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Figure 7. Text 4 Drilling Infrastructure

accouterments pl - снаряжение

pad n - прижимной башмак каротажного зонда, фундаментная подушка морского основания;

subject to a - подверженный (чему-л.); подлежащий (чему-л.)

drilling rig - буровое оборудование, буровая вышка, буровая платформа , буровой станок

derrick n - буровая вышка

hoisting equipment - подъёмное оборудование; грузоподъёмное устройство

kelly n - ведущая труба, рабочая труба

drillpipe n – бурильная труба

drawworks n - лебёдка (буровая)

rotary table - роторный стол (буровой установки)

mud hose­ - буровой рукав, нагнетательный шланг для бурового раствора

mud pump - буровой насос

mud (or reserve) pit - амбар для хранения бурового раствора

blowout preventer - противовыбросовая задвижка, противовыбросовое устройство, превентор

entrained gas - увлечённый газ

wildcat well - скважина, заложенная без предварительного геолого-физического обоснования; поисково-разведочная скважина (на новой площади)

floating rig - плавучая буровая установка

drillship n - буровое судно

capacity n - производственная мощность (бурового станка), производительность (компрессора)

hull n - корпус (плавучего бурового основания)

torsion n – кручение, изгибание

semi-submersible drilling rig - полупогружная буровая установка

cumbersome a - тяжёлый, громоздкий, обременительный

jack-up rig - самоподъёмная буровая установка, передвижное морское основание на домкратах

tow v - брать на буксир

mat support - опорный мат, донная подушка (опор морского основания)

fixed structure - стационарное сооружение

recoverable a - извлекаемый

tension n - затяжка; растягивающее напряжение (stress)

tendon n - натяжной элемент опоры платформы

In addition to the well and its accouterments, infrastructure including construction and equipment is necessary at the surface. Roads and a pad are built at onshore sites; a ship, floating structure, or a fixed platform is needed for offshore operations. In addition, devices are needed to lift and lower the drilling equipment, filter rock cuttings from the drilling fluid, and store excess fluid and waste.

Onshore Drilling

Because the majority of onshore drilling sites are accessed by road, the equipment is geared toward mobility. First, an access road is built. In many locations the building of an access road is not difficult, but some areas present complications. Board roads are used in some locations where soil conditions are not stable.

Next, a footing for the equipment, usually gravel, is created in areas where the ground may be unstable or subject to freeze/thaw cycles. Finally, the drilling rig is brought in. For shallow wells, the drill rig may be self-contained on a single truck; for deeper wells, the rig may be brought to the site in several pieces and assembled at the site.

Figure 7.

A basic arrangement of the actual drilling equipment, or rig, is shown in Figure …. The derrick (sometimes referred to as the mast) is the centerpiece of the operation, and is the frame from which the drill string is lifted, lowered, and turned. The hoisting equipment, kelly, and drill pipe connect the bit to the derrick. The drawworks and engines next to the derrick lift and drive the drill string, by turning the rotary table. The drilling mud is circulated through the wellbore via the mud hose (also called a gooseneck), down through the rotary hose, kelly, and drillpipe, out nozzles in the drill bit, and back up to the surface between the drill string and the wellbore. The mud is pumped by the mud pump, and is stored in the mud (or reserve) pit or in mud tanks. Finally, blowout preventers are installed as a safety measure to prevent the drill pipe and subsurface fluids from being blown out of the hole if a high-pressure formation is encountered during drilling. Rigs will often have much more equipment, including a shale shaker which separates rock cuttings, a desander and desilter, which remove smaller particles, and a vacuum degasser, which removes entrained gas.