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Exercise 7. Insert the prepositions:

Acne consists … spots and painful bumps on the skin. It’s most noticeable … the face, but can also appear … the back, shoulders and buttocks. Severe acne can cause scarring. Acne usually starts … puberty, but it affects adults too. Most teenagers get some form of acne.

Cold sores are small blister-like spots that appear ….or around the outside … the mouth. Cold sores are caused … a virus, known as herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1). The virus can remain dormant (inactive) in some people, meaning that cold sores may never appear.

Nappy rash is a very common skin condition that happens to around one third … nappy wearing babies. It’s caused when the skin comes into contact …. urine and faeces (poo) in the nappy. Mild cases are usually painless but severe nappy rash can cause discomfort and distress to babies.

Hives (also known as urticaria), is a skin rash that can be triggered … a variety of things including allergic reactions, medicines and heat. The rash is caused when the body produces a substance called histamine, which is a protein used to fight off viruses and bacteria.

The common symptoms include a raised, rough red rash, with the bumps often looking more like normal skin colour that is often quite itchy. The raised areas … skin are known as wheals, which often fade after a few hours but can sometimes reappear elsewhere … the body.

Psoriasis is a long-term skin condition that can also affect joints. Although the cause of psoriasis is unknown, genes may play a part. People …psoriasis are… slightly higher risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.Mild psoriasis can be treated … moisturisers as well as other products applied …the skin.The most common symptoms are dry, raised, red patches of skin (plaques) covered…. silvery scales. The patches usually appear … the knees, elbow and scalp, but they can appear anywhere …the body.

Exercise 8.Translate into English using active vocabulary:

Хвороба шкіри; етіологія хвороби; патологічні зміни на шкірі; прозора рідина; супровджуватися сверблячкою; шкодити здоров’ю; зовнішній вигляд; новоутворення шкіри; запалення шкіри; піддаватися дії хімічних речовин; порушення обміну речовин; механічні фактори; прояви хвороби; чутливість до подразників; верхні шари шкіри; взаємодія між імунною системою та шкірою; уникати дії подразників; розвиватися у людей; статева зрілість; підлітки; пустули, заповнені гноєм; запалення сальної залози; запобігати утворення шрамів (рубців); віруси групи віспи; чорний вугор на лиці(комедон); герпес(лишай); родимка та бородавка

Exercise 9. Insert missing words from the table:

exposure, moisture, acid, scratching, oral, irritants, itching, relief

Self-care at home

  1. Immediately after … to a known allergen or irritant wash with soap and cool water to remove most of the substance.

  2. Weak … solutions (lemon juice, vinegar) can be used to counterpart the effects of dermatitis contracted by exposure to basic ….

  3. If blistering develops, cold moist compresses applied for 30 minutes 3 times a day an offer ….

  4. Calamine lotion and cool colloidal oatmeal baths may relieve ….

  5. … antihistamines can also relieve itching.

  6. Avoid …, as this can cause secondary infections.

  7. A barrier cream such as those containing zinc oxide may help to protect the skin and retain….

Exercise 10.Read and translate the text. Put questions to the underlined words:

Rosacea is a common disorder that mainly affects skin on the face. It causes redness on the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead. Over time, the redness can become more intense, taking on a ruddy appearance.Blood vessels may become visible.

In some cases, rosacea appears on the chest, back, or neck. It can affect the eyes, causing them to feel irritated and to appear bloodshot (inflamed) or watery. People with rosacea can also develop red solid bumps and pus-filled pimples (warts). The disorder can cause the nose to take on a bulbous (onion), swollen appearance called rhinophyma.

The cause of rosacea is not known; however, different theories exist. One theory is that rosacea may be a component of a more generalized disorder of the blood vessels. Other theories suggest that the condition is caused by microscopic skin mites, fungus, psychological factors, or a malfunction of the connective tissue under the skin. Although no one knows for sure what causes rosacea, some circumstances and conditions can trigger it.

Rosacea affects an estimated 14 million Americans -- most of them don't know they have it.

People who have fair skin and who tend to blush (to become red in face) easily may be at a higher risk for the disorder. Rosacea appears more often among women, but men tend to have the more severe symptoms. A possible reason for this could be that men generally delay medical treatment until rosacea becomes advanced. .

While there is no cure for rosacea, medical therapy is available to control or reverse the signs and symptoms. If you suspect that you have rosacea, consult your doctor.

Rosacea's appearance can vary greatly from one individual to another. Most of the time, not all of the potential signs and symptoms appear. Rosacea always includes at least one of the primary signs listed below. Various secondary signs and symptoms may also develop.

Primary signs of rosacea include flushing, persistent redness, bumps and pimples, visible blood vessels.

Exercise 11. Open the brackets and translate sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Contact dermatitis typically (to cause) the skin to develop a pink or red rash.

2. Skin (to play) a key role in protecting the body against invasion of pathogens.

3. Different types of dermatitis (to base) on the factor that triggers the skin reaction.

4. The epidermis (to contain) no blood vessels.

5. Acne easily (to recognize) by the appearance of the spots and by their distribution on the face, neck, chest or back.

6. There (to be) no cure for rosacea.

7. Such skin changes (to know) as an irritant contact dermatitis.

8. The severity of psoriasis (to vary) with time and from person to person.

9. Proteins in fruit and vegetables (can, cause) an immediate allergic reaction leading to itchy skin swellings known as hives.

10. Acne (to remain) largely a curse of adolescence.