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3. Consider a summary of this article written in Russian. Does it cover all the key points of the article? Write a summary in English.

Современные конституции

Автором статьи анализируются причины, по которым во многих странах конституция имеет бóльшую силу, чем обычные законы.

Принятие конституции ознаменовывает собой новый этап в истории государственности страны. При создании конституции в ней письменно закрепляются основы нового строя. Вместе с тем конституция часто становится документом, стоящим над прочими законами. Это является результатом попыток ограничить полномочия правительства. Ограничения могут распространяться либо только на порядок внесения поправок в конституцию, либо на более широкую правовую сферу: от фиксации принципов взаимодействия между ветвями власти до запрета на принятие определенных законов. Конституцией может также гарантироваться независимость отдельных общин в составе государства и разделение полномочий между правительством и органами управления этих общин. Очевидно, что число ограничений, конституционно налагаемых на правительство, зависит от социально-политических условий конкретной страны.


A résumé (or a précis) is a brief expression of the meaning of a passage in prose. It is essentially a con­densation that preserves the main thought, the style and the logical and sequential organization of the original. In a résumé, you have to preserve the author’s perspective, that is to say the author’s attitude to the issues that he touches upon, and you must not substitute your own vision of the problems raised for the author’s ideas.


  1. Read the passage very carefully to thoroughly understand its subject-matter. Remember that the complete sense of the passage must be conveyed in its résumé.

  2. Divide the original into three or more sections to preserve its essential meaning and style. Each of the sections may be dealt with separately.

  3. Write down the key points of each section.

  4. Arrange your notes in suitable paragraphs; link the paragraphs with help of the special words and phrases showing the author’s intention and purpose at each stage (‘the author argues that, the author passes on to’, etc. – see the list below).

  5. Remember that a résumé should be carefully worded and concise. Not as concise as a summary though – it should be fleshed out with some (the most illustrative) details and examples. A résumé should approximately be one third of the length of the given passage. Make an introduction and a conclusion (from the author’s perspective!); state the origin of the passage; add nothing of your own; you can only express your opinion very briefly at the very end of your résumé, after the author’s conclusion.

Words and Phrases to Use in a Résumé

When making a resume of a newspaper article, it may be helpful to keep to the following scheme and use the following link words and phrases:

1. Give the basic information about the article:

  • the title of the article is…

  • the article is headlined…

  • The author of the article is (not mentioned)…

  • The article was published in

2. State in one or two sentences the main idea of the article:

  • The article raises the problem concerning…

  • The article deals with / touches (up)on / is concerned with the issue / problem of…

  • The article includes information concerning…

  • The main / chief purpose of the article is

  1. to give the reader some information on / provide the reader with some information on…

  2. to examine certain issues / problems related to…

3. Consider the problems mentioned in greater detail:

  • In particular / More specifically, the author claims / maintains / believes / argues / holds / emphasizes / lays special emphasis on / points to the problems of / points out that / describes sth in more detail

  • The author attaches primary / paramount importance to the issue of

  • The author draws the reader’s attention to the issue of

  • According to the author,…

  • With regard / respect to the issue of / As far as the problem of sth is concerned…

  • The author goes on to say / passes on to / the next point the author makes is...

4. State the main idea more emphatically:

  • In conclusion,…

  • The author comes to / arrives at the conclusion / concludes that…

  • The evidence given / suggested / offered / provided / furnished by the author (plainly) reveals / demonstrates that…

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