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Англійська методичка.doc
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The code of hammurabi

One of the earliest known collections of codified laws is the Code of Hammurabi1. Hammurabi was King of Babylon from about 1728 BC to 1686 BC. He had about three hundred systematically arranged laws that existed in his time.

The Code of Hammurabi reveals that the ancient kingdom was a thriving commercial center. Among other business practices, the laws regulated price-fixing2, interest changes3, the practice of medicine, and the ownership of slaves. The Code reflected the customs of the period. For example, the sun-god who was also the god of justice, was named as the source if the laws, to give them more authority.

Text notes: 1the Code of Hammurabi - Кодекс законів Хамурапі

2price-fixing - встановлення цін

3interest changes - норми відсотку

Mosaic law

Another code of early law is the Code of Hebraic, or Mosaic Law1 of about 1400 BC. This Code is set out in great detail in the first five books of the Old Testament2, which are called the Torah3, meaning “law” or “guidance”. These books recount the forty-year-long wandering of Moses and the tribes of Israel from Egypt across the Sinai desert4 to the Promised Land of Canaan5. While in the desert, Moses was summoned to the top of Mount Sinai by God, and was given the tablets of the Ten Commandments6. Like the Babylonians, the Hebrew compilers believed that their laws were based on the will of God.

Unlike the commercially-oriented Code of Hammurabi, the Mosaic Law reflects the agrarian community over which Moses presided. As a chief law-giver and magistrate, Moses was both a legislator and a judge in the modern sense. The Ten Commandments still hold a central position today in the teachings of both the Hebrew and the Christian faiths7. As well, the Mosaic Law firms an important part of the laws of many countries today.

Text notes: 1The Code of Hebraic Law - Закони Моісея

2The Old Testament - Старий завіт

3The Tora - Тора

4The Sinai desert - Синайська пустеля

5The Promised Land of Canaan - Обітована Земля Ханаана

6The Ten Commandments - Десять заповідей

7The Hebrew faith - іудейська віра

Task 2. Find English equivalents of the following word combinations:

вкритий письменами, здійснювати, знищення корупції, залишатися в дії, зазнавати змін / впливу, інструкція, систематизувати, розвинутий / процвітаючий, очолювати, посідати центральне місце.

Task 3. Match the synonyms:

a code

a hand-book

to set up

to compile

to undergo changes


highly developed

to reveal

to show

to establish

a reference book

to be influenced by

to draw up

a set of laws

to fulfill

to write a code

Task 4. Insert prepositions if necessary:

  1. These legal principles are still … use.

  2. These codes are based … Roman law principles.

  3. Roman law developed … the Law of the Twelve Tables.

  4. … this way local rules became a part of Roman law.

  5. These laws deal ... commerce.

Task 5.Using the information in the unit above, discuss the following:

  1. There was always law in the community.

  2. Influence of the earliest codes on modern law.

Task 6. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian: