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Text 7a Sources of Fat in the Diel

Vegetable Sources. Fast are formed from carbohydrate in plans. Oilseeds such as sunflower, soya-beans contain 20 – 40 per cent of oil. They are among the main sources of fat for the manufacture of margarine. The fat content of cereal products is low, as well as the fat content of most vegetables and fruits.

Animal Sources. Much energy of people as well as that of animals is stored in deposits of fat. Its amount is very variable. As in plants, this Sat can be made from carbohydrate. Animals also lay down fat from their dietary fat.

Fish such as herring, salmon, sardines are sometimes called fatty fish. The proportion of fat in them varies with the season of the year. White fish such as cod, haddock contain little fat except in its liver. Fish liver is also a rich source of vitamins A and D.

The fat content of many foods, especially meat, varies greatly. In more rich families and countries the amount of fat is rather high. In more developed countries fat provides about 40 per cent of the energy value of the diet. But in the world's poorest countries only 10 per cent of energy value is taken from fat.

Text 7 b. Health Aspects of Fats

In poor countries diets are often low in energy. That is why the United Nations have recommended to increase fat intakes, to raise nutritional value of the diets. At the same time the United Nations have recommended to decrease the fat content of the diets of rich populations in order to reduce the risk of heart disease.

High concentrations of cholesterol in the blood are associated with a greater risk of heart disease. Foods containing little water and a high proportion of fats, such as butter, margarine, fried foods are more concentrated sources of energy than others. This kind of food can be "fattening"- If a man eats or drinks foods which provide more energy than he uses up in his daily activity, some of the fat, protein, carbohydrate may be converted into body fat. It causes obesity, which may be defined as an extra weight.

Unit 8

Вивчіть подані слова i словосполучення

nitrogen азот

sulphur сірка

phosphorus фосфор

lysine лізин

methionine метіонін

tryptophan триптофан

gelatin желатин

protein n протеїн, білок

excess n надлишок, надмір

salt n сіль; а солоний, v солити

prepare v готувати

preparation п готування

wheat n пшениця;

wheat-bread пшеничний (білий)хліб

gluten n клейковина; рослинний білок

improve v покращувати; удосконалювати

bake n випікання; v пекти, випікати;

baker n пекар, булочник;

baking n випічка, випікання

albumen n яєчний білок; хім. альбумін

white n білок (яйця); а білий

coagulate v згущати (ся), коагулювати

tissue n тканина;

connective tissue сполучна тканина

Text 8 A The Lecture on Proteins

Yesterday the students of our group came to the Institute to listen to a lecture on proteins and their properties. The lecture was attended by all of us. The lecture was delivered by Prof. Shpak. It was very interesting to listen to it.

At the lecture it was told that in 1838 a Dutch physician and chemist, Gerri Jan Mulder, had announced his conclusion from many investigations that all living plants and animals contained a certain substance, without which life was impossible. He named it protein, from the Greek word "proteios" meaning "first, primary".

The professor told us that all proteins were compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. But, unlike carbohydrates and fats, they always contained nitrogen as well. Most proteins also contained phosphorus. We learned that proteins were necessarily present in all cells; where they helped to regulate the processes of living. Protein had to be provided

in the diet for the growth and repair of the body, but any excess of it was used to provide energy.

In his lecture Prof. Shpak said that proteins consisted of chains of hundreds or even thousands of amino acid units. Only about 20 different amino acids were used, but the number of ways in which they could be arranged was almost endless. It was the specific and unique sequence of those units which gave each protein its characteristic properties.

When Prof. Shpak spoke about the properties of proteins, he said that some of proteins could dissolve in water and others in salt water, but certain proteins could not dissolve at all. That was usually used in the preparation of wheat gluten, employed to improve the baking quality of home-produced wheats.

Prof. Shpak drew our attention to the fact that the action of heat on protein was complex. Proteins such as albumen in egg white hardened and coagulated when heated, but still were easily digested. Individual amino acids were little affected by normal cooking processes, although some lysine could react with carbohydrates in the food and methionine could sometimes be reduced. In the preparation of gelatin when connective tissue from meat was boiled for many hours, all the tryptophan was destroyed.

The lecture delivered by Prof. Shpak was very interesting and all the students of our group enjoyed it.

Unit 9

Вивчіть подані слова i словосполучення

pea n горох

bean n біб

quality n якість

milk n молоко

cheese п сир:

a cheese головка сиру

utilize v використовувати

waste n втрата; псування; відходи, покидьки

lie (lay, lain; pres. p. lying) v лежати; але lay v класти, покласти;

to lay the table накрити на стіл

iron п залізо

mixture n суміш; змішування

toast я грінка; v приготувати грінки

fish and chips риба зі смаженою картоплею

sound а здоровий, правильний

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