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Англійська методичка.doc
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Vocabulary notes:

Taxing Master

розпорядник по судовим витратам

levying of costs

стягнення коштів

Directors of Public Prosecutions

The office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is governed by the Prosecution of Offences Act, 1985. The Director must be a barrister or solicitor of at least ten years’ standing. This is an official appointment by the Attorney General with responsibility for the Crown Prosecution Service. This service, set up under the 1985 Act, is staffed by barristers and solicitors, certain of whom are designated Crown Prosecutors and Chief Crown Prosecutors (who are responsible for the service in each area in England and Wales).

The Director, in his or her capacity as head of the Service, is responsible for all criminal proceedings on behalf of the police (other than minor criminal offences). He or she must also conduct all binding-over proceedings instigated on behalf of the police force and any other proceedings where, because of the importance, difficulty or otherwise of the case, may be considered necessary.

Vocabulary notes:


призначати на посаду


обвинувачення, судове переслідування

minor criminal offences

незначні кримінальні злочини