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Грамматические упражнения

 Упражнение 1. Передайте следующие предложения  в косвенной речи. 

  1. “I have two suitcases and a carry-on baggage,” the passenger.

The passenger said that he had two suitcases and a carry-on baggage.

  1. “I don’t think I have any goods to declare,” she added.

She added that she didn’t think she had any goods to declare.

  1. “I’m here on business and I’m planning to stay here for two months,” she said.

She said that she was there on business and she was planning to stay there for two months.

  1. “This is my second visit. I was here last spring,” the woman said.

The woman said that that was her second visit as she was there the previous spring.

  1. “I have no alcohol, cigarettes or medicines,” she said.

She said she had no alcohol, cigarettes or medicines.

  1. “I am not carrying any illegal drugs!” she exclaimed.

She exclaimed that she was not carrying any illegal drugs.

  1. “These are the presents for my friends I bought yesterday,” the passenger said to the customs officer.

The passenger said to the customs officer that those were the presents for his friends he had bought the day before.

  1. “I hope that is under the limit,” she said.

She said she hoped that was under the limit.

  1. “I was informed about the Customs regulations before,” she added.

She added that she was informed about the Customs regulations before.

  1. “You have forgotten to declare your currency,” reminded the customs officer.

The customs officer reminded that she had forgotten to declare her currency.

 Упражнение 2. Передайте следующие предложения  в прямой речи. 

  1. The passenger said that he had filled in the declaration.

“I filled in the declaration, ” the passenger said.

  1. The captain said that it was prohibited to take those things ashore.

“It is prohibited to take these things ashore”, the captain said.

  1. The customs officer informed the passenger that he would go through her luggage.

“I’ll go through your luggage”, informed the customs officer the passenger.

  1. The inspector notified the tourists that he was going to run their luggage through the X-ray machine.

“I’m going to run your luggage through the X-ray machine”, the inspector notified the tourists.

  1. I told him that I hadn’t been to Columbia for a long time, therefore it was unreasonable to suspect me.

“I haven’t been to Columbia for a long time, therefore it is unreasonable to suspect me”, I said.

  1. The container team officer explained that they thoroughly checked high-risk cargo but they did not normally check low-risk containers.

“We thoroughly check high-risk cargo but we do not normally check low-risk containers”, explained the container team officer.

  1. She mentioned to the dog handler that she didn’t like dogs.

“I don’t like dogs”, she mentioned to the dog handler.

  1. She said that her children under 16 were accompanying her.

“ My children under 16 are accompanying me”, she said.

  1. The Customs office chief told his officers that he was pleased with their work.

“ I’m pleased with your work”, said the Customs office chief to his officers.

  1. My sister remembered that she hadn’t got a golden ring.

“ I haven’t got a golden ring”, my sister remembered.

Упражнение 3. Передайте диалог в косвенной  речи,

используя следующие глаголы:

He told her that…, she explained that…, she said that…,  he announced that…, he added that…, she answered that… ,  he complained that… , she admitted that… , he thought that… , she replied that… , she suggested that…, he believed that…, she answered that…, he hoped that…, she felt that…. 

Passenger: Excuse me, I have been trying to figure out for half an hour already where I can pass through the customs.

The passenger told the Customs officer that he had been trying to figure out for half an hour already where he could pass through the customs.

Customs officer: You should go through the Red channel if you have something to declare and through the Green channel if you have nothing to declare.

The Customs officer explained that he should go through the Red channel if he had something to declare and through the Green channel if he had nothing to declare.

P.: I don’t know what documents are required.

The passenger announced that he didn’t know what documents were required.

C.O.: Let me see what you have.

The Customs officer suggested that she could see what he had.

P.: I’m afraid I have forgotten to fill in my declaration.

He said that unfortunately he had forgotten to fill in his declaration.

C.O.: Well… You are to fill in your declaration first and then go through the customs.

The Customs officer answered that he was to fill in his declaration first and then go through the customs.

P.: I see.

C.O.: You can find forms on the table in the middle of the hall.

She felt he could find forms on the table in the middle of the hall.

P.: Thank you. The problem is I don’t know English well enough to fill in a declaration form. 

The passenger thanked the Customs officer and added that the problem was he didn’t know English well enough to fill in a declaration form.

C.O. : There are forms in different languages. You can choose what you need.  

The Customs officer replied that there were forms in different languages and he could choose what he needed.

Упражнение 4. Передайте следующие предложения, содержащие общие вопросы,  в косвенной  речи. 

1.”Have you got a permit for duty-free importation of these goods?” the officer asked the businessman.

The officer asked the businessman whether he had got a permit for duty-free importation of those goods.

2. “Do I need to go through the Red channel?” the passenger asked.

The passenger asked if he needed to go through the Red channel.

3. “Are you feeling sick?” I asked the passenger.

I asked the passenger whether he were feeling sick.

4. “Shall I need an exit permit for this painting?” asked the owner of the art gallery.

The owner of the art gallery asked whether he should need an exit permit for that painting.

5. “Was the box full or empty?” he asked his colleague.

He asked his colleague whether the box was full or empty.

6. “Did you buy this watch in Russia or abroad?” the customs officer asked the passenger.

The customs officer asked the passenger whether he had bought that watch in Russia or abroad.

  1. “Have you got a vet certificate?” the vet inspector asked.

The vet inspector asked if he had got a vet certificate.

  1. “Do you understand the question or not?” the officer asked the Chinese tourists.

The officer asked the Chinese tourists whether they understood the question.

  1. “Are you traveling on business?” the inspector asked me.

The inspector asked me if I was traveling on business.

  1. “Will you be X-raying my camera too?” the tourist asked the officer. 

The tourist asked the officer if he would be X-raying his camera either.

Упражнение 5. Передайте следующие предложения, содержащие специальные вопросы,  в косвенной речи. 

  1. The inspector asked the captain, “What cargo are you carrying?”

The inspector asked the captain what cargo he was carrying.

  1. The passenger asked the officer, “Where can I go through the customs control?”

The passenger asked the officer where he could go through the customs control.

  1. The officer asked me, “What is the purpose of your visit?”

The officer asked me what the purpose of my visit was.

  1. The newcomer asked the inspector, “When did you seize the largest concealment of cocaine?”

The newcomer asked the inspector when he had seized the largest concealment of cocaine.

  1. Mary’s mother asked her, “Where have you put our passports?”

Mary’s mother asked her where she had put their passports.

  1. I asked the girl, “Who gave you this watch?”

I asked the girl who had given her that watch.

  1. Peter asked me, “When are we going to have the next meeting?”

Peter asked me when we were going to have the following meeting.

  1. The inspector asked the tourist, “How much do you spend on traveling per year?”

The inspector asked the tourist how much they spent on traveling per year.

  1. The officer asked me, “Where have you arrived from?”

The officer asked me where I had arrived from.

  1. Tom asked his friend, “Where will you go to get an exit permit?”

Tom asked his friend where he would go to get an exit permit.

Упражнение 6. Переведите следующие предложения  на английский язык.  


  1. Профессор спросил, кто из нас знает,  сколько лет в России существует таможенная служба.

The professor asked which of us knew how many years the Customs Service in Russia was existed.

  1. Студент поинтересовался, что означало слово «тамга».

The student wondered what the world “tamga” meant.

  1. Нам сказали, что этот департамент занимается вопросами внешней торговли уже 10 лет.

We were told that that department had been already in charge of Foreign Commerce Affaire for 10 years.

  1. Инспектор хотел знать, почему пассажир не задекларировал валюту.

The Customs officer wanted to know why the passenger hadn’t declared his currency.

  1. Я спросила у него, какие еще новости о новых тарифах были опубликованы в прессе за последнее время.

I asked him which news about new tariffs had been published for the last time.

  1. Мы спросили преподавателя, как мы сдали экзамен по уголовному праву.

We asked the tutor how we had passed the exam on criminal law.

  1. Она спросила его, поедет ли он в аэропорт встречать делегацию.

She asked him whether he would go to the airport to meet the Delegation.

  1. Турист пожаловался, что уже десять минут ищет зону таможенного контроля.

The tourist claimed that he had already been looking for the Customs Control Zone for 10 minutes.

  1. Мы спросили, как они собираются досматривать контейнеры повышенного риска.

We asked how they were going to check through high-risk cargo.

  1. Я и не знал, какие запреты и ограничения могут быть в законодательстве этой страны в отношении импорта товаров.

I didn’t know what prohibitions and limits could be in the legislation of that country towards import of goods.


Лексическая тема: «Smuggling».

Грамматическая  тема: Модальные глаголы  can (could), may (might), be able to, be allowed to. 
