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пособие мед 2.docx
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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (срс)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення:

1. барабанна перетинка

2. запалення зовнішнього слухового каналу

3. вплив гучних звуків

4. перетворювати звук в нервові імпульси

5. слух та рівновага

6. вушний біль

7. черепно-мозковий нерв

8. дзвін у вухах

9. порожнини середнього вуха

10. спиралевидний равлик

II. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання:

1. What is the most characteristic feature of the ear?

2. What are the main parts of the ear?

3. What is the role of the outer ear?

4. What processes occur in the middle ear?

5. What diseases of the ear are there?

III. Розкрийте поняття: втрата слуха, отит, хвороба Миньєра


1. From an anatomical point of view the ear is conveniently divided into … parts.

a) one b) two c) three d) four e) five

2. The outer ear is called … and is made of cartilage covered by skin.

a) the auricle b) the ossicles c) the cochlea d) the pinna e) the eardrum

3. Sound causes the eardrum and its tiny attached bones in the middle portion of the ear to ….

a) move b) decelerate c) freeze d) vibrate e) vacillate

4. The eustachian tube … fluid from the middle ear into the throat.

a) eliminates b) discharges c) excretes d) removes e) drains

5. Otitis media refers to an infection that leads to … in the middle ear cavity.

a) the accumulation of pus b) the accumulation of fluid c) the formation of ulcers d) the formation of lesions e) the accumulation of mucus

6. One cause of otitis media is malfunction or obstruction of ...

a) the semicircular canals b) the eustachian tube c) the cochlea d) the auricle e) the inner ear

7. Otitis externa is inflammation of ….

a) the semicircular canals b) the eustachian tube c) the cochlea

d) the inner ear e) the external auditory canal

8. Otitis externa is most common among those living in ….

a) cold climates b) hot climates c) temperate climates d) insanitary zone e) mountainous regions

9. Meniere Disease is a disorder that affects ….

a) the outer ear b) the middle ear c) the inner ear d) the eardrum e) eustachian tube

10. In severe cases, the inner ear or part of the eighth cranial nerve may be ….

a) perforated b) destroyed c) exscinded d) replaced e) cured


Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

acne, n


прищ; запалення сальної залози

blister, n



comedones, n


чорний вугор

crack, n



crust, n



eczema, n



herpes, n

['h :piz]




itch, n

['itʃ ]


nodule, n



pox, n



psoriasis, n

[sə' raiəsis]

псоріаз, лускатий лишай

pustule, n


прищ, пустула

scabies, n


короста (чесотка)

rosacea, n

[reʊ' zeiʃə]

рожеві вугри

scale, n



scar, n



scratch, n



spot, n



vesicle, n



Exercise 2. Build adjectives from the following words using suffixes:

-ory, -ic, -y, -ous, -ive, -al:

Inflammation, irritation, allergy, cure, itch, blister, poison, environment, scar, pathogen, fat, water, bacteria, silver.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following word combinations into Ukrainian:

Vesicles filled with transparent fluid or pus; nodules elevated above the skin; skin neoplasms; inflammation of the skin; to result from; to result in; exposure to chemicals; metabolic disorders; to be caused by allergies and irritants; increased body sensitivity; skin diseases and their manifestations; the upper layer of the skin; pus-filled spots; tocause scarring; parasitic insects, bacteria or pathogenic fungi; birthmarks, warts, and tumors; poxvirus; herpes simplex virus; the ability to invade or spread to other parts; human papillomavirus

Exercise 4. Match the following terms with their definitions:

1. scabies

a) a benign tumour derived from epithelial tissue and forming a rounded or lobulated mass

2. eczema

b) a chronic skin disease common in adolescence, involving inflammation of the sebaceous glands and characterized by pustules on the face, neck, and upper trunk

3. herpes

c) a black-tipped plug of fatty matter clogging a pore of the skin, especially the duct of a sebaceous gland

4. acne

d) a skin inflammation with lesions that scale, crust, or ooze a serous fluid, often accompanied by intense itching or burning

5. comedones (blackheads)

e) any of several inflammatory diseases of the skin, especially herpes simplex, characterized by the formation of small watery blisters

6. papilloma

f) a contagious skin infection caused by the mite Sarcoptesscabiei, characterized by intense itching, inflammation, and the formation of vesicles and pustules

7. psoriasis

g) a skin disease characterized by the formation of reddish spots and patches covered with silvery scales: tends to run in families

8. rosacea

h) a chronic inflammatory disease causing the skin of the face to become abnormally flushed and sometimes pustular(adj.)

Exercise 5. Read the text and be ready to discuss it: