrheard [] adj hardened by fire

fyrht1 [] 1. adj afraid, timid [forth]; 2. see friht

fyrhtan1 [] wv/t1b to fear, tremble; frighten, terrify (1)

fyrhtian1 [] wv/t2 to fear, tremble; frighten, terrify (2)

fyrhtness [] f (-se/-sa) fear

fyrhtu1 [] f (-e/-a) fright, fear, dread, trembling; horrible sight [forht]

fyrhð see ferhð

fyrhð1 [] n (-es/-), f (-e/-a) wooded country (2)

fyrhðe1 [] n (-es/-u), f (-an/-an) wooded country (3)

fýrhús [] n (-es/-) room like an oven or furnace? [caminatum], house or room with a fireplace in it?

fýrhwéolod see féowerhwéolod

fyrian see ferian

fýrian [] wv/t2 1. to supply with firing; 2. 1 to cut a furrow [furh]

fyrlen [] 1. adj far off, distant, remote; 2. n (-es/-) distance

fýrléoht [] n (-es/-) gleam of fire

fýrléoma [] m (-n/-n) gleam of fire

fýrlíce see fǽrlíce

fýrloca [] m (-n/-n) fiery prison

fyrm [] 1. ? (-?/-?) cleansing; 2. see feorm

fyrm- see frym-

fýrmæl [] m (-es/-as) mark burnt in by fire

fyrmest [] 1. adj foremost, first; most prominent, chief, best; spl of forma; 2. adv first of all, in the first place, at first, most, especially, very well, best

fyrmð [] f (-e/-a) 1. harboring, entertainment; 2. cleansing, washing

fyrn [] 1. adj former, ancient; 2. adv 1 formerly, of old, long ago, once

fyrn- see firen-

fyrndagas1 [] m pl days of yore; fród ~um old, aged

fyrngéar [] n (-es/-) former year(s); preceding year

fyrngeflit2 [] n (-es/-u) former quarrel, old strife

fyrngeflita [] m (-n/-n) old-standing enemy

fyrngemynd [] n (-es/-) ancient history

fyrngesceap [] n (-es/-u) ancient decree

fyrngesetu [] n pl former seat, habitation

fyrngestréon [] n (-es/-) ancient treasure

fyrngeweorc2 [] n (-es/-) former, ancient work

fyrngewinn [] n (-es/-) prime-val struggle

fyrngewrit2 [] n (-es/-) old wri-tings, scripture

fyrngewyrht [] n (-es/-) former work, fate

fyrngidd [] n (-es/-) ancient prophecy

fyrnmann [] m (-es/-menn) man of old times

fyrnsægen [] f (-e/-a) old saying, ancient tradition

fyrnsceaða [] m (-n/-n) old fiend, devil

fyrnstréamas [] m pl ocean

fyrnsynn see firensynn

fyrnweorc2 [] n (-es/-) work of old, creation

fyrnwita [] m (-n/-n) sage, counselor

fýrpanne [] f (-an/-an) fire-pan, brazier (1)

fýrponne [] f (-an/-an) fire-pan, brazier (2)

fyrr see féor

fýrrace [] f (-an/-an) fire-rake

fyrran see feorran

fyrs [] 1. m (-es/-as) furze, gorse, bramble; 2. n see fers

fýrscofl [] f (-e/-a) fire-shovel

fyrsgára [] m (-n/-n) furzy corner

fyrsian see feorsian

fyrsíg [] f (-e/-a) furzy island

fyrsléah [] m (-es/-as) furzy lea

fýrsmeortende see smeortan

fyrsn see fiersn

fýrspearca [] m (-n/-n) fire-spark

fyrspenn [] m (-es/-as) a pen of furze

fyrsrǽw [] f (-e/-a) a row of furze

fyrst [] 1. adj first; foremost, principal, chief; 2. adv in the first place, firstly, at first, originally; 3. see first 1, 2

fyrst- see first-

fýrstán [] m (-es/-as) firestone, stone used for striking fire, flint

fyrstig [] adj frosty

fýrsweart [] adj black with smoke

fýrtang [] f (-e/-a) (fire)-tongs

fýrtorr [] m (-es/-as) beacon, lighthouse

fyrð see fyrhð

fyrð1 [] n (-es/-), f (-e/-a) wooded country (1)

fýrð- see féorð

fýðolle [] f (-an/-an) furnace; stage on which martyrs were burned

fyrðran1 [] wv/t1b to further, urge on, advance, promote, benefit

fyrðrian1 [] wv/t2 to further, urge on, advance, promote, benefit

fyrðriend [] m (-es/-) promoter

fyrðringness [] f (-se/-sa) furtherance, promotion

fyrðrung [] f (-e/-a) further-ance, promotion

fyrwit [] 1. n (-es/-u) curiosity, yearning; 2. adj curious, inquisitive

fyrwitful [] adj curious, anxi-ous

fyrwitgeorn [] adj curious, anxious

fyrwitgeorness [] f (-se/-sa) curiosity; fornication?

fyrwitgeornlíce [] adv studi-ously

fyrwitness [] f (-se/-sa) curiosity

fýrwylm [] m (-es/-as) wave of fire

fýsan1 [] wv/t1b to send forth, impel, stimulate; drive away, put into flight, banish; usu. refl. hasten, prepare onesself

fýsian [] wv/t2 to drive away

fýst [] f (-e/-e) fist

fýstgebéat [] n (-es/-) blow with the fist

fýstslægen [] adj struck with the fist

fyðer- see fiðer-, féower-

fyðera nom, acc pl of fiðere

fyðeras nom, acc pl of fiðere

fyðeru nom, acc pl of fiðere

fyðru nom, acc pl of fiðere

fyðerling see féorðling

fyx see fisc

fyxe [] f (-an/-an) she-fox, vixen

fyxen [] adj of a fox

fyxenhýd [] f (-e/-a) she-fox’s skin


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