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Змістовий модуль 1. „Студент та його родина”

Практичне заняття №1

Тема: Сімейне коло студента.

І. Робота над текстом за темою заняття.

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Випишіть за словником незнайомі слова. Складіть за поданим зразком розповідь про себе та вивчіть її напам’ять.

About Myself and My Family

My name is Oleg Ivanov. I was born in Kakhovka. It’s a nice old town, I like it very much as it’s the place of my childhood. At the age of 7 I began to attend school. I studied very well and usually received only top marks. I finished school at the age of 17. The same year I went to Kherson and entered Kherson State University. I want to become a good specialist in the field of law.

I was born in the family of professional workers. My father is an engineer, he works at a big plant. Now he is 50. He graduated from Kyiv Polytechnical Institute. My mother is 45, she’s a doctor and works at a hospital. I’m proud of my parents.

I have a brother and a sister. They live in Kakhovka. My brother is 22. He has a family of his own, they are three in all - my brother, his wife and their little son. My sister is not married, she is 17 and she is a student of Pedagogical College. She is going to be a teacher of English. She works hard and she is a good student.

We have a granny, she is a pensioner. She is well past 60, but looks young for her age. She is very kind to all of us. We also have many close and distant relatives and we are always glad to see each other.

2. Вивчіть наступні слова.

grandparents дідуст та бабуся

grandmother бабуся

grandfather дідусь

parents батьки

mother мати

father батько

son син

daughter дочка

brother брат

sister сестра

twins близнюки

grandson онук

granddaughter онучка

uncle дядько

aunt тітка

nephew племінник

niece племінниця

cousin двоюрідний брат / сестра

husband чоловік

wife дружина

stepmother мачуха

stepfather вітчим

stepson пасинок

stepdaughter падчериця

son (daughter)-in-law – зять (невістка)

sister-in-law золовка, невістка, своячниця

brother-in-law шурин, деверь

3. Read the text ‘About Myself and My Family’ and answer the questions.

1. Where was Oleg Ivanov born ?

When and where were you born ?

What is the place of your mother’s birth ?

2. How did Oleg study at school ?

What subjects were you good at school ?

What subjects did you dislike ?

3. What are Oleg’s parents ?

What are your parents ?

4. Where does his father ( mother ) work ?

Where do your parents work ?

5. How old is Oleg’s mother ?

How old is your mother ?

How old are you ?

6. Does Oleg have a brother or a sister ?

Do you have a brother or a sister ?

Are you an only child ?

7. Oleg’s brother is very young, isn’t he ?

Are you very young ?

8. Is Oleg’s sister married ?

Are you married ?

9. What college does Oleg’s sister study at ?

What University do you study at ?

10. Why did Oleg enter the University ?

Why did you enter the University ?

11. How old is Oleg’s granny ?

How old are your grandparents ?

4. Study the Family Tree. Say whether the following statements are true ( T )

or false ( F ).

1. Jane is Dorothy’s mother.

2. Pete is Ann’s father.

3. Tom is Mary’s husband.

4. Teresa is Tom’s wife.

5. Louis is Charlie’s brother.

6. Beatrice is Louis’s cousin.

7. Dorothy is Beatrice’s aunt.

8. Tom is Louis’s uncle.

9. Charlie is Mary’s nephew.

10. Beatrice is Teresa’s niece.

11. Ann is Teresa’s sister-in-law.

12. Tom is Dorothy’s brother.

13. Dorothy is Pete’s daughter.

14. Ann is Mary’s sister.

15. Pete is Charlie’s grandfather.

16. Beatrice is an only child.

17. Dorothy has two children.

18. Jane is Beatrice’s grandmother.

19. Louis is Jane’s grandson.

20. Dorothy is single.

ІІ. Граматичний матеріал. Тема:Фонетичний довідник. Повтор видочасових форм англійського дієслова.

1. Вивчіть назви частин англійської мови:

the Noun [naυn] – іменник

the Article ['ɑ:tɪkǝl] – артикль

the Adjective ['ædʒɪktɪv] – прикметник

the Numeral ['nju:mǝrəl] – числівник

the Pronoun ['prəυnaυn] – займенник

the Adverb ['ædvɜ:b] – прислівник

the Verb [vɜ:b] – дієслово

(неособові форми дієслова:

the Gerund ['dʒerǝnd] – герундій,

the Infinitive [ɪn'fɪnətɪv] – інфінітив,

the Participle ['pɑ:tɪsɪpl] – дієприкметник)

the Preposition [prepə'zɪʃn] – прийменник

the Conjunction [kən'dʒʌŋkʃn] – сполучник

the Particle ['pɑ:tɪkl] – частка

2. Ознайомтеся з таблицею 1.

Умовні скорочення:

V – дієслово

V2 – дієслово у 2-й формі

V3 – дієслово у 3-й формі


-ed закінчення


Таблиця 1. Зведена таблиця часових форм англійського дієслова активного стану




Simple (Indefinite)

V ( + -s/-es)

Повторювана або постійна дія в теперішньому часі.

1.Students pass exams every semester.

Do students pass exams every semester?

Students do not pass exams every month.

2.My neighbour always listens to loud music.

What music does your neighbour always listen to?

My neighbour does not listen to loud music.

V + -edorV2

Одноразова, постійна або повторювана дія в минулому; ряд послідовних дій у минулому.

1. She opened the window a minute ago.

When did she open the window?

She did not open the window.

2. My friend bought a new camera last week.

What did your friend buy?

My friend did not buy anything.

will (shall) + V

Дія, що відбудеться у майбутньому.

1. Jack and I shall take part in the competition next time.

Shall we take part in the competition next time?

We shall not take part in the competition next time.

2. The President will pass a new bill next month.

Will the President pass a new bill?

The President will not pass a new bill.

Progressive (Continuous)

am/is/are + V + -ing

Дія, що відбувається в момент мовлення або в певний період теперішнього часу.

Look! Someone is running towards us.

Where is that man running?

He is not running towards us.

was/were + V + -ing

Дія, що відбувалась, тривала в певний момент або протягом якогось періоду часу в минулому.

The band was playing the whole night yesterday.

Was the band playing last night?

The band was not playing the whole night.

will (shall) + be +V + -ing

Дія, що відбуватиметься в якийсь момент або період часу в майбутньому.

The workers will be attending the courses for two weeks.

How long will the workers be attending the courses?

The workers will not be attending the courses.


have/has + V3

Дія, яка відбулась до моменту мовлення, і той, хто говорить, має на увазі результат цієї дії.

I have already seen this film.

Have you seen this film?

I have not seen this film yet.

had + V3

Дія, що вже закінчилась до іншої минулої дії або до певного моменту в минулому.

The teacher had corrected our works before the holidays began.

Had the teacher corrected your works before the holidays?

The teacher had not corrected our works.

will (shall) + have + V3

Дія, що закінчиться до певного моменту або до початку іншої дії в майбутньому.

The clock will have struck twelve by the time you come.

Will the clock have struck twelve?

The clock will not have struck twelve.

Perfect Progressive (Continuous)

have/has + been + V + -ing

Дія, що почалася в минулому і тривала протягом певного періоду і або все ще продовжується в цей момент, або щойно закінчилася.

The participants have been waiting for the decision of the judges since 5 p.m.

Have the participants been waiting long?

The participants have not been waiting since 5 p.m.

had + been + V + -ing

Дія, яка почалася до якогось моменту в минулому і або продовжувалася в цей момент, або закінчилася безпосередньо перед ним.

He had been keeping this book for two months before I asked him to return it.

Why had he been keeping this book?

He had not been keeping this book for two months.

will (shall)+ have + been + V + -ing

Майбутня дія, що, розпочавшись у майбутньому, триватиме протягом певного періоду часу до настання іншої, більш пізньої майбутньої дії або моменту.

You will have been studying English for five years by the next spring.

How long will you have been studying English by the next spring?

You will not have been studying English for six years by the next spring, will you?

Вправа 1. У дужках подана початкова форма дієслова. Необхідно змінити її на необхідну та вставити у речення.

1. The lesson …over recently. (to be) 2. Tom …up because I told him the truth. (to blow) 3. He is trying to…up his friends at school now. (catch) 4. He…just…out his problem and now he does not know what to do. (to work) 5. He will …on the lamp tomorrow because now he is busy. (to turn) 6. This district is constantly…out. (to spread) 7. Robert…on his job, but he does not like it. (to keep) 8. We …already…back our car. (to get) 9. The plain is to…down here. (to come) 10. He …already…up his contract when he began to work there. (to break) 11. He was…by for two hours yesterday. (to stand) 12. When Nick knew, they…already…away. (to run) 13. Mary…more money in the envelope at the wedding. (to put) 14. Brad and Tom want to…up this idea. (to give) 15. They are constantly…around our school. (to hang)      16. He was … in this firm. (to check)      17. He …down and will not go to the picnic now. (to fall)      18. Peter …in and saw a big nice room. (to come)      19. He was…back for a long time, but he did not see anything. (to look)      20. Ann…on a new TV set in her room. (to put)      21. The car…over, but everybody appears alive. (to turn)      22. The teacher…out all the mistakes but the pupil did not understand anything. (to point)      23. When he…back, tell him my request. (to go)      24. Inna…off her old friends and understood, that she had done bad. (to get)      25.He is always…around without problems. (to hang)      26. The robber…away as fast as he could, and we could not do anything. (to get)      27.When he was asked, he…forward, but did not say anything. (to come)      28. She said that she would …back, but when it will be, she did not know. (to call)      29. Their plans were…down at all. (to break)      30. Olga…down everybody though she was destroyed herself. (to calm)      31. The taxi…up and the driver is waiting for you. (to pull)      32. The director…out all the parties and he forgot about himseif. (to pass)      33. While they were talking, the manager … down the shop. (shut)      34. John…back and began to sleep. (to sit)      35. We…out and said nothing. (to burst)      36. Sasha was…by at 5 o’clock yesterday, but he did not know that you want to see him. (to go)      37. He has…out recently and I can not refuse him. (to help)      38. I want to…off this friendship, because it does not bring me happiness. (to knock)      39. He …up his composition for four o’clock tomorrow. (to make)      40. We …around for three ours and we did not understand where it was. (to go)      41. They…down their requests, but we became to work worse because of bad wages. (to knock)      42. Tom…down and understood what floor he was. (to look)      43. He…forward to The New Year, because he knows that parents will give him good presents. (to look)      44. The grandmother and grandfather….up him for two years. (to grow)      45. The chief will…up this idea and we will do it. (to keep)      46. Fred …up materials and began to work at a new project. (to pick)      47. He …into his best friend but he did not have any time to talk to him a little. (to run)

ІІІ. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням.