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1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст english meals

The English usually have four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea (five o'clock) and dinner. Breakfast can be a full "English breakfast" of corn-flakes with milk and sugar, or bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, tea or coffee. Some people, however, have just a cup of tea or coffee with a toast or something similar. This is usually called a "continental breakfast".

At midday everything is stopped for lunch. Most offices and small shops are closed for an hour and the city pavements are full of people on their way to cafes, coffee bars, restaurants. Factory and plant workers usually eat in their canteens.

The English like what they call "good plain food". Usually they like steak, roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, and fish and chips.

Afternoon tea is taken at about five o'clock, but it can hardly be called a meal. It is a cup of tea and a cake or biscuits. At theweekends afternoon tea is a special occasion. Friends and visitors are Often invited to have a chat over a cup of tea.

Dinner is the most substantial meal of the whole day. It is usually eaten at seven o'clock. The first course may be soup (though the English don't like it very much). The main course will often be fish or meat, perhaps the traditional roast beef of old England, and a lot of vegetables. The next course will be something sweet and often baked, such as a fruit pie. Last of all there may be cheese, often with biscuits.

It is common knowledge that the English are very fond of tea. They like to have "a nice cup of tea" six or eight times a day, sometimes even more.

On Christmas Day a roast turkey is traditionally cooked for dinner. It is usually followed by Christmas pudding.

2. Вивчіть наступні слова.

corn-flakes ['kɔ:nfleɪks] — кукурудзяні пластівці

pavement ['peɪvmənt] — тротуар

plain food [pleɪn fu:d] — проста їжа

special occasion ['speʃəl ə'keɪʒən] — особливий випадок, подія

to have a chat [tʃæt] — поговорити, побалакати

substantial [səb'stænʃəl] — важливий; основний, головний

first course [fə:st kɔ:s] — перша страва

main [meɪn] course основна страва

it is common knowledge ['nɔlɪdʒ] — усім відомо

roast turkey [rəust 'tə:kɪ] — смажена індичка

3. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. How many meals a day do the English have?

2. What is the traditional "English breakfast" like?

3. What is usually called a "continental breakfast"?

4. When do the English usually have lunch ?

5. What do the English mean by "good plain food "?

6. What kind of meal is five о'clock tea in England?

7. What do the English usually have for dinner?

8. The English are fond of tea, aren't they?

9. What is the traditional dish for Christmas table?

10. What other dishes are popular in England?

ІІ. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням

    1. Прочитайте текст. Випишіть незнайомі слова за словником.

Why not decorate your fabric items using crayons and markers? I don't mean to grab the kids' crayons and markers and go to town, I mean buy yourself some fabric crayons or fabric markers and you can make several designer-like articles of clothing and even household decorations!

Fabric markers (compare prices) are great for drawing detailed pictures and for experimenting with shading and blending. Read the packing because some manufacturers suggest you set the design with heat once you are done drawing it. Make sure you buy markers specially designed for working with fabric. You should find them by the fabric paints at the craft store. Pens that are simply marked as having 'permanent ink' will not hold up well to several washings. You can choose between two different kinds of fabric crayons (compare prices). The first are fabric crayons you use to draw directly onto the fabric. They are non-toxic, brightly intense colors in soft stick form and are much like using pastels. You can color directly on the fabric, and supposedly, if you do not like the picture you drew, you can wash it out. The directions say that the pictures you draw are not permanent until you set it with the heat of an iron.The second kind of fabric crayons are used a little differently. These look the same as regular coloring crayons, except you may notice the color looks a little duller. Instead of coloring directly on the fabric, you create your own iron on transfer. You draw/color your picture onto a white piece of paper. You do have to remember that everything will be transferred in reverse! The color will appear duller on the paper; if you want darker areas, you are better off apply multiple layers of color because pressing too hard may give your picture a grainy appearance.

2. Випишіть із тексту речення, де вжито пасивні конструкції.

3. Поставте 5 запитань до тексту.

ІІІ. Граматичний матеріал

Тема: Безособові форми дієслова

Неособові форми дієслова не мають категорії особи, числа, часу та способу. Лише деякі з них виражають вид та стан. Вони не вживаються у функції простого присудка в речення, але можуть входити до складу складного дієслівного присудка, а також можуть виступати у функції майже всіх інших членів речення.

До неособових форм дієслова належать:

  • інфінітив (theInfinitive) – неособова форма дієслова, яка тільки називає дію і відповідає на запитаннящо робити?, що зробити?;

  • дієприкметник (theParticiple) – неособова форма дієслова, що має властивості дієслова, прикметника та прислівника;

  • герундій (theGerund) – неособова форма дієслова із закінченням –ing, що має властивості дієслова й іменника.


I have come here to speak to you (infinitive).

Я прийшов сюди (щоб) поговорити з вами.


The boy sitting in the corner is my brother (participle).

Хлопець, що сидить у кутку, мій брат.


I don’t like writing letters (gerund).

Я не люблю писати листи.

Вправа 1. Вставте частку to, де необхідно*. Перекладіть речення.

*Випадки, в яких інфінітив вживається без частки to:

- після модальних дієслів;

- після дієслів tomakeтаtolet;

- після виразівwould rather…, had better…, would sooner…;

- після дієслів, що називають відчуття:to see, to watch, to hear, to feel, etc.

1. We let them … go there.

2. He made me … do it.

3. I don’t want … see him.

4. You had better … take this medicine.

5. We were ready … go out.

6. Would you like … drink?

7. I heard him … sing.

8. You would rather not … tell them the truth.

9. He isn’t going … answer my question.

10. I think I can’t … help you.

Вправа 2. Перекладіть українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на дієприкметник.

1. The girl standing at the window is my sister.

2. We looked at the playing children.

3. Entering the room, he dropped his keys.

4. He sat in the arm-chair thinking.

5. She came up to us breathing heavily.

6. A broken cup lies on the floor.

7. The books written by this author are very interesting.

8. The stolen things were returned to the owner.

9. He looked at her and was gone.

10. We are interested in the goods produced by this factory.

Дайте відповіді на запитання:

  • які форми має дієприкметник у англійській мові?;

  • яку позицію в реченні може займати дієприкметник?;

  • яким чином дієприкметник може перекладатися українською мовою?

Вправа 3. Перекладіть українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на герундій.

1. Taking medicine is unpleasant thing.

2. He sat without answering.

3. Smoking is forbidden here.

4. They went on talking.

5. She has a habit of interrupting people.

6. My parents insist on my staying here.

7. He is suspected of stealing money.

8. The band began playing music.

9. She is incapable of doing it.

10. It looks like raining.

Дайте відповіді на запитання:

  • які утворюється герундій?;

  • яку позицію в реченні може займати герундій?;

  • яким чином герундій може перекладатися українською мовою?

Практичне заняття № 8-9

Тема: Кухні світу

Робота над текстом за темою заняття

Look at the picture. Your task is to complete the sentences.


2. Оберіть одну з національних страв, підготуйте рецепт її приготування англійською мовою, прочитайте її у групі, не називаючи її. Завдання слухачів – здогадатися, яка це страва.

Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням

    1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.

Fashion design is the art of the application of design and aesthetics or natural beauty to clothing and accessories. Fashion design is influenced by cultural and social latitudes, and has varied over time and place. Fashion designers work in a number of ways in designing clothing and accessories. Some work alone or as part of a team. They attempt to satisfy consumer desire for aesthetically designed clothing; and, because of the time required to bring a garment onto the market, must at times anticipate changing consumer tastes.

Fashion designers attempt to design clothes which are functional as well as aesthetically pleasing. They must consider who is likely to wear a garment and the situations in which it will be worn. They have a wide range and combinations of materials to work with and a wide range of colors, patterns and styles to choose from. Though most clothing worn for everyday wear falls within a narrow range of conventional styles, unusual garments are usually sought for special occasions, such as evening wear or party dresses.

Some clothes are made specifically for an individual, as in the case of haute couture or bespoke tailoring. Today, most clothing is designed for the mass market, especially casual and every-day wear.