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Методичка по-английскому.doc
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2.Переведите предложения на английский язык.

  • Бах, должно быть, хорошо знал латинский язык, так как преподавал его в школе некоторое время.

  • Бах, скорее всего, сам обучал музыке своих детей.

  • Он не должен был соглашаться играть эту роль. О не смог ее сыграть.

  • Мне кажется, что эту роль надо было дать другому актеру.

  • Не может быть, чтобы он согласился сыграть эту роль.

  • Возможно, он знал об этом, но молчал.

1. Greg’s wife gave him a long list of things ..... at the supermarket.

to buy

to be bought

to have been bought

to have bought

2. John is very proud. He is not the one ..... about.

to order

to be ordered

to have ordered

to have been ordered

3. Jim doesn’t know Russian well enough ..... with you.

to speak

to be speaking

to have spoken

to have been speaking

4. Everything comes to him who knows how ..... .

to have waited

to be waiting

to have been waiting

to wait

5. No words can describe the fascination of the place. It must ..... .


be seen

have seen

have been seen

6. Don’t interrupt him when he is working. He hates ..... .

to disturb

to be disturbing

to be disturbed

to have been disturbed

7. I am awfully sorry ..... you in this stupid way.

to bother

to be bothering

to have bothered

to be bothered

8. It is not hard ..... decisions when you know what your values are.

to be making

to have made

to make

to be made

9. Modern art is when you buy a picture ..... a hole in the wall – and decide that the hole looks better.

to cover

to be covering

to have covered

to have been covering

10. It was nice of you ..... me your Grammar book. Without it I would have been lost.

to lend

to be lending

to have lent

to be lent

11. Tom had an accident because he had exceeded speed limit. He shouldn’t ..... so fast.


be driving

have driven

have been driving

12. Jenny seemed ..... no attention to what was going on around her.

to pay

to be paying

to have paid

to have been paying

13. Jane ought to ..... two foreign languages. Why wasn't she, I wonder?

have taught


have been taught

be teaching

14. Joan likes taking care of sick animals. She is pleased ..... this kind of work all the time.

to have been doing

to be doing

to have done

to do

15. I was sorry ..... as I couldn’t finish my conversation with Frieda.

to be disturbed

to have been disturbed

to disturb

to have disturbed

Complex Subject.

(Сложное подлежащее) из существительного ( в общем падеже )

или местоимения ( в именительном падеже) + инфинитив смыслового глагола. Переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением, которое вводится словом что

1.С глаголами, обозначающими просьбу, приказание, познавательные процессы, которые употребляются в страдательном залоге.

To say is said/ was said говорят, говорили

To know is known/ was known известно, было известно

To report is reported/was reported сообщают,сообщили

To expect is expected/ was expected полагают, ожидали

To consider is considered/ was considered считают, считали

To assume is assumed/was assumed полагают, полагали

To think is thought/was thought думают, думали

To believe is believed/was believed полагают , полагали

e. g. This director is said to work on a new film at tht Mosfilm Studio.

The student is expected to become a good film- maker.

2.Глаголы, которые употребляются только в активном залоге

To seem оказываться

To appear(казаться) по- видимому, казалось

To prove (оказаться) оказывается, оказалось

To turn out оказывается, оказалось

To happen( случаться) по-видимому, случайно

To chance ) по-видимому, случайно

e.g.He happened to be the founder of the theatre.

3.Со сказуемыми, выраженными словами

To be likely вероятно

To be unlikely невероятно, маловероятно, вряд ли

To be sure безусловно, несомненно

To be certain несомненно

e. g . She is likely to be a good singer.
