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1. Why are to-day's children and teenagers called a plug-in generation? 2. What are the average figures for the time spent in front of the TV? What programmes are broadcast? Do you think children prefer cartoons or science fiction films to feature films and documentaries? 3. How does TV compete the computer? 4. What are the benefits of the computer? 5. What are the disadvantages of the computer (for health, socializing, job getting?) 6. What is the conclusion of the text? To what extent do you agree (disagree)with it?

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текст “ Psychoana­lysis”.

Another approach to the study of man is psychoana­lysis, founded by Sigmund Freud. Freud concluded that personality and our degrees of mental health depend on the actions of three major (основной) forces: the id -our unconscious instincts, the ego — our conscious self or intellect - and superego, the conditional reflexes of social rules and internalized values (цінності). The ego, or self, is often under strain to withstand the pleasure forces from the id, pressured by the reality forces of the environment and the moral forces of our upbringing (superego). The ego and the superego are the mere tips of the id. It is what is underneath that really counts. For Freudists what is hidden is more important and real than what we feel and do.

The humanistic school view is that man becomes what he makes of himself by his own actions and thoughts. It is concerned with the topics having little place in existing theories and systems: e.g. love, creativity (творчість), self-actualization, higher values, humour, affection (прихильність), courage and so on. These are exactly characteristics that describe our human nature. Humanists believe that man is born basically good, and that conscious forces are more important than uncons­cious forces.

Russian psychology was inseparably linked with the development of research into psycho-physiology in the works of I. Pavlov, V. Bekhterev, L. Orbeli and others. In refuting (спростовуючи) the idealistic and mechanistic influences, Russian scientists asserted in psychology the Marxist teaching on activity and its socio-historical foundation, the ideas of Lenin's theory of reflection. The theoretical and experimental study of the basic problems of psychology was carried out by A. Luria, A. Leontyev, B. Teplov, S. Rubinstein and others.

Ukrainian present-day psychology is a complex and differentiated research system extending throughout general, social, developmental, pedagogical, child, medical, engineering psychology.

2. Виконання після текстових вправ.

Ex. 1. Consult a dictionary, transcribe the following words; learn them.

assert v. — утверждать .

affect v. — оказывать влияние, воздействовать на кого-либо, на что-либо adult n. — взрослый

apparent adj. — явный, очевидный

approach n. — подход

attempt п. - попытка

advance v. — выдвигать /теорию/

concern v. — иметь отношение

be concerned with — интересоваться (чем-либо)

conclude v. — делать вывод

contain v. — содержать, вмещать

conscious adj. - сознательный

creativity п. — творчество

create v. - творить, создавать

disorder n. — болезнь

environment п. — окружающая среда

exist v. — существовать

to be engaged in — заниматься (чем-либо)

extend v. — распространять, простираться

hide (hid, hidden) v. - прятать

inseparably adv. — неразрывно, неотделимо

involve v. — включать

introduce v. — вводить

improve v. — улучшать

in terms of — в плане; с точки зрения

insist v. - настаивать

link _ v. — связывать

perceive v. — воспринимать

purely adv. - чисто, только

prevent v. — предотвращать

purpose n..— цель

respond v. — отвечать

refute v. — опровергать

relate v. — связывать

refer to - ссылаться (на что-либо, кого-либо)

specify v. — определять, устанавливать, обусловливать

ultimate adj. — конечный

underlie (underlay, underlain) v. - лежать в основе

Ex. 2. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

man is an active agent in his own development; some problems are of broad concern to psychologists; act of behaviour; this view focuses on some phenomena; observable behaviour; at random; basically; inter­nalized values; higher values; area of the brain.

Ex . 3. Find English equivalents in the text:

психологи занимаются; широкий круг проблем; пре­дотвратить заболевание; и тому подобное; в основ­ном; объяснять с разных точек зрения; в плане ко­нечной цели; осуществить план; лежать в основе; предмет психологии; выдвинуть точку зрения; в результате изменений; влиять на что-либо; другой подход к изучению; зависеть от действия основных сил; противостоять силам удовольствия; психологи полагают; быть неразрывно связанным с чем-либо; ученые утверждают.

Ex. 4 Classify the vocabulary according to the following criteria:

  1. words used for characterizing different approaches to psychology;

  2. fields of psychology.

Ex. 5 Find matching pairs of words:

a) purpose tested,(un)conscious; method mental,ultimate,initial; process teaching, scientific, child-rearing,

good, educational.

b) to advance behaviour,events,theory; to observe phenomena,activity,data; to carry out idea, plan, experiment, test,

orders, hypothesis, philosophy.

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