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Paisley – Пэйсли, город в Шотландии.

Bath – Бат, курорт с минеральными водами к западу от Лондона.

Amedee Bollee – Амедей Боле(1844 – 1917), владелец французской «фамильной» фирмы, выпускавшей в период с 1873 по 1890 гг. паровые повозки. Его сын, Амедей Боле (1867 – 1926), был одним из конструкторов первых автомобилей промышленного концерна «Дитрих».


Exercises 1. Match the beginning of sentence on the left with its ending on the right.

1 Gurney’s steam coach carried

1 at the rear and heated by coke.

2 James and John Scott Russell

2 a number of attacks, verbal and physical, were made on steam coaches.

3 The development of the railway ran neck-to-neck

3 the advent of the steam coach.

4 This was in 1822, three years

4 several completely new devices.

5 Amedee Bollee designed and built a vehicle

5 it offered its passengers more comfort and speed.

6 Its boiler was mounted

6 18 passengers at a speed of 12.5 mph and weighed two tons.

7 In England, the early 1820s saw

7 before Stephenson built the first steam railway.

8 Its cylinders

8 ran a regular steam coach service between Glasgow and Paisley.

9 Amedee Bollee designed and built a vehicle equipped with

9 of steam-driven vehicles was to show sporadic revivals in France with the development of advanced vehicles.

10 Between 1834 and 1839

10 capable of speeds up to 25 mph

11 The railway had some advantage as

11 in the progress-on-wheels race.

12 It is true that road travel by means

12 were under the chassis.

Exercises 2. Match the words and phrases with their Russian equivalents.

progress-on-wheels race

– независимая передняя подвеска

a 24ngénues24l shaft

– паровой экипаж


– задние ведущие колеса


– переключатель скоростей

forward-mounted engine

– серия автомобильных гонок


– сталкиваться

rear driving wheels

– горизонтальный карданный вал

a steam coach

– двигатель, смонтированный в передней части

financial field

– технический уровень

independent front suspension

– шасси

to collide

– устройство, прибор


– финансовая сфера деятельности

a speed change

– параллельно

technical level

– дифференциал

Exercises 3. Answer the following questions.

1 Where did the early 1820s see the advent of the steam coach?

2 Jules Griffith’s was a designer and constructor of a bus, wasn’t he?

3 Was Griffith’s bus the first ever to be put into regular public service for the transport of passengers?

4 When did Stephenson build the first steam railway?

5 Were two methods of transport to give rise to competition on technical level and in the commercial and financial fields?

6 Who ran a regular steam coach service between Glasgow and Paisley?

7 Who ran a similar one between London and Bath?

8 How many passengers did Gurney’s steam coach carry?

9 Where was its boiler mounted?

10 Its cylinders were under the chassis, weren’t they?

11 Did the development of the railway run neck-to-neck in the progress-on-wheels race?

12 What advantage did the railway have?

13 Why were a number of attacks made on steam coaches?

14 In France at the same time a similar situation had developed, hadn’t it?

15 What vehicle did Amedee Bollee design and build?

16 What vehicle did Amedee Bollee produce later?

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