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2. What do the following numbers refer to?

1037 882 (1019-1054) 9th-11th centuries

3. Transcribe the following words to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication in future:

route, merchants, seize, rival, fraternal, conversion, duke, Byzantium, Byzantine, artisans, carpenters, jewellers, lively, moor, quarters, oc­cupy, solely, the Caucasus, surpass, dynastic, allegedly, war­riors, feudal, internecine strife, authority, weaken.

4. Find the English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations:

назвати на честь старшого брата; на честь молодшого; на місці сучасного Києва; плем’я; фортеця; наполегливо працювати(займатися ремеслами); водний шлях; шлях із варягів у греки; Візантія, візантійський; перетворитися на політичний, економічний, адміністративний та торгівельний центр; об’єднання східних слов’ян; літопис; виманити із; середньовічна Європа; колиска трьох братніх народів; сприяти розквіту торгівлі; прийняття християнства; здобути могутність; великий князь; маєток; перевершувати; привозити свої товари; купці; ремісники: ковалі, гончари, дубильники, тесляри, столяри та ювеліри; далеко за межами; кидати якір; на товар був попит; кораблі причалювали у гирлі річки Почайни; розкопки; зберігати стародавнє ім’я; встановити династичні зв’язки; нібито; вояки; вибух (напад) гніву; залицятися до; боротьба за об’єднання; мирянин; феодальний; прикладне мистецтво; призводити до розпаду на окремі князівства.

5. Explain the meanings and give the context of the following words from the text above. Find the appropriate synonyms for the words:

Unification, favour, rivalry, trick out, stronghold, seize, principality, fraternal, gain strength, the conversion to Christianity, edifice, inhabit, surpass, be fortified, war­riors, masterpiece, internecine strife, undermine.

6. Read the text, translate it into Ukrainian. Have a discussion with your partner about Russia and the Mongol-Tatar invasion in 13th century, about its consequences.

The invasion of khan batu

In the early thirties of the 13th century Russia was invaded by Mongol-Tatar hordes. In December 1240 the Mongol-Tatar forces led by Khan Batu besieged Kyiv. Batu's army was claimed to be so great that the noise made by the creaking waggons, neighing horses and bellowing camels drowned the sound of people's voices inside the city walls. Kyiv offered a fierce resistance but the superior forces of the enemy broke through the defences. The Church of the Tithes was the last stronghold of the townsfolk. In an effort to save themselves they fortified its walls, and the women, children and old people sought refuge inside the Church, particularly in the gallery of the building. The weight of the people was so great that the Church collapsed burying beneath its ruins the last of Kyiv's defenders.

The Mongol-Tatars burned down the greater part of the city and destroyed most of its churches and palaces. Kyiv, whose fame had grown through the ages, was laid waste within a few days. On Mount Staro-Kyivska nothing but charred ruins were left standing among the weeds. It was only by a miracle that such buildings as the Cathedral of St. Sophia, St. Michael's Monastery and the Golden Gate survived the invasion half-ruined.

The staunch, heroic resistance of Kyiv and other Russian towns weakened the conquerors and prevented the Mongol-Tatars from over-running the whole of Europe. By repelling the main attack of the Mongol-Tatar hordes Rus saved the western countries from ruin and devastation.

The Mongol-Tatars ruled Kyiv for more than a century. Gra­dually the town resumed its everyday life. Houses were rebuilt, people returned to their daily occupations; crafts, trade and agriculture were revived.

7. Find the English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations:

осаджувати Київ; шум від скрипучих возів, іржачих коней, рикаючих верблюдів; обуглені руїни; стійкий героїчний опір; відбивати головний напад.

8. Explain the meanings and give the context of the following words from the text above. Find the appropriate synonyms for the words:

Invade, besiege, claim, fierce, fame, stronghold, fortify, refuge, collapse, destroy, staunch, repel, resume, devastation, revive.

9. Transcribe the following words to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication in future:

Khan Batu, besiege, fierce, refuge, survive, charred ruins, staunch, occupations, resume, devastation, revive.


You are with foreign tourists in Podil. Tell them about the history of ancient Kyiv Rus.

St. Sophia Cathedral

1. Read the text carefully. Make sure you study the language of the text to be competent in further exercises and discussions.

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