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engl_posob / И.Н.Комиссарук, Строители 2008.doc
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Vocabuiary notes

Read and translate the following word combinations.

1 accept – принимать, признавать, допускать;

to accept a present, to accept an offer,, to accept smb's views.

2 adopt – принимать, перенимать, заимствовать;

to adopt a resolution, to adept new methods, to adopt smb's Ideas.

3 apply – использовать, применять, употреблять; обратиться с просьбой.

to apply new technology, to apply new methods of work; to apply for help.

4 creosote – креозот;

to use creosote in railway construction.

5 crosstie, tie, sleeper – шпала;

wooden crossties, steel sleepers, concrete ties, to lay down sleepers, to manufacture crossties.

6 decay – гниение, распад, разрушение; гнить, разрушаться, портиться;

the decay of wooden sleepers, the decay of a building, to be liable to decay.

7 destruction – разрушение, уничтожение;

biological and mechanical destruction, destruction by fire, to bring to destruction.

8 durable – долговечный, длительный; прочный, крепкий, надёжный durable peace;

durable wooden materials, durable sleepers.

9 employ – использовать, применять;

to employ chemicals, to employ construction materials, to emp­loy the proper work.

10 exact – точный;

exact directions, exact size, exact translation, exact gauge.

11 fasten – скреплять, прикреплять;

to fasten rails to sleepers, to fasten belts, to fasten two parcels together.

12 fir – ель, пихта; fir – tree forest.

13. hardwood – твёрдая древесина;

to employ hardwood for manufacturing ties, to out railway slee­pers from hardwoods.

14 impregnate – пропитывать;

to impregnate ties with chemicals, to impregnate wooden ties with creosote.

15 incise – надрезать, делать насечки;

to incise wooden crossties, to incise a copper plate.

16 last – длиться, сохраняться, хватать;

to last long, to hare enough food to last for a month.

17 liable – подверженный, склонный;

liable to catch cold, liable to sea – sick, liable to decay.

18 life-span – продолжительность, срок жизни;

to have a long life-span, life-span of wooden ties, life-span of concrete sleepers.

19 moisture – влажность, сырость, влага; moisture – free, moisture –proof.

20 oak – дуб;

make of oak, oak door, oak panel.

21 penetration – проникание, проникновение;

deep penetration of chemicals, penetration into the secrets of nature, penetration of man into space.

22 petroleum – нефть;

crude petroleum, petroleum geology, petroleum industry.

23 pine – сосна;

pine land, pine bath, to out ties from pine.

24 preserve – сохранять, оберегать;

to preserve peace, to preserve ties from decaying, methods of preserving sleepers.

25 reduce – снижать, сокращать;

to reduce temperature, to reduce speed, to reduce moisture wi­thin ties’ Interior.

26 resistance – сопротивление, противодействие;

resistance to biological and mechanical destruction, to bread down the resistance of the enemy, resistance to wear.

27 season – делать пригодным для употребления, сушить, выдерживать;

to season timber, to season wooden ties.

28 soft-wood – хвойная древесина, древесина мягких пород;

to make sleepers of soft – wood, to make ties of soft-wood last longer.

29 stress – давление, напряжение;

to cause stresses, stress limit.

30 support – поддержка, опора, поддерживать;

to fasten rails to supports called ties, to support an arch, to support peace policy.

31 tie – plate – путевая накладка;

to employ tie – plates, to put steel tie – plates on the ties under the rails.

32 treat – обрабатывать;

to treat sleepers with creosote, to treat ties with preserva­tives.