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3. Find in the text words and expressions which can mean the same:

go where there are not many people

go to places tourists normally don’t go

live a natural, rural style of life

a choice which could be a very good one

a boast which is used for listing the good qualities of a place

crowds, in a negative sense

tourist industry (formal)

a common collocation: looking for something different/unusual

large amount of (formal)

areas of land, collocates with large, vast, huge

original and natural

plants and animals (Latin), a fixed phrase

holidays that respect the environment

4. Translate this vocabulary into English, memorize it for further use in your speech:

a scheduled flight, a charter flight, business class(route), economy class (route), via Amsterdam, inclusive (all-in) package, extra(s), apes fare, value for money, budget fare, restrictions, non-refundable, cancellation fee, stopover, transfer, crossing, to go on a cruise, to cruise about, the holiday of a lifetime, a berth, to give a wide berth, a shared cabin, a single(double) cabin, a deluxe cabin, upper deck, exotic, to get away from it all, to get around, unlimited mileage, to go as you please, accommodation, self-catering, chalet, holiday-makers, guest house, inns, to put up at an inn, B and B, half-board, full-board, destination, to yearn, to escape the crowd, to wander off the beaten track, to wander off, to get back to nature, a promising choice, hoards of people, tourist sector, to seek something out of the ordinary, the wealth of, tracts, virgin rainforest, flora and fauna, ecotourism, ecological awareness, to promote conservation of wildlife.

5. Use active vocabulary to express these sentences more briefly, as in the example.

Example: It was a regular flight which the airline runs everyday.

1. I hate those special flights where everyone is booked to the same holiday destination.

2. It was a ticket you have to book 30 days in advance to get the cheaper fare.

3. The ticket allowed us to spend up three nights in Singapore on the journey from London to Sydney.

4. You can get a bed on the ferry in a little room with three other beds.

5. We hired a car, with as many miles as we wanted.

6. When you get there, the bus or taxi to your hotel is included in the cost of a holiday.

7. It was a special cheap fare, but there were some things you were not allowed to do.

6. Match the words on the left with the words on the right to form meaningful units.

1) bed a) catering

2) full b) for money

3) large c) rainforest

4) promising d) tracks

5) deluxe e) around

6) self- f) mileage

7) exotic g) choice

8) getting h) island

9) escape i) and breakfast

10)virgin j) board

11) value k) cabin

12) unlimited l) the crowd

7. Find the English equivalents to:

туристи (відпочиваючі), плата за повернення квитка, рейсовий чартер, жадати/прагнути, втекти від повсякденності, екологічна обізнаність, квиток придбаний в касі попереднього продажу, блукаючи у віддалі від протоптаних шляхів, плавати за певним маршрутом, скупчення людей, необмежена відстань у милях, піти і загубитися, комплексна туристична поїздка, транзитний квиток, втекти від натовпу, самообслуговування, додаткова плата, зупинитися у готелі, безліч, сільський будиночок, подорожувати, переїзд по воді, відпочинок, що пам’ятаєш усе життя, знайти щось надзвичайне у повсякденному, пансіон, первозданний тропічний ліс, блукати у пошуках, зупинка в дорозі.

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