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Vocabulary notes

Task IV. Learn the following words and word-combinations.

1. research науково-дослідний

2. to come into existence виникати, з’являтися

3. credit повага, заслуга

4. event подія

5. founding member засновник

6. noted визначний

7. orientalist східознавець

  1. mechanics-expert спеціаліст-механік

  2. to associate пов’язувати, поєднувати

  3. electric welding електричне зварювання

  4. facilities обладнання

  5. Corresponding member член-кореспондент

  6. honorary member of Academy почесний член академії

  7. to award нагороджувати

  8. a great deal багато

  9. applied science прикладна наука

  10. data storage пристрій збереження даних

  11. joint спільний

  12. tool making виготовлення інструментів

  13. top вищий

Task V. Read and translate the topic.

Science in Ukraine

In Kyiv Rus monasteries were the first seats of learning and science. Kyiv Mohyla Academy was the major institution of learning in the 18th century. The first University was founded in Lviv (1784). Then came the universities of Kharkiv (1805), Kyiv (1834) and Odessa (1868), which became research centres in which national school of science came into existence.

Much credit is due to the following scientists who made great contributions to Ukrainian science: Ostrohradsky (mathematics), Potebnia (linguistics), Hrushevsky (history), Maksymovich (ethnography), Strazhesko and Filatov (medicine).

The foundation of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in 1918 was an event of historic importance. Among the founding members were Vernadsky, a famous 20th century scientist and naturalist; noted historians Hrushevsky and Bahaliy; orientalist Krymsky, mechanics expert Tymoshenko and many others. Associated with the Academy are the names of outstanding scientists, among them physicist and mathematician Boholyubov, biologist Kashchenko, microbiologist Zabolotny. World-known schools appeared headed by Hrave (algebra), Krylov (mathematical physics), Paton (electric welding and bridge construction), Pysarzhevsky (chemistry), Dynnyk (mechanics and elasticity theory), Bohomolets (experimental pathology).

At present the National Academy of Sciences has 170 research centres with powerful research facilities. There are about 2.500 Doctors and 10.000 candidates of science. There are 203 academicians and 280 Corresponding members, plus 81 foreign members from 18 countries.

Since 1962 its President has been Boris Paton, a noted scientist, organizer, honorary member of a number of foreign academies and scientific societies. Only recently, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, he was awarded the title “Hero of Ukraine”.

A great deal has been done in applied sciences over the past several years. Thus, the world’s first laser data storage appeared as a result of joint achievements by experts of informatics, physics, physical metallurgy and chemistry. Many achievements in tool making, rocket and computer technologies, molecular biology, genetic engineering, microbiology and medicine have top priorities in the world.

Exercise 14. Answer the following questions:

1. Where was the first University founded? 2. Who was the founding member of the Ukrainian Academy of sciences? 3. What noted names in medicine can you mention? 4. What do you know about Hrushevsky? 5. What is the national Academy of Sciences now? 6. Who is the president of the Academy? 7. What field of science is associated with Paton? 8. What are the achievements of Ukrainian applied science? 9. What scientists of your University do you know? 10. Are you planning to be engaged in research work?

Exercise 15. Translate into English the following sentences:

1. Києво-Могилянська Академія – відомий науковий заклад ще з 18-го століття. 2. Національні наукові школи виникли в найстаріших університетах. 3. Українські вчені зробили великий внесок в світову науку. 4. Імена багатьох видатних вчених пов’язані з українською Академією наук. 5. В минулому столітті виникло багато наукових шкіл. 6. Євген Патон – всесвітньо відомий вчений в галузі зварювання та будівництва мостів. 7.Академія наук України має багато академіків та докторів наук. 8. Перший в світі лазерний пристрій збереження даних з’явився в Україні. 9.Україна має ряд пріоритетів в світовій науці. 10. В Україні швидкими темпами розвивається генна інженерія.