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2. Restore the hierarchy of prosodic units

3. Fill in the gaps in the table: functional aspect of prosody

…………..function of prosody

It unifies words into utterances, the main communicative units. A succession of words arranged syntactically is not a communicative unit until a certain prosodic pattern is attached to it.

The delimitative (segmentative) function of prosody……………………….

The distinctive function of prosody


Prosody differentiates the communicative types of utterances, statements, questions, ex­clamations, imperatives.

modal (attitudinal)-distinctive


…………….distinctive (logical)

Prosody differentiates the location of the semantic nuclei of utterances and other semantically important words.





………………….function of prosody

Prosody provides a basis for the hearer's identification of the communicative and modal type of an ut­terance, its semantic and syntactical structure with the situation of the discourse.

Seminar 7 Varieties of English Pronunciation

Task 1. Imagine that you are the participants of a philological conference. Team up into 5 groups (3-5 people). Choose from the list below one problem for discussion (one group is responsible for one problem only, problems mustn’t be repeated in groups). Make use of the material of the lecture and additional material (obligatorily!!!!!!!!!):

1. Speak about the varieties that exist in any language (dialects, idiolectal differences,standard pronunciation).

2. Describe features of RP as the orthoepic norm of British English.

3. Local and regional varieties of English.

4. Phonostylistics as a new branch of phonetics, the object of its investigation.

5. Phonetic styles, their classifications and the principles they are based on.

Prepare the presentation of a problem, distribute the roles in a group in the following way:

a) SPEAKER (making use of the lecture material, additional material, Internet resourses presents a 4-5 minute report on a chosen problem);

b) ASSISTANT-SPEAKER (making use of the lecture material, additional material, Internet resourses adds a SPEAKER’s report on a chosen problem, 2 minutes);

c) GROUP MEMBER (every member of the group, except a speaker and an assistant-speaker, prepares one question beforehand and addresses the question either to a speaker or to an assistant-speaker);

d) COUNTERSPEAKER (beforehand prepares 3-5 questions on the information presented by the speaker and an assistant-speaker and addresses them to the members of the other groups, assesses the answers, puts down the marks, passes the list with the surnames and marks to a teacher).

Thus, in the end of the seminar every student gets a mark for activeness-passiveness at the seminar.


1.Боисова, Л.В., Метлюк, А.А. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка: учеб.пособие для ин-тов и фак. иностр.яз./ Л.В. Борисова, А.А. Метлюк. – Минск: «Вышэйшая школа», 1980. – C. 109 - 130

    1. Соколова, М.А. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка. Практикум: учеб.пособие / М.А. Соколова, И.А.Афонская, Л.Б.Ковалева [и др.] – М.: «Профобразование»,2001. – С. 6 – 21, 178 - 190

Key terms: a dialect, the orthoepic norm, a phonetic style, phonostylistics

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