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Chapters not in Sample

This is a sample of the book, several chapters are absent.

You can get the complete book at https://leanpub.com/marionette-gentle-introduction/ ².


About this Sample

You’re currently viewing a sample of the book’s content, containing mainly basic information, with a more advanced chapter on routing. It is intended to give you a feel for how the book is written: introducing concepts gradually, so you fully understand the Marionette framework and how best to leverage it in your own projects. Hopefully, you’ve still learned a thing or two along the way.

Please note that the table of contents included here is NOT the full contents of the book. To see the full (intended) contents, please refer to the book’s landing page at https://leanpub.com/marionette- gentle-introduction ³.

The book itself contains much more content written in the same “step by step” style, along with the solutions to the various exercises. I’ve worked hard to make this book a great resource for learning Marionette, and I hope this sample will have convinced you.

Thanks for reading!


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