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Where Are You, Hugh?

Lucy: Hugh? Hugh! Where are you?

Hugh: I'm in the loo. Where are you?

Lucy: Removing my boots. I've got news for you.

Hugh: News? Amusing news?

Lucy: Well, I saw June in Kėw. You know how moody and rude she is as a rule? Hugh, are you still in the loo? What are you doing?

Hugh: Well, you see, Lucy, I was using the new foolproof screwdriver on the Hoover and it blew a fuse.

Lucy: You fool! I knew that if I left it to you, you'd do something stupid. You usually do.

Hugh: And then I dropped the screwdriver down the loo.

Lucy: Hugh, look at your shoes! And your new blue suit! It's ruined! And you — you're wet through!

H u g h: To tell you the truth, Lucy — I fell into the loo, too.

Miss Woodfulľlł Be Furious!

Rachel: "How much wood would a woodpecker peck if a woodpecker could peck wood?" Goodness, that's difficult!

Mabel: Looks a good book. Let me have a look.

Rachel: It's full of puzzles, and riddles, and —

Mabel: Let me look, Rachel!

Rachel: Mabel! You are awful! You just took it!

Mabel: I asked if I could have a look. Now push off. I'm looking at the book.

Rachel: You're a horrible bully!

Mabel: And you're just a miserable pudding!

R а с h e 1: I shoulďve kept it in my room.

Mabel: Oh shush, for goodness' sake! Anyway, I shouldn't have thought you could have understood the book, you're so backward.

Rachel: You're hateful! Give me my book! Oh careful, Mabel! It's Miss Woodfulľs book. I'll get into terrible trouble if you — oh look! you are awful! She'll be-furious!

Mabel: Well, you shouldn't have pulled, should you?

  1. Read the rhymes and learn them.

    1. There was an Old Person of Loo,

    Who said, "What on earth shall I do?"

    When they said, "Go away!"

    She continued to stay,

    That foolish old person of Loo.

    2. There was an old man of Peru,

    Who dreamt he was eating his shoe,

    He awoke in the night

    In a terrible fright :

    And found it was perfectly true!

  2. Transcribe the proverbs and learn them.

1. By hook or by crook.

2. A fool and his money are soon parted.

3. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

4. A good wife makes a good husband.

5. A good name is sooner lost than won.

6. The exception proves the rule.

7. Soon learnt, soon forgotten.

8. The boot is on the wrong foot.

9. Too good to be true.

Sound [q]

  1. Read this story aloud. The spelling has been changed to show you when to make the sound [q].

Barbqrq spent Satqday aftqnoon looking qt q beautifql book qbout South qmericq.

“I want tq go tq South qmericq,” she said tq hqself.

The next morning, when Barbqrq woke up it wqs six q’clock, qnd hq brothqs qnd sistqs wq still qsleep. Barbqrq looked qt theqm, qnd then closed hqr eyes qgain.

Then she quiqtly got out qf bed qnd started tq pack hq suitcase.

She took sqme comfqtqble clothes out qf thq cupbqd. She packed q pair qf binoculqs qnd hq sistq’s camqrq. She packed q photqgraph qf hqself qnd one qf hq mothqr qnd fathqr.

“I musn’t fqget tq have sqme breakfqst,” she said tq hqself. Bqt then she looked qt thq clock. It wqs q quartq tq sevqn.

“I’ll jqst drink q glass qf watq,” she said.

“q glass qf watq,” she said.

“Watq,” she said, qnd opqned hqr eyes.

She wqs still in hq bed, qnd hq brothqs qnd sistqs wq laughing qt hq.

Bqt Barbqrq didn’t answq. She wqs thinking qbout hq wondqful journey tq South qmericq.

  1. Track 23. Tick the words a) or b) that you hear in the sentences.

    1 a) as

    b) hes

    2 a) can

    b) cen

    3 a) was

    b) was

    4 a) does

    b) das

    5 a) am

    b) em

    6 a) them

    b) them

  2. Track 24. Read this dialogue and circle the sound [q].

A: I’m going to the library.

B: Can you buy something for me at the newsagent's?

A: But the newsagent's is a mile from the library.

B: No. Not that newsagent's. Not the one that's next to the fish and chip shop. I mean the one that's near the butcher’s.

A: Oh, yes. Well, what do you want?

B: Some chocolates and a tin of sweets and an address boor.

Listen and check your answers, then practise reading the dialogue aloud.