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The historical sources of law

Vocabulary notes:

to inscribe

вкрити письменами

to comply


to eliminate


to be concerned about/with

турбуватися/ займатися

a jurist

юрист, адвокат

a hand-book


to spread over


to be influenced by

попасти під вплив

to establish

засновувати, організувати

to reveal

показати, розкрити



to set out

викласти (у збірці)

to wander


Hebrew faith

іудейська віра


комуна, суспільство

to recount

налічувати, перераховувати

to arrange


to undergo


a set of laws

збірка законів

to experience influences

зазнати впливу



to remain intact

залишатися без змін



to preside over


to hold a central position

посідати центральне місце

to be in use

знаходитись у дії

to sack


Task 1. Read the text consulting a dictionary where necessary and pick out the main points about the sources of law in Great Britain.


In modern-day Italy, France, Spain, and the countries of Latin America, law codes based on Roman legal principle are still in use. Law in the modern English-speaking countries was also greatly influenced by Roman Law.

The earliest Roman code of laws, the Law of the Twelve Tables, was written between 451 BC1 and 449 BC. Tradition has it that its authors were a council of ten men who had been selected to rule the Roman state. The Law of the Twelve Tables covered all citizens. It was inscribed on twelve bronze tables set up in the Forum for everyone to see. The Law of the Twelve Tables remained in use for over 1000 years, though the bronze tables were destroyed when Rome was sacked in 410 AD2

The second great set of Roman laws, the Justinian Code, was complied under the direction of Justinian, Emperor of Rome from 483 to 565 AD. Justinian was concerned with elimination of corruption and making justice available to everyone. He established a commission to consolidate the mass of early Roman law. The resulting Code consisted of four works:

all the imperial edicts3;

the Digest4, the decision of the great Roman jurists;

the Institutes5, which served as a hand-book for law students;

the Novels6, or “new laws”, passed by Justinian himself.

By 100 AD, the Roman empire had spread over much of Europe. It remained intact until the fifth century AD. As a result, the laws of all European countries, including France and England, were much influenced by the two Roman codes. However, each experienced other influences as well. The law of France underwent further changes in the late eighteenth century, when Napoleon Bonaparte compiled the Code of Napoleon.

England was ruled by Rome from 55 BC until the early fifth century AD. Therefore, the English system also has Roman law as part of its hereditary roots.

Text notes: 1Before Christ - до нашої ери / до нової ери

2Anno Domini - нашої ери

3edicts - едикти, укази

4the Digest - Дигести

5the Institutes - Інституції

6 the Novels – Новели