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3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Present Perfect or Past Simple):

Example: He (has worked/ worked) in court for 5 years. – He has worked in court for 5 years.

1. The jury (didn’t determine/ hasn’t determined) yet that he committed a crime. 2. The plaintiff (filed/ has filed) a complaint against the defendant a week ago. 3. The attorney (told/ has told) already a grand jury about the evidence that indicated a specific person. 4. The grand jury (issued/ has issued) a formal accusation the day before yesterday. 5. The defendant already (presented/ has presented) his most persuasive arguments.

4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Позивач вже подав заяву проти відповідача. 2. Прокурор вже розповів жюрі про докази, що вказують на певну особу, яка скоїла злочин. 3. Вони вже винесли обвинувальний вирок. 4. Слідчий збирав докази і нарешті представив речові докази, що свідчать про вину звинуваченого. 5. Після свідчень захисту та обвинувачення, підсудний нарешті визнав себе винним. 6. Він працює над цією справою вже три тижні.

The Past Perfect Tense

1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

Example: He had studied particular subjects at university before he started teaching law. – Had he studied particular subjects at university before he started teaching law? – He had not studied particular subjects at university before he started teaching law.

1. We had got the expert evidence by the end of the working day. 2. Pretrial examination had been over by the end of last week. 3. After they had finished analyzing the handwriting, we came to an important conclusion. 4. They had found the escaped prisoner before the sunset.5. I had known the witness for a long time before she committed the crime.6. They had passed 3 property laws before going on holiday.

2. Put questions to the words in italics:

Example: This lawyer had won 100 cases by the beginning of this year. – How many cases had this lawyer won by the beginning of this year?

1. He had studied Law for 5 years before he entered Law Academy. 2. By the time the train reached the city, he had received 5 calls informing him of murders. 3. The young officer wanted to act the main part in the investigation because he had collected all necessary material evidence. 4. When we came into the courtroom, the last meeting of the trial had already finished. 5. The lawmaker had proven the necessity of enforcing the law by the time the President decided to take necessary measures. 6. The new law limited the powers of government which before had given them the right to use foreign bank accounts. 7. The criminal had committed two murders before the police detained him.

3. Use the appropriate form of the verb (Past Perfect or Past Simple):

Example: The judges reached a decision after the (had discussed/ discussed) the case privately. – The judges reached a decision after they had discussed the case privately.

1. After the jurors (had produced/ produced) a verdict, the judge announced the sentence. 2. They (had finished/ finished) the expert examination when the chief investigator asked for the results. 3. The first actual introduction of evidence began when the opening statements (were, had been) over. 4. The courtroom clerk (had marked/ marked) all the evidence of the case. 5. Yesterday the court reporter (had produced/ produced) a written transcript of the proceedings. 6. When we came into the room, the last meeting of the Supreme Court (had already finished/ already finished). 7. Last week a police officer (prevented/ had prevented) an extremely dangerous crime.

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