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Beazley D.M.SWIG users manual.pdf
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SWIG Users Guide SWIG and Python 202


Function return typemaps



char *

%typemap(python,out) char * {


$target = PyBuild_Value(“s”,$source);






%typemap(python,out) FILE * {


$target = PyFile_FromFile($source);





Pointer handling

SWIG pointers are mapped into Python strings containing the hexadecimal value and type. The following functions can be used to create and read pointer values .

SWIG Pointer Conversion Functions

void SWIG_MakePtr(char *str, void *ptr,

Makes a pointer string and saves it

char *type)

in str, which must be large enough


to hold the result. ptr contains the


pointer value and type is the string


representation of the type.



char *SWIG_GetPtr(char *str, void **ptr,

Attempts to read a pointer from the

char *type)

string str. ptr is the address of the


pointer to be created and type is the


expected type. If type is NULL,


then any pointer value will be


accepted. On success, this function


returns NULL. On failure, it returns


the pointer to the invalid portion of


the pointer string.



These functions can be used in typemaps. For example, the following typemap makes an argument of “char *buffer” accept a pointer instead of a NULL-terminated ASCII string.

%typemap(python,in) char *buffer { PyObject *o;

char *str;

if (!PyString_Check(o)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,”not a string”); return NULL;


str = PyString_AsString(o);

if (SWIG_GetPtr(str, (void **) &$target, “$mangle”)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,”not a pointer”); return NULL;



Note that the $mangle variable generates the type string associated with the datatype used in the typemap.

Version 1.1, June 24, 1997