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Text в Pesticide Rains on Europe

Environmental researchers in Switzerland believe much of the rain fal­ling in Europe contains unacceptably levels of pesticides. The researchers, from the Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technol­ogy, said samples of rainwater they had sffidied contained high levels of chemicals that - in some cases - were above drinking water standards.

It appears the chemicals evaporate and are absorbed by clouds and then returned to earth in the rainwater which runs off into streams and rivers. Until now scientists have assumed pesticides only infiltrated groundwater directly from fields where they were sprayed. The research also found that the highest concentration of pesticides occurred in the first rain after a long dry spell, especially when local fields have been treated.

"Drinking water standards are regularly exceeded in rain", Stephen Muller, a chemist with the Dubendorf-based Institute told New Scientist Magazine.

Under EU and Swiss regulations, a liter of drinking water should not contain more than 100 nanograms of any particular pesticide. However, Muller and his colleague Thomas Bucheli found one sample of rainwater that contained almost 4000 nanograms per liter of 2,4,-dinitrophenol, a widely used pesticide.

Muller and Bucheli are concerned about the growing practice of using rainwater that falls onto roofs to recharge underground water. They say this water often contains dissolved herbicides that have been added to roofing materials to prevent vegetation growing. They suggest the first rains that fall during a storm should be diverted into sewers to minimize the pollution of drinking water, which is not usually treated to remove these herbicides and pesticides.

Ex. 3. Give the Russian for: environmental researchers; unacceptably high level; drinking water stan­dards; to evaporate; to infiltrate groundwater; to return to earth; streams and rivers; to prevent vegetation growing; to minimize the pollution; sample of rainwater; to divert into sewers; to treat the water; the highest concentration of pesticides; long dry spell; to remove herbicides.

Ex. 4. Translate into English:

содержать недопустимо высокий уровень пестицидов; пробы дожде­вой воды; химикаты испаряются и поглощаются облаками; возвра­щаться на землю с дождем; попадать в ручьи и реки; просачиваться в грунтовые воды прямо с полей; самая высокая концентрация пестици­дов; долгий засушливый период; обработанные местные поля; отво­дить воду; уменьшить загрязнение питьевой воды; очищать воду. Ex. 5. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Проведенные исследования выявили недопустимо высокий уро­вень пестицидов в дождевой воде. 2. Питьевая вода содержит больше химикатов, чем положено по стандартам. 3. В природе химикаты испа­ряются и поглощаются облаками. 4. Затем они возвращаются на землю в виде осадков. 5. Пестициды проникают в подземные воды прямо с полей. 6. Самое высокое содержание пестицидов в первом дожде после долгого засушливого периода. 7. По европейским стандартам литр питьевой воды может содержать не более 100 нанограмм пестицидов. 8. Ученые очень обеспокоены загрязнением питьевой воды. Ex. 6. Complete the sentences:

1. Environmental researchers in Switzerland believe . 2. The samples

of rainwater contain . 3. It appears that . 4. The research also

found that . 5. Drinking water standards are . 6. Drinking water

should not contain . 7. Scientists are concerned about . 8. Sci- entists suggest .

Ex. 7. Answer the questions.

1) What do environmental researches in Switzerland discover? 2) What did their studies show? 3) What happens when the chemicals evaporate? 4) What did the research also found? 5) What did Stephen Muller tell New Scientist magazine? 6) What are the standards for drinking water under European regulations? 7) What did Muller and his colleagues find? 8) What do the scientists concerned about? 9) What do they suggest?

Ex. 8. You are Stephen Muller. Tell about the problems of pesticide rains on Europe and the ways to eliminate this hazard for the readers of New Scientist magazine.

Ex. 9. You are a reporter from New Scientist magazine. Interview Stephen Muller on the topic of pesticide rains.

Ex. 10. Every day we hear the disasters that face on our planet. Ani­mals and plants are dying. Seas and rivers are being filled with rubbish. The air is becoming poisoned with chemicals and smoke. And these are only a few examples of the ways people have lived until now - damaging the world.

But lifestyles are already beginning to change as people become aware of what is going on and make choices to live in way that less damaging the planet. Group campaigns are saving seas, rainforests, countryside. Many people call themselves "green" and the lifestyles "green living". "Green" is becoming a household word. It is exciting time to be green and every people health is crucial.

Here is a quiz to see how green you are and how well informed you are about the environment.

Score one point for every "yes" answer.