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DESIGN 4 курс 2010.doc
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IV Answer the questions:

1. What changes did dress undergo in the eighteenth century?

2. What did these changes reflect?

3. What inventions in fashion were presented in the nineteenth century?

4. Who was the first fashion designer?

5. How can you characterize the twentieth century in point of fashion?

6. What role in fashion did Paris play at the dawn of the twentieth century?

7. How did publishers influence the spreading of new fashion trends?

8. When did ready-to-wear clothing become available?

V Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. At the beginning of the eighteenth century monarchs were not the only … .

2. Despite the growing skills of dressmakers clothing began … .

3. Such inventions as … , … allowed for the mass production of clothing in the nineteenth century.

4. In the twentieth century publishers began to sell … allowing people to make the clothes at home.

5. In … century ready-to-wear clothing become available to women.

VI Find the English equivalents to the words:

зміна, уміння, вплив, давати можливість, доступний, виробництво, відображати, з’являтися, винахід, різноманітність.

VII Make up sentences with the terms:

ready-to-wear clothing, pattern, dressmaker, weaving machine, clothing manufacture, pattern book, fashion show.

VIII Give definitions to the words:

pattern, ready-to-wear, silhouette, dressmaker, to simplify, sewer, invention.

IX Translate the sentences into English:

1. Незважаючи на майстерність кравців, наприкінці вісімнадцятого століття дизайн одягу спрощувався.

2. У двадцятому столітті Париж став центром світової моди. Тут проводились сезонні покази мод.

3. З появою швейної машини почалося виробництво готового одягу.

4. На початку двадцятого століття люди могли шити одяг дома за допомогою збірника викрійок.

5. Такі винаходи дев’ятнадцятого століття як ткацький станок та швейна машина спростили виробництво одягу.

6. Соціальні зміни та наближення війни мали великий вплив на моду.

7. Нові винаходи допомагали прикрашати жіночій одяг.

X Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

dressmaker, to simplify, fashion designer, invention, to emerge, pattern book, ready-to-wear clothing, mass production, social changes, introduction, seasonal shows, to reflect.


I Read and remember:

1. gambling азартна гра

2. ambassador посол

3. empress імператриця

4. luxurious розкішний

5. to trim прикрашати

6. fringe бахрома

7. braid тасьма

8. tassel китиця

9. pleat складка

10. bulk велика кількість

II Read the text and define the main idea of it: Charles Frederick Worth Industrializes Fashion

Though born and raised in England, Charles Frederick Worth became the first world famous French fashion designer. He was also the first to create and employ the principles of design and fashion that would be called “haute couture” or “high fashion”. Worth not only designed clothes for much of European nobility and many American millionaires, he also introduced many modern changes in the ways clothing was designed, made and sold.

Worth was born in 1825 in Lincolnshire, in the east of England. His father was a lawyer who had lost most of his money gambling, so young Charles was forced to go out to work when he was only eleven. He worked for many years at a department store, then at the company that sold fabrics. Through his sales experience he learned about what women wanted and needed in clothing and fashion. He wished to become a dress designer, so at the age of twenty he began to work at the fabric enterprise in Paris, where he could study design. There the introduced his first new idea of offering dress design to customers at the fabric company. For the first time ladies could get the whole dress, design and fabric at the same location.

Before Worth began his design career, dresses had been made by dressmakers and designs had been created by the customer and the dressmaker, who got ideas from looking at pictures of popular dresses. Worth was one of the first designers to come up with his own ideas, based on his knowledge of women's needs. Soon he started his own company. The wife of the Austrian ambassador bought a dress from Worth that attracted the notice of the Empress of France. Worth became the court designer and was soon making dresses for the royalty of Russia, Italy, Spain and Austria. Famous and wealthy Americans such as the Vanderbilts and the Astors also came to the House of Worth for special gowns, making Worth the first celebrity fashion designer.

Worth used beautiful and luxurious fabrics for his dresses and he trimmed them with rich decoration such as fringe, lace, braid and tassels made of pearls. His many important contributions to design included an ankle-length walking skirt, shockingly short for its time, and the princess gown, a waistless dress that hung straight in the front while draping in full pleats in the back.

However more significant Worth's contributions were to fashion as an industry. He was the first designer who used living women as models, and the first who held fashion shows for revealing his new designs to customers. He also began to make high fashion more widely available by selling his designs not only to individual customers but also to other dressmakers, clothing manufacturers and to the newly invented department stores. Another introduction Worth made was the practice of mass-producing parts of a piece of clothing, then putting them together in different ways. For example, a certain type of sleeve could be produced in a bulk quantity and then used on several different types of dresses to produce a different look each time.

Worth's ideas came at the time when clothing factories and department stores were new developments, and they created a new concept in fashion called “ready-to-wear” clothing. For the first time people could simply go to a store and buy fashionable clothes. Charles Worth died in 1895, but his sons continued to operate his successful fashion house for many years.

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