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Exercises 3. Answer the following questions:

1 What should automobile specialists know?

2 What phases does the production of the automobile comprise?

3 What requirements must modern automobiles meet?

4 Why are automobile units and mechanisms subjected to laboratory and road tests?

5 What qualities are required of the automobile?

6 Why are computers used in cars?

7 What main parts is the automobile made up of?

8 What is the function of the engine?

9 What systems does the engine include?

10 What does the chassis consist of?

11 What units does the power transmission comprise?

12 What assemblies does the running gear consist of?

13 What has the body?

Exercises 4. Переведите следующие словосочетания с причастиями I и II:

developing industry, developed industry;

changing distances, changed distances;

a controlling device, a controlled device;

an increasing speed, an increased speed;

a transmitting signal, a transmitted signal;

a reducing noise, a reduced noise;

a moving object, a moved object;

heating parts, heated parts.

Exercises 5. Найдите причастия в различных формах, переведите:

1 Driving a car a man tries to keep steady speed and watch the car in front of him.

2 Having stated the laws of gravity Newton was able to explain the structure of the Universe.

3 Being more efficient than human beings computers are used more and more extensively.

4 Having graduated from Cambridge Newton worked there as a tutor.

5 Having been published in 1687 Newtort's laws of motion are still the basis for research.

6 Being invented the digital technology solved the old problems of noise in signal transmission.

7 Having published his book about space exploration in 1895 Tsiolkovsky became known all over the world.

8 Built in the middle of the last century the British Museum is situated in central London.

9 We need highly developed electronics and new materials to make supercomputers.

10 We are carried by airplanes, trains and cars with built-in electronic devices.

11 Computer components produced should be very clean.

12 Many countries have cable TV, a system using wires for transmitting TV programs.

13 А videophone has a device which allows us to see a room and the face of the person speaking.

14 New technologies reduce the number of workers needed.

Exercises 6. Укажите подлежащее независимого причастного оборота, переведите предложения.

1 Numerous experiments having been carried out at the orbital stations, it became possible to develop new methods of industrial production of new materials.

2 President Jefferson having offered his personal library, the foundation of the Library of Congress was laid.

3 Anthony Panizzi designed the Reading Room of the British Museum, the Reading Room being a perfect circle.

4 A beam of light being transmitted forwards, it is possible to measure the distance between the car and the other cars in front of it.

5 The distance having been measured, the computer adjusts the car's speed.

6 Two metallurgists produced a new superplastic metal, the new steel showing properties identical to Damascus steel.

7 The young physicist having discovered Newton's error, other scientists confirmed it.

8 The first TV sets having been shown in 1939, the news about it spread throughout the world.

9 The steam engine having been invented in 1825, a self-propelled vehicle was built.

10 The supply of steam in the car lasting only 15 minutes, the vehicle had to stop every 100 yards to make more steam.

11 The cars of that time were very small, the engine being placed under the seat.

12 Brakes having become more efficient, cars achieved greater reliability.

13 Cars with internal combustion engines having appeared, the automobile industry began developing rapidly.

14 By 1960 the number of cars in the world had reached 60 million, no other industry having ever developed so quickly.

Exercises 7. Найдите в следующих предложениях причастия, переведите.

1 Having designed a car radar the engineers started complex tests/

2 While driving a car one should be very attentive.

3 A new electronic instrument will calculate how far one can drive on the fuel left in the tank.

4 The engine tested showed that it needed no further improvement.

5 Scientists are experimenting with a system allowing drivers to see better after dark.

6 The system being tested will increase the safety and fuel efficiency of a car.

7 Having been tested the computer system was installed at a plant.

8 The night-vision system will be available in the 1990’s.

9 The synthetic magnet has a lot of valuable qualities that can be changed, if wished.

10 Recently there appeared battery-powered cars.

11 The radar used was of a completely new design.

12 Having been heated the substance changed its properties.

13 Being provided with batteries an electric car can develop a speed of 50miles an hour.

14 When mass produced, electric cars will help solve ecological problems of big cities.

15 A difect undetected caused an accident.

16 Though first developed for military purposes radar can be used in modern cars.

Exercises 8. Переведите на английский язык.

1 Завершая серию экспериментов, студенты получили интересные данные.

2 Завершив первую серию экспериментов, они начали обрабатывать (process) полученные данные.

3 Измеряя температуру воды, обычно пользуются термометром (thermometer).

4 Обсудив полученные результаты, экспериментаторы поняли, что они недостаточно точны.

5 Работая с радиоактивным веществом, вы должны быть осторожны.

6 Снабдив лабораторию всем необходимым, исследовательская группа смогла успешно продолжать работу.

7 Читая книгу, он обычно делает заметки (make notes)

8 Почитав текст, мы обсудим его.

9 Отвечая на вопросы, он сделал несколько ошибок.

10 Ответив на вопросы преподавателя, мы начали переводить новый текст.

11 Являясь хорошим проводником электричества, медь широко используется в промышленности.

12 Увидев зелёный свет, мы перешли (cross) улицу.

13 Покупая газету, он потерял деньги.

14 Купив газету, он пошёл к метро.

U n I t 8

Text: Engine Components

Grammar: The Gerund



– сгорание

combustion chamber

– камера сгорания

compression stroke

– такт сжатия (смеси)

connection rod

– шатун


– коленчатый вал

exhaust stroke

– такт выпуска

four-stroke cycle

– четырёхтактный цикл

fuel injection

– впрыск топлива


– воспламенятся


– воспламенение

intake (inlet) stroke

– такт впуска

internal combustion engine

– двигатель внутреннего сгорания


– смесь

operating cycle

– рабочий цикл


– поршень

power stroke

– рабочий ход

rotary movement

– вращательное движение

spark plug

– свеча зажигания


– ход (поршня)


– топливный бак


– клапан

Read and translate the text and then do the following exercise.


Engine Components

Let's look closer at the engine components that operate together to generate power. The basic unit of the engine is the piston which moves up and down inside a cylinder. As air is compressed in the cylinder, fuel is injected on top of the piston. Under high pressure the fuel mixes with the hot air end self-ignites causing combustion. The force of the combustion pushes the piston and connecting rod down turning the crankshaft and flywheel which drive other components. During engine operation the piston goes through four strokes: intake, compression, power and exhaust. During the four strokes, the piston moves down and up to complete cycles.

Intake. During the intake stroke the piston moves down in the cylinder pulling air past an open intake valve into the combustion chamber. Compression: During the compression stroke all valves are closed, and piston moves up in the cylinder compressing the air. As the air molecules are compressed the air temperature increases dramatically to about 1000° F (537° C). As the piston nears the top of its stroke, fuel is injected into the combustion chamber on top of the piston. The fuel mixes with the hot compressed air and causes combustion.

Power. During the power stroke the valves are closed as the forces from combustion push the piston and connecting rod down, thereby turning the crankshaft. The heat energy has now been converted into mechanical power.

Exhaust. During the exhaust stroke the inertial force of the turning flywheel helps continue the rotation of the crankshaft to push the piston up again in the cylinder forcing the burned gases out the open exhaust valve. This completes the four strokes of the piston. These four strokes are repeated over and over as the engine operates.

Diesel engine offer the following advantages over automotive-type gasoline engines:

Fuel economy. Diesel engines have higher compression ratios and therefore turn fuel more completely and efficiently. Reliability

Diesel engines have no electrical ignition system to fail or be maintained. They are built with heavy-duty parts to withstand the higher compression ratios and to operate for long periods with minimum breakdown. In on-highway tracks for instance, diesel engines have a projected service life of many hundreds of thousands of miles.

Power. It depends on engine size, but diesel engines generally produce more torque and power output than gasoline engines.

Exercises 1. Match the beginning of the sentence on the left with its ending on the right.

1 The basic unit of the engine is ...

1 engine size.

2 During engine operation the piston ...

2 electrical ignition system.

3 Piston moves up in the cylinder compressing the air ...

3 the four strokes are repeated over and over.

4 During the four strokes, ...

4 the piston which moves up and down inside a cylinder.

5 Power depends on ...

5 fuel more completely and efficiency.

6 Diesel engines have no ...

6 during the compression stroke.

7 Under high pressure the fuel ...

7 the piston moves down and up to complete cycles.

8 As the engine operates ...

8 goes through four strokes.

9 Diesel engines burn ...

9 mixes with the hot air and self-ignites.

10 The heat energy is converted into mechanical power ...

10 during the power stroke.

Exercises 2. Match the words and phases with their Russian equivalents:

exhaust stroke

– коленчатый вал


– работать


– шатун


– клапан


– увеличивать


– рабочий


– поршень

service life

– четырёхтактный цикл


– такт выпуска

connection rod

– толкать


– вращательное движение

power stroke

– завершать


– воспламенение


– впрыскивать

intake stroke

– гореть


– срок службы


– поворачивать

four-stroke cycle

– смесь


– такт впуска


– давление

Exercises 3. Answer the following questions:

1 What is the basic unit of the engine?

2 What strokes does the piston go through during engine operation?

3 What takes place in the combustion chamber during the intake stroke?

4 What takes place in the cylinder during the compression stroke?

5 What takes place in the combustion chamber during the power stroke?

6 What takes place in the combustion chamber during the exhaust stroke?

7 What advantages do diesel engines offer?

Соседние файлы в папке Автомоб. перевозки И.Н.Комиссарук