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Text 2a Constituents of Food


Without water life is impossible. 2/3 of the body’s weight is water. Almost every body process takes place inside and outside the cells where water is the solvent. The need of the body for water is second to its need for air. Adults can live for many weeks without food but for only a few days without water.

Water comes from solid foods and from soft drinks, and can be lost by evaporation. The kidneys regulate the balance of water in the body. Great losses of water can be dan­gerous. If water intake is not increased, dehydration may result. An adulf person must drink at least one litre of water every day: more will be needed if heavy work is done.

Dietary Fibre.

Some foods, particulary cereals and some fruit and ve­getables, contain large amounts of "dietary fibre". In contrast to the nutrients, this mixture of indigestible materials is not absorbed into the body.

Flavours, Colours.

All foods have a lot of constituents which give them their characteristic flavours, colours and textures. Control over the changes which take place in these constituents during storage and cooking is an important part of the art of cooks and food technologists.

Text 2b Recommended Intakes of Nutrients

An adequate intake of all the nutrients is necessary for health, activity and growth. The amounts of the nutrients that each person needs are different. It depends on such factors as height, weight, sex, physical activity, and the climate. That is why certain intakes for different groups of population are recommended.

The recommended intakes of protein are 10 per cent of the energy requirement. But an individual can use much smaller amounts of protein and have good health.

There are no recommendations for either fats or carbohydrates. An adult needs only a small amount of essential fatty acids. Some carbohydrate is also necessary to prevent certain undesirable effects which result from high fat diets.

As for intakes of many minerals and vitamins, their great intakes can be dangerous.

But it is not necessary for the diet to contain certain amounts of nutrients every day. The requirements can be met over a period of a week, for example.

Unit 3

Вивчіть подані слова i словосполучення

partial hydrolysis – частковий гідроліз

pure – чистий, без домішок

breakdown – розклад (речовини)

alcohol – алкоголь, спирт

cellulose – целюлоза, клітковина

carbon – вуглець

hydrogen – водень

oxygen – кисень

glucose – глюкоза

fructose – фруктоза

galactose - цукор, галактоза

saccharose – сахароза

hydrolysis – гідроліз

lactose – лактоза, молочний цукор

maltose – мальтоза

source – джерело, основа, початок

compound – сполука, суміш

simple – простий

common – загальний

unit – з’єднання, частина

link – з’єднувати

sugar – цукор

occur – ставатися, відбуватися

fruit – фрукти

fruits – плоди

plant – рослина

juice – сік

convert – перетворювати

starch – крохмаль

honey – мед

consist (of) – складатися (з)

syrup – сироп

supersaturated - перенасичений

non-sugar sweeteners – замінник цукру

sweetening agents – речовина для підсолоджування

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