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А.А. Арзамазов - Койнэ Будинос - общий язык финно-угров

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Койнэ «Будинос» – общий язык финно-угров

isna – window iso – own istoria – history istuda – chair istui – to sit ito – rapid

ivardi – to take a shower, bathe izhia – hat

J, j

ja – till

ja – well, river jadi – to ask jadima – question jaki – ti divide jakita – part jaksera – duck jakshi – to get red jaksho – red jakstera – beet jala – ice

jalakana – refrigirator jali – to ice over jalmi – to raise jalui-jalui – to walk jalvi – to walk jamdi – to get ready jamdizi – to get ready jamdo – ready

jani – to howl januara – January jarva – lake jasa – joint

jatki – to go on

jatti – to become inflamed, to get excited

jattima – inflammation jattima – inflammation,

excitement java – forest, grove je – yes, so

jega – cellar jela – milk jelavjula – сream

jemi – to disappear jemima – disappearence jemti – to lose jemtima – loss

jeni – to burn, to ruin jenko – light

jenti / etti – to burn jera – elk

jera – well jesha – family jeti – to touch

jeva – news, message jevakora – newspaper jevi – to inform jeza – people, society

jezamiesa – member of society

jibirti – to submit jigi – to knock jikva – dance jikvi – to dance jikvi – to dance jikvisa – dancer jira – head, main


Койнэ «Будинос» – общий язык финно-угров

jiri – to think

jui – to drink

jiri – to found

juja – drink

jo – you see

juji – to drink

jogo – good, positive

jujima – drink

joja – fault

jula – humidity

joji – to accuse

jula – fiest

joka – river

jula – Christmas

jokajkirja – journal

juli – to celebrate, to joy

joki – to stream

julia – July

jokima – streaming

julo – humid

joko – everyone

juna – train

joksa – swan

junia – June

joksi – to unharness

jurgena – copper

joma – goodness

juri – to gnaw

jommi – to get lost

jurko – steep, abrupt

jomo – good

jurta – friend

joneo – wise

justa – cheese

jonga – play

jutavti – to assure

jongi – to play

jutta – incident

jongija – player

jutti – to happen

jongima – play


jora – pride


jori – to be proud (of)

K, k

jorimusa – arrogance


jormi – to need

ka – stone

joro – proud

kabi – to form

jos – if

kachi – to notice

jouka – pile, mountain

kadero – crooked

jozha – storm

kadi, kili – to stay

jozi – to distribute

kadjma – onion

jozo – equal

kagji – to pity

jua – drink

kagjima – pity

juba – skirt

kagjo – pitying

juga – ray

kaji – to dawn (sun, luna )

jugi – to radiate

kajima – dawn



Койнэ «Будинос» – общий язык финно-угров

kajla – neck kajsi – to undress

kajvi – to throw, to shoot kala – fish

kaladi – to get ruined kalei – to seed

kali – to hear kalja – cabbage

kallita – government kalzi – to listen kamo – what kind of kana – cupboard kancha – time kandi – to bring kane – also, too kanjseva – habit kanjseva – habit

kanjsevei – to get used to kanjsevi – to get used to kanna – place

kanti – to be in a bad temper kanto – bad

kapchio – light (about weight) kapchola – relation

kapcholi – to be related kara – branch, town karakanna – square karakeska – city center kardi – to forbid kardimusa – prohibition karji – to graze

karji – to graze herd karta – pray

karti – to pray kartija – priest

kartikua – church kartima – pray karva – fly

kas – to where kasa – society kasi – to develop kasla – moss kassa – where kasti – to call

kasti – to call, to invite kastima – invitation kastordi – to rustle kasuti – to use kasutima – use kasuto – useful

kata – time, hour kata – clock kataja – in time katancha – curtain katani – to shut

katarenda – timetable katasa – in time kato – fat

kauno – lovely, wonderful kavo – long

kazi – to present kazudi – to cheat kecho – cold ked – which kedda – Tuesday

keddi – to move off keddo – far

kedj – that (conjunction) keiti – to boil

keja – fat


Койнэ «Будинос» – общий язык финно-угров

kejkka – egg kejo – fatty kejti – to throw

keko – cunny, clever keksi – to sharpen kela – language, speech kelandi – to speek

kelditi – to organize, to form kelgi – to honor

kelgimusa – honoring keli – to tickle kelima – tickling keljgi – to be situated keljkka – egg

kelki – to need kelkima – need

kelkitima – duty, obligation kella – hour

kello – friendly kem – who kema – shoes

kemdi – to appear, to hit kemea – shoes

kemeiti – to put on one`s shoes kemene – about

kempa – wave kempiti – to interfere kempiti – to disturb

kenchi – to seem, to appear kene – how much

kenera – power keneri – to hurry kenga – summer kenira – groats

kenka – navel, omphalos

kenna – wool

keno – sweet, simpathetic kenshi – to fence off kepa – picture

kepe – bare foot kepela – lump kepi – to draw keppi – to get up keppiti – to lift kera – bark, rind

keriti – to quarrel, to have words

kerji – to ask kerji – to ask kerjima – ask kerma – handful

kerti – to tie, to bind keska – сenter kespa – distance keta – stomach ketera – thunder ketja – chain ketkia – moment ketri – to thunder kezdi – to begin kezdima – begin kezditi – to start kezhi – to get cold kezhja – pea

kezho – bad, offended, cold kezi – to coff

kezli – to get nearer kezlo – near kichia – birch kiksa – line, trait


Койнэ «Будинос» – общий язык финно-угров

kilei – to dig kilpala – соmpetition kilpali – to compete kilti – to stop kimelti – to shake kina – argue

kini – to argue kinkka – ham kinsi – to search kinsima – searching kira – letter

kirda – aid

kirdi – to support, to hold up kiri – to write

kirija – writer kirima – writing kirimusa – literature kiriposa – letter kirja – pen, pancil kirjakepa – postcard kirjakora – cover kirjalti – to print kirjamta – publisher kirjamti – to publish kirjata – book kirjatatala – library kirjida – bureau

kirjuta – task, rehearsal kirko – great

kishjti – to drink, to poor kissa – cat

kisti – to fall

kjamla – fortress, solidity kjamo – powerfull kjara – smell

kjarjavanti – to include, to make contact

kjasi – to pin, to ask, to wish kjata – hand

kjavalta – power, government kjavalti – to lead

kjen – besides kjoncha – star kjorta – parron kjosi – to hit kjosima – hitting kjuchi – to dress kjulma – cold kjulmaka – frozen kjulmi – to get cold kjumta – fog kjuno – light kjusa – question kjusi – to ask

kjusimusa – question kodua – fatherland koffa – coffee kogita – the most of kogo – big, the oldest kogoaja – grandfather

kogoanja – grandmother kogolkea – main street kogonaja – fire kogoveta – sea

koji – to seem, to appear kojita – crook, hook

kolavi – to wander, to ferment koli – to be spoilt kolmolona – Wednesday komba – goose


Койнэ «Будинос» – общий язык финно-угров

komta – cover, lid komti – to shut koncerta – concert konjcho – long kora – leaf, sheet kora – stove kordi – to repeat

korti – to cut, to fell kosko – dry kostjuma – costume koto – wet

koza – spruce ku – when ku? – when? kua – house kua – month

kuaelija – farm animal

kualdi – to fall in, to crumble away

kuasa – skies kuasi – to ski

kudzhi – to get drunk kuldi – to send kulti – to spend kuluvi – to belong kumera – cloud

kumtima – dilatability kumto – wide kuncha – ant

kunji – to shut eys kunsta – art

kunsti – to represent, to portray kunstimusa – picture, image,


kuntti – to catch, to capture, to hunt

kuoli – to die kuolima – death kuolimo – died, dieing

kuolizi – to commit suicide kuolti – to kill

kuppia – cup kupsi – to switch off kura – hoar-frost kurizi – to gather kurizima – meeting kurkka – cucumber kurzhi – to run

kusho – naked, to undress kusi – to beam, to shine kusima – radiance, sheen kuva – fur

kuza – pair

L, l

laiva – ship laivatera – harbour

lajta – mechanism, machinery lakia – law

lakias tuli – to follow the law lamba – sweet, dessert lambalua – sugar

lambo – sweet lamo – long lampa – lamp lapsa – child

lasejnea – mushroom


Койнэ «Будинос» – общий язык финно-угров

latatimusa – exhibition lati – to see

latima – seeing latiti – to show latitisa – arrow latizi – to look lauka – bag lauma – herd lauta – plate lavo – wide lechi – to land

lechti – to put down lei – stand

leima – standing

leji – to pour in, to fill lejma – cow

leko – bad lekti – to arrive

lektima – arriving

leli – to breathe, to respire lelima – breathing, respiration leljo – rose

lemea – broth lemea – soup

leni – to build, to construct lenima – building, construction lepki – to whisper

lepkima – whisper lepni – to cover himself lepniti – to cover leppja – spleen

levi – to throw, to cast, to leave off, to abandon

levti – to find levtima – finding

lezhida – post

lezhji – to let go, to give leave libo – week

lichki – to press, to squash lichkima – pressure, stress lifta – lift

lijo – strange lika – sausage lilla – flower lilli – to florish

limi – to glue, to gum linna – castle

lippa – ticket livti – to fly livti – to fly livtia – aeroplane livtiatera – airport livtima – flight ljekki – to sting

ljema – bird-cherry ljoga – grade ljukai – to gather logli – to tuch loki – to disturb lokkea – bay lona – day

lona – south, day lonama – south lonaseva – lunch lonasevi – to have lunch loso – blue

lotkea – coal lua – sand

luga – account, bill lugaposa – number


Койнэ «Будинос» – общий язык финно-угров

luka – number luki – to read lukima – reading lukita – book lula – opinion luli – to think luma – snow lumi – to snow lumma – plum lunta – goose lushto – lazy luva – bone

M, m

ma – earth mad – later mado – the last magga – dough maja – May majsi – to suffer

makkoka – sausage makora – map maksa – liver maksi – to pay malma – world malpi – to fancy malta – soap mamara – potato mana – tale

manchi – to err, to mistaken mani – to tell

manti – to inform

manui – to remember, to conjure

mar – what mare – why marja – berry marta – March masna – clothe masni – to cloth

mati – to get nearer mato – near matta – carpet mavoja – oil

me – that (which) mecha – beauty meche – beautiful mecho – beautiful medda – let medja – cherry meks – why meksha – bee mela – breast

mela – wisdom, feeling mela teki – to feel melgo – warm

mello – pleasant melonona – baby mena – outcome menelja – heaven menesti – to carry meni – to travel menima – trip merga – poison mergo – poisonous meri – to promise merima – promise


Койнэ «Будинос» – общий язык финно-угров

merte – because merti – to meassure mertti – to plant metea – honey

metroa – underground rail-way mezma – sorrow

mezmi – to grief mi – we

miesa – husband, man miesala – mankind

miesas menni – get married (of women)

mija – gift

miji – to give, to make a present

mina – bride minei – to move mineima – moving minesta – success mini – someone

minikate – sometimes ministra – minister minja – I

minta – decoration, to decorate minuta – minute

mitta – because of mizla – smile mizli – to smile mjagia – mountain moda – play

modi – to play, play mojta – story mora – song

mori – to sing

moshki – to wash, to wash himself

moshkima – washing moshkizi – to bathe moto – other

motoa – motorbike motomasta – foreigner motomasto – foreign muani – to offer muli – to pass (time) mulima – past, last

mulimokata – past tense muna – egg

mura – song muri – to sing muta – word

mutlana – speaking, communion

mutlani – to speak, to discus

N, n

na – till, more naja – fire najda – bonfire najdara – hearth najva – wood

nake – already, these naksi – to drive away nama – of course namo – sure

namoi – to buy

namoi / bashjti – to take nardo – powerfull


Койнэ «Будинос» – общий язык финно-угров

nardoi – to row, to pull nare – almost

nari – to shave narmuna – nightingale natka – cold

nea – woman, wife

nea namoi – to get married (of men)

nebo – soft nebzhi – to soften

nechei – to bend, to stoop necheo – flexible, supple negge – sometimes nejda – girl, daughter nejo – lazy

nejti – to show neko – cream neli – to carry nelja – hunger

neljlona – Thursday neljo – hungry nena – Mummy nenchi – to send

nenchima – sending, direction nepaka – paper

nera – nose nevi – to watch neza – watch nezi – to watch ni – already nila – throat nilgedi – to hate nili – to swallow nima – name nimeno – known

nimi – to name nimikoga – surname niminо – known nit – now

nita – modernity, contemporaneity nite – now, nowadays

nito – current njara – hill njasi – to pull njevi – to hunt njevija hunter njevima – will

njocho – slow, slowly njola – arrow

njoli – to lick njolima – licking njoma – mosquito njomela – hare njorema – bog, swamp njoti – to help njotima – help njukki – to mixe

njukma – misunderstanding njulma – cut

njulmi – to wound, to cut njulpua – pihta

njusi – to tare

noa – crockery, dish nodakela – riddle, mystery noma - memory nomamerka – monument nomas tulti – to remember nomi – to remember nomita – rememberance