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Vііі. Змістовий модуль „Їжа. Заклади харчування”

Практичне заняття № 5

Тема: Українська кухня. Традиційний та святковий стіл.

І. Робота над текстом за темою заняття.

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Ukrainian cuisine

Ukrainian cuisine is closely linked to the customs, culture, and way of life of the Ukrainian people. It is famous for its diversityand flavours.

The most popular Ukrainian dish is borsch. This thick and delicious soup is prepared with a variety of ingredients including meat, mushrooms, beans, and even prunes.

Mushroom soups, bean and pea soups, soups with dumplings and thick millet chowders are also popular.

"Holubtsi", or stuffed cabbage, is another favourite dish, as are "varenyky" filled with potatoes, meat, cheese, sauerkraut or berries such as blue-berries or cherries. "Varenyky" are often mentioned in folk songs.

Ukrainians like dairy products. Some samples: cheese pancakes and "riazhanka" (fermented baked milk). There are no holidays without pies, "pampushky" (type of fritters), "baba" (a tall cylindrical cake) and honey cakes.

Ukrainian sausage is delicious. It is preserved in a special way — in porcelain vessels filled by melted fat.

Of course, every region of Ukraine has its own recipes and traditions.

2. Вивчіть наступні слова.

diversity [daɪ'və:sɪtɪ] різноманітність

flavour ['fleɪvə] присмак, приправа

dish [dɪʃ] страва

prune [pru:n] — чорнослив

dumplings fdʌmplɪŋz] — галушки

millet ['mɪlɪt] — просо, пшоно

chowder ['tʃaudə] — юшка зі свинини, овочів тощо

sauerkraut ['sauəkraut] — кисла капуста

blue-berry ['blu:bərɪ] — чорниці

cheese pancakes [tʃi:z 'pænkeɪks] — сирники

fritter ['frɪtə] — оладки

to fill [fɪl] by smth. заповнювати (чим-небудь)

recipe ['resɪpɪ| — рецепт

3. Дайте відповіді на наступні запитання.

1. What is Ukrainian cuisine famous for?

2. What is the most popular Ukrainian dish ?

3. What are the other popular Ukrainian dishes?

4. What products do Ukrainians like ?

5. What is your favourite Ukrainian dish ?

6. What Ukrainian dishes do you like to cook?

ІІ. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням.

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть.

Machine embroidery applique is an easy technique. We've included step by step explanations using actual example to help you get started. Good luck! General Suggestions: * Print thread & fabric change list of specific design you're going to stitch. * If you intend to use fabrics of organic nature that may have tendency to shrink, wash them in hot (but not boiling) water before applying to your project. * Iron all fabrics you're going to use for your applique project. * You MUST MUST MUST have quality scissors with long sharp edges. * For applique, avoid using easily fraying fabrics. If you have no choice - eliminate fraying by applying "No Fray Spray" on fabric edges. * If you're dealing with slippery fabrics, prepare some double sided scotch or adhesive spray. Main Steps: 1. Hooping background fabric. 2. Marking background fabric using embroidery machine and very first thread of applique design. 3. Positioning applique fabric pieces on hooped background, sewing them on and and cutting the excess one by one. 4. Running the rest of applique embroidery design.

2. Перекажіть текст.

ІІІ. Граматичний матеріал

Тема: Узгодження часів

Вправа. 1. Convert the following statements into indirect speech.

1. John said: "I met them at the airport yester­day." 2. He said: "I shall come to the party if I am free tomorrow." 3. She said: "I shall go to the cin­ema in the evening if I am not very tired." 4. My mother said to me: "It will be difficult for you to get up tomorrow if you don't go to bed at once." 5. Nina said: "I like music and I listen to it every evening before going to bed." 6. My aunt said: "I shall not be thirsty if I eat some grapes." 7. Moth­er said to us: "Don't go out before I return." 8. My sister said: "I shall be neither hungry nor thirsty if I have a cup of tea with a sandwich." 9. Mary said: "Don't switch on TV, Fred, I am working." 10. The teacher said to us: "You will have to work hard tomorrow." 11. My girl-friend said to me: "I shall not be able to go for a walk with you today, because I am very busy." 12. She said to me: "How long are you going to stay in the country?" 13. He said to me: "I like to go to the canteen during the break." 14. He asked me: "When will you go to the canteen?”

Практичне заняття № 6

Тема: В ресторані (кафе).

І. Робота над текстом за темою заняття.