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ГОУ ВПО «Красноярский государственный медицинский

университет им. проф. В.Ф. Войно-Ясенецкого» Министерства здравоохранения и социального развития Российской Федерации

Кафедра латинского и иностранных языков


методические указания к аудиторной работе студентов 1 курса очной формы обучения по специальности 060108 – «Фармация»



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Английский язык : методические указания для аудиторной работы студентов 1 курса очной формы обучения по специальности 060108 – «Фармация» / сост. Л. Г. Носова, Г. В. Юрчук – Красноярск : типография КрасГМУ, 2011. – 105 с.

Составители: Носова Л.Г., Юрчук Г.В.

Методические указания составлены в соответствии с требованиями Государственного стандарта (2000); учебный материал адаптирован к образовательным технологиям с учетом специфики обучения по специальности 060108 «Фармация»; тексты снабжены вопросами и тестовыми заданиями.

Рецензенты: доцент кафедры иностранных языков-3 ФГОУ «Сибирский Федеральный Университет», к.филол.н., Сорокина О.Н.

Доцент кафедры психологии и педагогики с курсом медицинской психологии, психотерапии и педагогики ГОУ ВПО «Красноярский государственный медицинский университет имени проф. В.Ф.Войно-Ясенецкого», к. п. н. Кононенко И.О.

Утверждено к печати ЦКМС КрасГМУ (протокол № 4 от 16.12.2009 г.)






1 курс 1 семестр......................................................................................................................


Занятие №1. «My future profession»..........................................................................


Занятие №2. «My future profession»..........................................................................


Занятие №3. «Medicine and health».........................................................................


Занятие №4. «Medical University» ..........................................................................


Занятие №5. « Medical University» .........................................................................


Занятие №6. «Medical Education in Russia»............................................................


Занятие №7. «Medical Education in Russia»............................................................


Занятие №8. «Practice in Pharmacy» .......................................................................


Занятие №9. « At the Chemist’s » ............................................................................


Занятие №10. « At the Chemist’s » ..........................................................................


Занятие №11. «Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Water ....................................................


Занятие №12. «Compounds of Sodium and Potassium » ..........................................


Занятие №13. «Compounds of Sodium and Potassium » ..........................................


Занятие №14. «Aspirin. Ether» ................................................................................


Занятие №15. «Aspirin. Ether» ................................................................................


Занятие №16. «Proteins and Amino-Acids» .............................................................


Занятие №17. «Proteins and Amino-Acids» .............................................................


Занятие №18. «Зачетное занятие»..........................................................................


1 курс 2 семестр....................................................................................................................


Занятие № 1. «The Diseases of Respiratory Tract»...................................................


Занятие № 2. «Pneumonia.Treatment».....................................................................


Занятие № 3. «Main Medicinal Forms. Medicines»..................................................


Занятие № 4. «The Diseases of Cardiovascular System» ..........................................


Занятие № 5. «The Diseases of the Coronary Arteries» ............................................


Занятие № 6. «Angina Pectoris.Treatment»..............................................................


Занятие № 7. «The Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Gastritis» ........................


Занятие № 8. «Ulcer» ..............................................................................................


Занятие № 9. «Acute Cholecystitis».........................................................................


Занятие № 10. «Acute Abdomen »...........................................................................


Занятие № 11. «Infectious Diseases» .......................................................................


Занятие № 12. «Influenza. Symptoms» ....................................................................


Занятие № 13. «Influenza.Treatment»......................................................................


Занятие № 14. «Influenza.Treatment»......................................................................


Занятие № 15. «Immunity.Asepsis» .........................................................................


Занятие № 16. «Vitamins around us» .......................................................................


Занятие № 17. «Vitamins».......................................................................................


Занятие № 18. «Зачетное занятие» .......................................................................


Занятие № 19. «Зачетное занятие». Аннотация текста........................................


Список литературы..........................................................................................................



1 курс 1 семестр

Занятие №1.

1.Тема: «My future profession»

2.Значение изучения темы – формирование коммуникативной компетенции по данной теме. Тема отражает особенности и трудности профессии.

3.Цели занятия: на основе теоретических знаний и практических умений обучающийся должен уметь читать с целью извлечения детальной информации, уметь правильно произносить тематическую лексику.

4.План изучения темы:

4.1. Исходный контроль знаний.

Agree or disagree with these statements.

-Profession of a doctor is required in all times.

-Pharmacist’s work isn’t connected with selling of drugs.

-The only duty of pharmacists is to manufacture medical preparations.

-It’s important to possess computers literacy nowadays.

-A good specialist should be in the know of all achievements in pharmacology.

4.2.Изучение нового материала.

Изучающее чтение Text G р. 47. Выписать английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний: Как тебе посчастливилось...? произносить речь, не вредить (своим) больным, бывшие студенты.

Text G. The Oath of Future Doctors

0.: Hallo! Where are you going from, Boris?

В.: Hallo, Oleg! I am returning home from the Institute. O.: Why so late?

В.: I was at the meeting.

O.: What meeting?

В.: The meeting was held1 to mark the graduation from the Institute of our sixth-year students.

O.: And how did you happen to be there? В.: I was invited (меня пригласили) to attend the meeting as a member of our Institute Committee.

O.: Tell me, please, was there anything interesting at the meeting?

В.: First of all I must say that it was a very solemn (торжественная) ceremony. Our former sixth-year students, now young specialists, looked very happy and excited.

0: Who made a speech?

B.: The rector did. While he was making his speech everybody was listening to him with great attention. You know, our rector is a brilliant speaker. I shall always remember the words of the professional oath which the young specialists were repeating after the rector. 0.: What is the essence (сущность) of this oath?

В.: The young specialists promised (обещали) to give all their strength, knowledge and abilities to people who need their help. They promised to devote all their life to the


protection of people's health, to the fight against diseases, not to do any harm to their patients. They promised to be true to their profession.

O.: Really, it is a great oath.

В.: Then one of the former sixth-year students handed over our Institute banner I (знамя) to a first-year student. When he was doing that I felt great excitement. Now I understand still better all the responsibility which I am going to take,' after my graduation, that great responsibility which my future work of a| doctor will require.

Повторение грамматического материала.

Вспомнить употребление местоимений (таблица). Ex. XIV, XV – p. 21. Семантизация нового лексического материала:

Theoretical subjects Practical training

Кnowledge of medicine То diagnose diseases То treat people

То cure

То do one's best То gain confidence Calling

То make (take) oath

Речевые упражнения Ex. VII, VIII, IX – p.32

5. Основные понятия и положения темы:

Тема «My future profession» предполагает обсуждение информации о будущей профессии. (См. Приложение №1)

In Russia hundreds of thousands of young реорlе study at different medical institutes.

Тhey study numerous theoretical and special subjects. Тhey have practical training during which they do the work of nurses and assistant doctors. Such а course of studies helps them to gain much knowledge of medicine, which will give them the possibility to diagnose different diseases and treat реорlе. А good doctor must have not on1y deep knowledge of а paticular field of medicine such as surgery or therapy. Не must give all his knowledge, аll his abilities, аll his talent, and аll his time to people, to the protection of their health.

Theoretical subjects Practical training Knowledge of medicine To diagnose diseases To treat people

To cure

To do one's best To gain confidence Calling

To make (take) oath


6.Задания для уяснения темы занятия, методики вида деятельности:

6.1.Вопросы для самоподготовки:

1.What must a good doctor know?

2.What does Prof. M.P. Konchalovsky consider?

3.What are difficulties of future profession?

4.What can you say about the motto of the future doctors (pharmacists)?

6.2.Тестовые задания по теме: Complete the following sentences:

1.Medical students have practical training during which they do the work of nurses and...

2.The course of studies helps them to gain much.... of medicine.

3.The doctor must love people and have a kind....

4.Medical students must understand well all... of their future profession.

5.A good doctor will always do his best to gain his patient’s....

Doctor's profession requires a real....

6.3.Ситуационные задачи по теме . Ex. XXIX - р.ЗО.

a)They are students. They like Anatomy best of all. At the end of the first term they have a credit test in English. At the end of the academic year they have exams in Latin, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. На каком курсе учатся эти студенты?

b)My friends study, too. They want to become doctors. They like Anatomy and Physiology best of all. They also have such subjects as Geography, Chemistry, Mathematics, Literature and others. В каком учебном заведении учатся мои друзья?

7.Список тем по УИРС, УИР:

«Доктор - это профессия или призвание?».

Приложение №1

My future profession

Medicine is a respected sphere of life. Being a doctor is a noble job and it is required in all times. Pharmacists are very helpful in medicine. It's interesting to know that in Peter I's times pharmacists were released from taxes.

A pharmacist is a specialist whose work is connected with manufacturing, preservation and selling of medical preparations. There are technologists who are responsible for preparation of medicines and analysts who maintain quality audit.

Besides pharmacist's duties are control of selling activities especially narcotic substances and they also organize and coordinate wholesaling. It's impossible to perform all these duties without medical and economic knowledge and abilities to supervise, i.e. a pharmacist must possess communication and management skills, in other words strong interpersonal skills, ability to manage a team and nowadays computer literacy.

A pharmacist is a doctor, a chemist, a psychologist, a seller and an economist taken as a whole. Like doctors they help people to treat their diseases to keep fit. They must know all medicines, their indications and contraindications, proper dosage and similar preparations. Pharmacology is a making progress now and a good specialist should be in the know of all achievements in this field of science.


1.indicationsпоказания к применению



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