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Карташова А.В. «Перевод в сфере делового общения». Учебное пособие, 2010 год

23) to allot extensive budget

58) to be segmented

24) to expose to a brand name

59) product positioning

25) direct mail

60) profit margin

26) personal selling

61) consumer movement

27) concentrated market

62) reputable product

28) general consumption

63) scrutiny of a product

29) sales representative

64) legitimacy of warranty

30) unit value

65) product performance

31) customized application

66) ecological concern

32) to negotiate price

67) to affect

33) to arrange terms of payment

68) sound marketing programme

34) sales promotion

69) reduction in sales

35) self-service environment


Activity 2. Insert necessary words used in the text.

1.Something that is ……… is strong and lasts a long time without breaking or becoming weaker.

2.If one thing is ……… by another, the effect of the first thing is reduced by the second, so that any advantage or disadvantage is cancelled out.

3.If something is ………, its quality is judged, and it is often given a number or a name that indicates how good or bad it is.

4.Something, especially something bad, that is ……… is present or felt throughout a place or thing.

5.The ……… of a product is its quality, especially when this has been officially judged.

6.……… is the activity of selling goods direct to the public, usually in small quantities. Compare wholesale.

7.A ……… is an attempt to make a product or event popular or successful, especially by advertising.

8.……… is a method of marketing which involves companies sending advertising material directly to people who they think may be interested in their products.

9.To ……… something means to improve its value, quality, or attractiveness.

10.……… is the state of being no longer needed because something newer or more efficient has been invented.

Activity 3. Fill the gaps in the sentences below with words from this


Карташова А.В. «Перевод в сфере делового общения». Учебное пособие, 2010 год

commercials competes design distribution end-users hire purchase image labels mail order materials newspaper advertisements opportunities outlets place posters price product promotion public relations radio spots rival satisfy strengths threats weaknesses

1.What is «the marketing mix»?

The marketing mix consists of «the four Ps»: providing the customer with

the right ________ at the right ________, presented in the most attractive way (________) and available in the easiest way (________).

2.What is «a product»?

A product is not just an assembled set of components: it is something cus-

tomers buy to ________ a need they feel they have. The ________ and the ________ of the product are as important as its specification.

3.What is «price»?

The product must be priced so that it ________ effectively with ________

products in the same market.

4.What is «promotion»?

The product is presented to customers through advertising (e.g. TV

________, ________, ________, ________), packaging (e.g. design,

________, ________), publicity, P.R. (________) and personal selling.

5.What is «place»?

Your product must be available to customers through the most cost-

effective channels of ________. A consumer product must be offered to

________ in suitable retail ________, or available on ________ or by


6.What is meant by «S.W.O.T.»?

A firm must be aware of its ________ and ________ and the ________

and ________ it faces in the market place.

Activity 4. Fill the gaps in these sentences with the words from the box.



























Карташова А.В. «Перевод в сфере делового общения». Учебное пособие, 2010 год

If you want to be a successful negotiator and salesperson you should ...

1.Know your ________ and its main features.

2.Know the strengths and ________ of competing products.

3.Find out who makes the ________ decisions in your client's firm.

4.Plan each sales interview ________ it takes place.

5.Match what you're selling to each client's ________and needs.

6.Listen to what your ________ tells you.

7.Remember that each client is an ________, not a number.

Activity 5. Read this article and try to agree what the terms «debating» and «bargaining» refer to.

A much simplified view of what goes on in a negotiation says that there are Four Main Phases of Negotiation:

1.The preparation phase: this is where you work out what you want and which are the main priorities.

2.The debating phase: during this phase you try to find out what the other side or the customer wants. Say what you want but do not say what the final conditions are yet. Use open questions and listen to your customer. Try to find out in what areas the other side may be prepared to move.

3.The proposal phase: this is the point at which you suggest some of the things you could trade or which you might be prepared to trade. Formulate your proposals in the form of if..., then ... .Be patient and listen to the other side's proposals.

4.The bargaining phase: this is the period or part where you indicate what it is you will actually trade. Here you exchange conditionally in turn particular points, if..., then ... . Remember to write down the agreement.

Answer these questions:

1.When do you use expressions in the form of if..., then ...?

2.When do you suggest some of the things you might be prepared to trade?

3.Why should you be patient and listen to the other side's proposals?

4.When do you work out what you want and which are the main priorities?

5.What should you not forget to do in a negotiation?

6.What sort of questions should you use in the early phases?

7.Why do you think that is?

8.In what phase do you suggest things you are ready to trade?

Activity 6. Translate the given sentences into English and use the

Карташова А.В. «Перевод в сфере делового общения». Учебное пособие, 2010 год

necessary words and expressions from the previous activities.

ЦЕПОЧКА ЦЕННОСТИ, совокупность видов деятельности фирмы (основных и поддерживающих), направленных на создание потребительской ценности, благодаря которой покупатель приобретает товар или услугу.

Основными видами являются: логистика на входе, производственный процесс, логистика на выходе, маркетинг, сервисные службы.

Логистика на входе включает: прием от поставщиков, складирование, отпуск со склада, управление запасами, контроль за качеством, возврат поставщикам сырья неудовлетворительного качества.

Производственный процесс подразумевает непосредственную трансформацию сырья и материалов в конечный продукт путем машинной обработки, сборки, упаковки, тестирования качества, и, если необходимо, других операций.

Логистика на выходе включает: хранение и отпуск со склада готовой продукции, обработку заказов, доставку готовой продукции заказчику.

Маркетинг, цель которого состоит в том, чтобы покупатель приобрел данный товар, занимается рекламой, прямыми продажами, выбором каналов товаропродвижения, управлением взаимоотношений внутри канала товародвижения, ценообразованием.

В функции сервисной службы, стремящейся сделать товар более привлекательным после его продажи, входит: установка проданного товара, ремонт, тестирование товара на месте, поставка запасных частей, корректировка товара в соответствии с индивидуальными запросами покупателя.

С помощью поддерживающих видов деятельности осуществляются управление закупками, научно-исследовательские разработки, управление персоналом, разработка инфраструктуры.

Управление закупками включает: покупку и закупку сырья, а также другие операции по управлению активами.

Научно-исследовательские разработки, направленные на создание ноу-хау фирмы, эффективных технологий, обеспечивают поступательное движение фирмы.

Весьма важным звеном цепочки является также управление персоналом, в который входит: отбор персонала, продвижение успешных работников, определение места работника и оценка его деятельности, вознаграждение персонала, внедрение новых технологий управления персоналом, контроль взаимоотношений работодателей и служащих.

Без разветвленной инфраструктуры не может существовать даже небольшая фирма. Вот почему ее созданию и развитию уделяется большое внимание. Инфраструктура включает: высшее руководство фирмы, отдел планирования, финансовый отдел, бухгалтерия, юридический отдел, отдел

Карташова А.В. «Перевод в сфере делового общения». Учебное пособие, 2010 год

по развитию общественных связей, службы управления качеством. «НОУ-ХАУ» (англ. know-how, букв. – знаю как), документально

оформленные и охраняемые законодательством технические знания, опыт, навыки, секреты производства. Их передача оговаривается при заключении лицензионных соглашений и др. договоров.

ЛОГИСТИКА (от англ. logistics – материально-техническое снабжение), в предпринимательстве – контроль за всеми видами деятельности, связанными с закупкой ресурсов для производства и доставкой готовой продукции покупателю, включая необходимое информационное обеспечение этих процессов. Логистика также координирует взаимоотношения всех членов системы снабжения и распределения. К непосредственным функциям логистики относятся: транспортировка, складирование, сбор заказов, распределение продукции, упаковка, сервисное обслуживание.

Система логистики включает логистику на входе и логистику на выходе. Первая управляет всеми операциями с сырьем и материалами, начиная с выбора поставщика и заканчивая возвратом некачественного сырья; вторая контролирует распределение готовой продукции, включая ее доставку конечному потребителю.

Логистика используется участниками каналов товародвижения для снижения издержек, повышения качества обслуживания покупателей и поддержания объема запасов на складе на минимальном необходимом уровне.

Карташова А.В. «Перевод в сфере делового общения». Учебное пособие, 2010 год


Money, any medium of exchange that is widely accepted in payment for goods and services and in settlement of debts. Money also serves as a standard of value for measuring the relative worth of different goods and services. The number of units of money required to buy a commodity is the price of the commodity. The monetary unit chosen as a measure of value need not, however, be used widely, or even at all, as a medium of exchange. During the colonial period in America, for example, Spanish currency was an important medium of exchange, while the British pound served as the standard of value.


The functions of money as a medium of exchange and a measure of value greatly facilitate the exchange of goods and services and the specialization of production. Without the use of money, trade would be reduced to barter, or the direct exchange of one commodity for another; this was the means used by primitive peoples, and barter is still practiced in some parts of the world.


The most important types of money are commodity money, credit money, and fiat money. The value of commodity money is about equal to the value of the material contained in it. The principal materials used for this type of money have been gold, silver, and copper. In ancient time, various articles made of these metals, as well as of iron and bronze, were used as money, while among primitive peoples such commodities as shells, beads, elephant tusks, furs, skins and livestock served as mediums of exchange. Credit money is paper backed by promises by the issuer, whether a government or a bank, to pay an equivalent value in the standard monetary metal. Paper money that is not redeemable in any other type of money and the value of which is fixed merely by government edict is known as fiat money.

Both the fiat and credit forms of money are generally made acceptable through a government decree that all creditors must take the money in settlement of debts; the money is then referred to as legal tender. If the supply of paper money is not excessive in relation to the needs of trade and industry and the people feel confident that this situation will continue, the currency is likely to be generally acceptable and to be relatively stable in value.


The basic money of a country, into which other forms of money may be

Карташова А.В. «Перевод в сфере делового общения». Учебное пособие, 2010 год

converted and which determines the value of other kinds of money, is called standard money. The monetary standard of a nation refers to the type of standard money used in the monetary system. Modern, standards have been either commodity standards, in which either gold or silver has been chiefly used as standard money, or fiat standards, consisting of inconvertible currency paper units. The principal types of gold standard are the gold-coin standard; the gold-bullion standard consisting of a specified quantity of gold; and the gold-exchange standard, under which the currency is convertible into the currency of some other country on the gold standard. The gold-bullion standard was used in Great Britain from 1925 to 1931, while a number of Latin American countries have used the dollar-exchange standard. Silver standards have been used in modern times chiefly in the Orient. Also, a bimetallic standard has been used in some countries, under which either gold or silver coins were the standard currency. Such systems were rarely successful, largely because of Gresham's law.

Most monetary systems of the world at the present tune are fiat systems; they do not allow free convertibility of the currency into a metallic standard. Modern systems are also described, as managed currencies, because the value of the currency units depends to a considerable extent on government management and policies. Internally the monetary system of the United States contains many elements of managed currency; although gold coinage is no longer permitted, gold may be owned, traded, or used for industrial purposes.


Credit, or the use of a promise to pay in the future, is an invaluable supplement to money today. Most of the business transactions in the United States use credit instruments rather than currency. Bank deposits are commonly included in the monetary structure of a country; the term money supply denotes currency in circulation plus bank deposits.

The real value of money is determined by its purchasing power, which in turn depends on the level of commodity prices. Experience has shown, however, that equally important in determining the price level are the speed of turnover of money and the volume of production of goods and services. The volume and speed of turnover of bank deposits are also significant.


A payment is the transfer of wealth from one party (such as a person or company) to another. A payment is usually made in exchange for the provision of goods, services, or both, or to fulfill a legal obligation.

The simplest and oldest form of payment is barter, the exchange of one

Карташова А.В. «Перевод в сфере делового общения». Учебное пособие, 2010 год

good or service for another. In the modern world, common means of payment by an individual include money, check, debit, credit, or bank transfer, and in trade such payments are frequently preceded by an invoice or result in a receipt. However, there are no arbitrary limits on the form a payment can take and thus in complex transactions between businesses, payments may take the form of stock or other more complicated arrangements.

In law, the payer is the party making a payment while the payee is the party receiving the payment.


There are two types of payment methods; exchanging and provisioning. Exchanging is to change coin, money and banknote in terms of the price. Provisioning is to transfer money from one account to another. In this method a third party must be involved. Credit card, debit card, money transfers, and recurring cash or ACH disbursements are all electronic payments methods. Electronic payments technologies are magnetic stripe card, smartcard, contactless card and mobile handset. Mobile handset based payments are called mobile payments.


Payments may be classified by the number of parties involved to consummate a transaction. For example, a credit card transaction in the United States requires a minimum of four parties (the purchaser, the seller, the issuing bank, and the acquiring bank). A cash payment requires a minimum of three parties (the seller, the purchaser, and the issuer of the currency). A barter payment requires a minimum of two parties (the purchaser and the seller).


The infrastructure and electronic clearing methods are formed by the payment provider. Global credit card payment providers are Visa and Mastercard. Japan Credit Bureau (JCB) is a payment provider for Japanese market. Maestro and Cirrus are international debit card payment providers.

A debit card (also known as a bank card) is a plastic card which provides an alternative payment method to cash when making purchases. Functionally, It can be called an electronic check, as the funds are withdrawn directly from either the bank account (often referred to as a check card), or from the remaining balance on the card. In some cases, the cards are designed exclusively for use on the Internet, and so there is no physical card.

The use of debit cards has become wide-spread in many countries and has overtaken the cheque, and in some instances cash transactions by volume. Like credit cards, debit cards are used widely for telephone and Internet

Карташова А.В. «Перевод в сфере делового общения». Учебное пособие, 2010 год


In the U.S., debit cards are the fastest growing payment technology. In 2001, debit cards accounted for 9 percent of all purchase transactions, and this is expected to double to 18.82 percent in 2011.

A cheque (spelled «check» in American English) is a negotiable instrument instructing a financial institution to pay a specific amount of a specific currency from a specified demand account held in the maker/depositor's name with that institution. Both the maker and payee may be natural persons or legal entities.

Historically, checks have been one of the primary means of payment for purchasing goods and services in the U.S. In 2001, checks accounted for 25 percent of the U.S.-based payment mix; in 2006, this is projected at 17 percent.

Cheques generally contain:

1)place of issue;

2)cheque number;

3)date of issue;


5)amount of currency;

6)signature of the drawer;

7)routing/account number in MICR format – in the U.S., the routing number is a nine-digit number in which the first 4 digits identifies the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank's cheque-processing center. This is followed by digits 5 through 8, identifying the specific bank served by that cheque-processing center. Digit 9 is a verification digit, computed using a complex algorithm of the previous 8 digits. The account number is assigned independently by the various banks.

8)fractional routing number (U.S. only) – also known as the transit number, consists of a denominator mirroring the first 4 digits of the routing number. And a hyphenated numerator, also known as the ABA number, in which the first part is a city code (1–49), if the account is in one of 49 specific cities, or a state code (50–99) if it is not in one of those specific cities; the second part of the hyphenated numerator mirrors the 5th through 8th digits of the routing number with leading zeros removed.

Cash payments occur at the time of payment. This is the easy case, but payments in other forms can be trickier. Payment also occurs when the taxpayer transfers property or performs services in lieu of making a cash payment. Payment by check is deemed to occur when the check is delivered, as long as the check is honored (оплатить чек) on presentation by the payee. Postdated checks, however, are not considered payment when delivered. Generally, payment by credit card occurs at the point of the sale and not when the taxpayer is billed by the credit card company or when the taxpayer

Карташова А.В. «Перевод в сфере делового общения». Учебное пособие, 2010 год

pays the bill.

Wire transfer is a method of transferring money from one entity to another. A wire transfer can be made from one entity's bank account to the other entity's bank account, and by a transfer of cash at a cash office.

Although the genesis of the idea dates as far back as the giro, the modern wire transfer was a product of the telegraph companies, which made it possible to wire a money order from one office to another. Later, it became possible to wire money between banks, which is essentially the same process as the giro. Therefore, the term giro is still used for it in many other European countries.

Bank wire transfers are often the most expedient method for transferring funds between bank accounts. A bank wire transfer is effected as follows:

The person wishing to do a transfer (or someone who he has appointed and empowered financially to act on his behalf) goes to the bank and gives the bank the order to transfer a certain amount of money. IBAN and BIC code are given as well so the bank knows where the money needs to be sent to.

The sending bank transmits a message, via a secure system (such as SWIFT) or Fedwire), to the receiving bank, requesting that it effect payment according to the instructions given.

The message also includes settlement instructions. The actual transfer is not instantaneous: funds may take several hours or even days to move from the sender's account to the receiver's account.

Either the banks involved must hold a reciprocal account with each other, or the payment must be sent to a bank with such an account, a correspondent bank, for further benefit to the ultimate recipient.


Activity 1. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions used in the text.


medium (~a) of exchange



overvalued silver


settlement of a debt



at a ratio


standard of value



bank transfer


price of the commodity





measure of value



credit/debit/magnetic stripe/smart


to facilitate the exchange of



~/contactless card


goods and services



recurring cash





ACH disbursement


commodity money



electronic payments method


credit money



mobile payment


fiat money



to consummate a transaction

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