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9). Humanistic psychology.

Humanistic psychology exemplified by such outstanding writers as Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, Gordon Allport, Eric Fromm and Rollo May.

Humanistic psychology focuses on the individual as a whole person. The humanistic psychologist does recognize the influence of early conditioning and of unconscious drives.

Man has learned to anticipate the consequences of his most complex behaviour. He is capable of ordering his life into paths of his own choice.

Great importance is attached to awareness of self-of values, suffering and joy. Humanistic psychology sees man as being inherently good.

Гуманистическая психология иллюстрируется такими выдающимися писателями как Карл Роджерс, Абрахам Мэслоу, Гордон Аллпорт, Эрик Фромм и Ролло Мей.  Гуманистическая психология сосредотачивается на индивидуальности человека. Гуманистический психолог признает влияние раннего создания условий и бессознательных процессов. Человек научился предугадывать последствия своего самого сложного поведения. Он способен к программированию его жизни на основе его собственного выбора. Большая важность присоединена к осознанию самих ценностей, страдания и наслаждению. Гуманистическая психология видит человека, как в априори хорошегом.

10). Rogerian therapy

Carl Rogers is often cited as the progenitor of humanistic views. Rogers regarded optimal mental health as a state of total congruity between the self and “ideal self”. Such congruity would create unconditional feelings of self-worth. It would translate into positive regard for others.

Rogers thought of therapy as an opportunity to lessen any incongruity between the self and ideal self. Rogerian therapists advocate a therapeutic atmosphere of warmth and permissiveness. A person could receive more “stroking”, that would free him to take chance in life and to self-actualize.

Карла Роджерса часто считают основателем гуманистических взглядов. Роджерс считал нормальным психическим здоровьем состояния полного соответствия между собой и «идеальным Я». Такая конгруэнтность может создать бессознательное чувство собственного достоинства. Это переходит в положительное отношение к окружающим. Рождерс считал терапию возможностью уменьшить несовместимость между собой и «идеальным Я». В его терапии создается атмосфера тепла и вседозволенности. Человек должен получать больше положительных подкреплений возможности самореализации.

11). Visual perception

There are four experiments to determine what visual perception is.

In the first a person is asked to match a pair of black and white discs. The discs are rotating at such a speed as to make them appear uniformly grey. He has made the proportion of black to white in the illuminated disc identical with that in the disc in shadow. But the disc in shadow is darker than other one if photographed.

In the second experiment a person is asked to match the colours of two pictures in dim illumination. One is of green leaf the other of a green donkey. The percipient makes perceptual world compatible with his own experience.

In the third experiment hungry, thirsty and satiated people are asked to equalize the brightness of pictures depicting food, water and other. Perception serves to satisfy needs not to enrich subjective experience.

In the fourth experiment people are deprived for considerable periods of external stimulation. The subjects begin to see, feel and hear things that someone who is asleep experiences. Such hallucinations are called autistic perception.