Task 2 Try to work out the meaning of the vocabulary below. Memorize them :
be concerned with |
malaria |
interface |
computational method |
design/create |
detailed knowledge genes |
cure |
ability |
molecular and cell biology |
determine |
cutting edge |
three-dimensional molecular structure |
pharmaceutical Chemistry |
create |
five-year BSc degree programme |
facet |
honours degree programme |
identify |
unique opportunity |
drug target |
work experience |
disease |
link |
cancer |
lead (to) |
diabetes |
biomedical research |
interdisciplinary |
further education |
level |
module |
Task 3 Use the context to understand the underlined words and phrases. Copy them out and learn to use them.
Task 4 Look at the 4 (5) Year Honours Degree Programme to become more oriented. Study carefully the subjects of Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4.
Discuss in small groups Optional Year in Industry.
Task 5 Compare and give your opinion about the mentioned Programme and the Programme of your University. Discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
Task 6 Give your well-grounded arguments as to ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of Dundee’s Programme.
Task 7 Make up a 10-12 line dialogue, then act it out in class.
BEFORE YOU START … think about:
What do you know about pharmacy training abroad?
Have you ever come across with any foreign programme?
Do you think the subjects taught are the same as ours?
This information may be of some interest to you and you’ll learn how the Aston
Pharmacy Course starts in the first year.
Task 1 Read the following text, checking the meaning and pronunciation of any new words. Use a dictionary, if necessary. Get ready to discuss it.
Pharmacists need detailed knowledge and understanding of a wide range of subjects, including:
Medicinal chemistry (chemistry of drugs)
Pharmaceutics (formulation of drugs into efficient and acceptable medicines)
Pharmacology (actions of drugs on the body)
Clinical pharmacology & therapeutics (actions and uses of drugs in disease states)
Medicinal microbiology (infectious diseases and their treatment)
The law relating to drugs and their use.
Pharmacy has scored the maximum possible 24 points in the Teaching Quality Assessment. Every one of the 6 aspects of Aston's provision in Pharmacy achieved a perfect score of 4 points.
A feature of the Aston course is that each year focuses on the development of key skills that are of direct relevance to the practice of pharmacy: this starts in the first year.
Essential Skills (Part 1): The emphasis will be on developing your knowledge of the basic scientific principles which underpin pharmacy.
Cell Biology - you will be introduced to the properties of cells and their biochemistry. If you have not studied biology at A-level, this course will provide an introduction to the terminology and basic principles necessary for studying pharmacy. The course is taught by staff of the pharmacy department.
Medicinal Chemistry - you will develop your understanding of the synthesis and characterisation of substances used in medicine. You will study the structure and composition of organic compounds, molecular geometry, mechanisms or organic reactions and separation techniques.
Medical Microbiology - you will be introduced to the micro-organisms which are important in health and disease and will study the properties of microbes that influence their ability to grow and cause disease.
Molecular Biology - you will be introduced to the fundamentals of molecular biology. The course provides a theoretical foundation for later studies of the impact of molecular biology upon pharmacy.
Pharmaceutics - you will be introduced to drug formulation and to the principles of drug delivery through the study of pharmaceutical formulation and dispensing. If you have not studied mathematics at A-level, an introductory quantitative method unit provides you with the essential mathematical techniques.
Physiology - in order to evaluate the effect of drugs on living organisms the pharmacist must be conversant with the normal function of living organisms. This course concentrates upon human physiology and the lecture course is illustrated by a comprehensive series of human physiology practicals. If you have not studied biology at A-level, the cell biology course will provide an introduction to the physiology course.
Pharmacy Practice - introduces you to the practical and theoretical basis of extemporaneous dispensing: you will prepare examples of all the various pharmaceutical dose forms. The course also introduces the profession of pharmacy and provides an introduction to medicines and their use and abuse, against a background of the legal and ethical factors that govern their supply.
Task 2 Use the context clues to understand unfamiliar words and phrases. Learn to use them.
Task 3 Study carefully and discuss in small groups (3-4) the Aston Pharmacy School Programme – Year One.
Task 4 What subjects do the Aston students study? Give examples and characterize subjects studied in the 1st year programme.
Task 5 Think about and say …
What subjects are studied by our students? What are they? Give examples. Say your opinion.
Task 6 Compare the Aston Courses with those in Ukraine. Comment, if you have found any differences in these Course Programmes.
Task 7 What programme would you choose and why?
Task 8 Describe the subjects you enjoy better and why?
Task 9 Explain the importance and necessity of these subjects for pharmacy.
Task 10 Comment on, if pharmacy practice in Aston Course introduces the same elements as ours.
Task 11 Share all “pros” and “cons” of the programme studied with your partner.
Task 12 Give your opinion about the Aston Pharmacy School Programme and convince in your opinion the others in class.
Study the second - year pharmacy programme and be ready to discuss it in the next class period.
Introduces a more applied approach and we develop the study of core sciences by direct application of scientific principles to pharmacy.
Essential Skills (Part 2): you will develop your skills of written communication by writing and presenting essays on all aspects of pharmacy. You will learn basic statistical techniques and their application to biomedical work and you will develop library based skills of information searching.
Medicinal Chemistry - extends the principles developed in the first year to include properties of drug molecules and provides an introduction to medicinal chemistry: the science of drug discovery, design and optimisation. You will also study phytochemistry, the origin and chemistry of those drugs which are derived from plants and biological chemistry (biochemistry), the chemistry of living systems.
Pharmaceutical Microbiology - provides an introduction to the problems posed by microbes as contaminants of sterile pharmaceutical products. You will study methods of controlling and eliminating contamination (e.g. disinfection and sterilisation processes) and the tests for sterility and methodologies for monitoring disinfection processes. The theory course will be supported by practical units which will cover methods for the preparation of sterile pharmaceuticals (Asepsis).
Pharmaceutics - introduces basic formulation science for the common drug delivery systems. You will make a detailed study of the formulation of the different pharmaceutical dosage forms (solutions, suspensions, emulsions, tablets and topical products such as creams and ointments). The principles of radiopharmacy are also included.
Pharmacology - is the study of drug action on living organisms. The course begins with an integrated unit which provides a framework for understanding the molecular basis of drug action. You will study the molecular biology, biochemistry and physiology of drug receptors and cell signalling. This leads to the detailed study of the pharmacology of groups of drugs, the way they work and their effects on the human system (systemic pharmacology).
Pharmacy Practice - the practical course widens your experience of dispensing procedures with an increasing emphasis upon manufactured preparations. You are introduced to professional pharmacy practice and will study the role of pharmacy within health services including the National Health Service. This leads to a study of the structure of the health service and of pharmacy remuneration and contracts.
Task 2 |
Use the context clues to understand unfamiliar words and |
phrases. Learn to use them. |
Task 3 |
Study carefully and discuss in small groups (3-4) the Aston |
Pharmacy School Programme – Year Two. |
Task 4 |
What subjects do the Aston students study? Give examples |
and characterize subjects studied in the 2nd year programme. |
Task 5 |
Think about and say … What subjects are studied by our |
students? What are they? Give examples. Say your opinion. |
Task 6 Compare the Aston Courses with those in Ukraine. Comment, if there are any differences in them.
Task 7 What programme would you choose and why?
Task 8 Describe the subjects you enjoy better and why?
Task 9 Explain the importance and necessity of these subjects for pharmacy.
Task 10 Comment, if pharmacy practice in Aston Course introduces the same elements as ours.
Task 11 Share all “pros” and “cons” of the programme studied with your partner.
Task 12 Give your opinion about the Aston Pharmacy School Programme and convince in your opinion the others.
Study the third - year pharmacy programme and be ready to discuss it in the next class period.
Concentrates upon the major pharmaceutical disciplines with a focus upon an integrated, scientific study of drugs including their mechanism of action in disease.
Essential Skills (Part 3): you will develop your abilities of verbal communication through a series of student led seminars. The course also introduces you to organisational and management techniques
Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics - your study of systemic pharmacology continues and then develops into a study of the causes (aetiology) and consequences of disease processes and of the use of drugs in the treatment of these conditions. You will study the mechanisms of action of the drugs and by the end of the course, you will be able to integrate knowledge across body systems and understand the pharmacological basis of the use of drugs in disease as well as their toxic effects. The course will also explore potential new targets for drug action.
Chemotherapy - looks at the use of drugs as chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of infectious diseases and cancer. You will study drug action at the molecular level to give you a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of selective toxicity involved in the treatment of proliferative and infectious disease.
Drug Metabolism and Pharmaceutical Analysis - you will study the concepts of metabolism and apply these to the metabolism of drugs. In the analysis unit, you will explore the philosophy and methodology of drug analysis in bulk, in formulations and in body fluids. You will gain practical experience in a variety of analytical techniques and in the interpretation of the experimental data.
Molecular Biology - introduces you to the rapidly developing science of genetic engineering and to its impact upon the design and production of therapeutic agents and upon the diagnosis of disease. You will study the latest advances in gene therapy and explore the implications of the human genome project.
Pharmaceutics - you will study the formulation and assessment of medicines. The principles of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceuticals are introduced and strategies for the design of controlled release drug delivery systems are discussed
Pharmacy Practice - there will be two main elements to your studies. You will study pharmacy law and professional ethics and their practical application to the supply of medicines. You will also be introduced to the social sciences through a study of health and lifestyle and the role of health education.
Task 2 Use the context clues to understand unfamiliar words and phrases. Learn to use them.
Task 3 Study carefully and discuss in small groups (3-4) the Aston Pharmacy School Programme – Year Three.
Task 4 |
What subjects do the Aston students study? Give examples |
and characterize subjects studied in the 3d year programme. |
Task 5 |
Think about and say … What subjects are studied by our |
students? |
What are they? Give examples. Say your opinion. |
Task 6 Compare the Aston Courses with those in Ukraine. Comment, if there are any differences in these Course Programmes.
Task 7 What programme would you choose and why?
Task 8 Describe the subjects you enjoy better and why?
Task 9 Explain the importance and necessity of these subjects for pharmacy.
Task 10 Comment on, if pharmacy practice in Aston Course introduces the same elements as ours.
Task 11 Share all “pros” and “cons” of the programme studied with your partner.
Task 12 Give your opinion about the Aston Pharmacy School Programme and convince in your opinion the others in class.
Study the final year pharmacy programme and be ready to discuss it in the next class period.
The scientific and professional skills developed in the first three years are integrated around a theme of pharmaceutical practice. The course develops the Essential Skills of clinical communication and research methodology.
A. Core Courses
Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics: completes the studies started in year 3 and continues to a study of Drug Safety and efficacy. You will be introduced to methods of testing used by the Pharmaceutical Industry and study the legislation concerning drug safety.
Clinical Pharmacy: you will study the rational selection and use and effects of drugs for individual patients and patient groups. You will be introduced to the quantitative clinical data and to the way such data can be used to optimise drug therapy. The course will involve clinical case discussions and visits to hospitals and medical practices to study the clinical role of pharmacists. The Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics courses are linked to the clinical pharmacy course through a series of clinical and professional tutorials.
Drug Delivery Systems: you will study the systems for controlled delivery of drugs to their target sites. You will explore the various modified release systems and the methods for achieving site directed delivery. The course will also cover the principles which determine absorption of drugs and how these may be used to design delivery systems for specific diseases or patient groups.
Management Studies: you will study how the Health Service is managed and you will be introduced to management techniques that may be useful in pharmacy e.g. business planning, financial management and personnel management.
Pharmacy Practice: provides an introduction to the methodology of social science research in the context of health care research. Practical sessions focus upon prescription analysis and the wider role of the pharmacist in management of pharmaceutical care.
Responding to Symptoms: develops your understanding of the role of the pharmacist as a member of the health team. You will also study the advisory role of the pharmacist in the community.
B. Specialisation
Our course structure offers you the opportunity to specialise in either scientific or vocational areas. You do this by your choice of optional courses and your research project.
(i)Optional Studies - you can choose 4 optional courses from a wide range on offer (currently over 20). These courses offer the opportunity for advanced study in specialist areas and may be either specific or vocational in nature. For example current courses include cancer chemotherapy, cardiovascular disease, molecular graphics, together with veterinary pharmacy, clinical pharmacy and community pharmacy management.
(ii)Research Project - you may select from a wide range of projects and will spend 15 weeks working on the project of your choice. The project may be carried out within one of the departmental research groups when you will in modern research laboratories as a member of the research team. The department has a
high rating for the quality of its research and has internationally recognised groups that cover the major areas of pharmaceutical science. Alternatively, you may choose to undertake a research project in Clinical Pharmacy or Pharmacy practice when you may spend much of your time in a hospital, a country pharmacy or a general medical practice.
Task 2 |
Use the context clues to understand unfamiliar words and |
phrases. Learn to use them. |
Task 3 |
Study carefully and discuss in small groups (3-4) the Aston |
Pharmacy School Programme – Final Year . |
Task 4 |
What subjects do the Aston students study? Give examples |
and characterize subjects studied in the 4th- year programme. |
Task 5 |
Think about and say … What subjects are studied by our |
students? |
What are they? Give examples. Say your opinion. |
Task 6 Compare the Aston Courses with those in Ukraine. Comment on, there are any differences in these Course Programmes.
Task 7 What programme would you choose and why?
Task 8 Describe the subjects you enjoy better and why?
Task 9 Explain the importance and necessity of these subjects for pharmacy.
Task 10 Comment on, if pharmacy practice in Aston Course introduces the same elements as ours.
Task 11 Share all “pros” and “cons” of the programme studied with your partner.
Task 12 Give your opinion about the Aston Pharmacy School Programme and convince in your opinion the others in class.